Even if I knew it, I would not talk to him.

There are eight boundless sword Qi in his sky measuring ruler. Judging from the avoidance speed of the green foot snake king, the boundless sword Qi may not be effective. After all, it's not made by himself. It's made by the sky measuring ruler. It's easy to delay when you move.

"Human beings only have boundless sword Qi, but they don't cultivate boundless sword Qi.

Today's human beings can no longer cultivate their boundless original Qi. Ha ha, do you dare to scare my old man? " The green footed snake king smiles slyly and insidiously, but his body doesn't mean to move.

"If you don't believe it, you can try.

Xia Jue smiles, standing there like a perfect statue, full of confidence.

The green foot snake king saw that Xia Jue was injured, and his sword spirit was dead, but the crafty green foot snake king didn't want to take risks.

His eyes fell on the four fingernail green foot snakes, and the cackle came out of the king's mouth. The green foot snake shook its head, which was very humanized, but the king's creak was very loud.

The green footed snake king launched fiercely, and then reached the sky of the big green footed snake. The huge blood basin snake opened its mouth and suddenly swallowed the big green footed snake.

It's really easy for the king of green foot snake to swallow more than four big green foot snakes.

Xia Jue silently looked at what happened in front of him and knew that it was the green legged snake king demonstrating.

After killing the chicken and showing the monkey, I'm afraid every snake dare not disobey his orders.

Sure enough, after the green footed snake king swallowed his disobedient subordinates, there was another sound, and a big green footed snake appeared, slowly coming to Xiajue.

Xia Jue screamed secretly. Just now he scared away the snakes with his boundless sword power. At this time, he was really weak.

Just now, the boundless Qi of the sword was not produced by oneself. It needs the support of one's own Qi and spiritual strength. The necessary Qi can surpass one's own.

At this time, Xia Jue really worked in waiqiang middle school. Although he tried to wake up, he still couldn't recover soon.

More than two feet of green foot snake is also very cunning. It turns around Xiajue twice and tests twice. Later, there is a strange change line in the air, and Xiajue can't lock him.

Xia Jue was still calm on the surface, and his ruler was sometimes pointed out that as long as the ruler pointed to which, which group of snakes would panic and flee like ebb tide.

The attacking green footed snake, under the urging of the green footed snake king, suddenly jumps out and attacks Xia Jue with his teeth open.

Xia Jue did not move.

One is that he is really tired.

The other is because he knows it's inevitable.

Even if they managed to avoid it, they would let the crafty green foot snake king know that he was the last one in the crossbow.

It's better to take a sharp hit on the spot quietly.

Because he still has the quantity in his hand.

However, Xia Jue underestimated the intelligence index and cunning of the green foot snake. It seemed that it was going to swallow itself up. The bloody mouth was not far from Xia Jue's head, but the green foot snake unexpectedly twisted its body. Instead, the snake's tail attacked first and wrapped around Xia Jue's body. In an instant,

the green foot snake bit Xia Jue's white shoulder, and the teeth deeply bit into it.

Xia Jue's shoulder soon became dark green, and it was obvious that the poison began to invade.

Xia Jue felt dizzy and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't open the green foot snake's tough body.

Will you die here? I'm not reconciled.

But suddenly there was an abnormal change, the body of the green foot snake suddenly atrophied, and for a moment, the flesh and blood seemed to be inhaled by something.

In addition, in the air, like orchids, musk, the air is filled with any smell can not say the smell.

In the blink of surprise, Xia Jue changed from a big green foot snake with the thickness of a bucket to a dry snake skin full of scales, which hung on Xia Jue's body.

The skin surface of Xia Jue's body was dyed green, emitting a strange smell.

Xia Jue realized that he could not move for a moment, but his exhausted Qi was so powerful that he was more satisfied than his heyday Qi.

The smell of musk deer filled the air. All the snakes rioted and rushed to Xiajue crazily.

The remaining two big green legged snakes also waved their heavy tails, slapped a small green legged snake around on the spot and fired at Xia Jue.

The eyes of the green footed snake king also have a greedy face. After all, he has practiced for several years than other green footed snakes, so there is a question in his eyes. I don't know why Xia Jue's breath wants to devour him.

In addition, the loneliness of fear in this good smell is the natural pressure of the superior monster on the inferior monster. Although Xia Jue's body is mixed with human blood, this pressure has the impulse to turn around and run away.

However, in the end, the green foot snake king chose to swallow Xia Jue.

That's because it's too tempting for him.

He jumped out, over all the green footed snakes, and came to Xiajue's sky.

The thick tail of the green foot snake king is very soft, and the shadow sinks, clearing the obstacles around Xia Jue.The two big green footed snakes just launched were blown away by the king of green footed snakes.

The green footed snake king obviously learned the lesson that the big green footed snake used snake venom to attack Xia Jue. Without poison, Xia Jue, who could not move like lightning, was entangled together. Suddenly, Xia Jue was buried in the fat body of the green footed snake king and could not even see his toes.

"I was born to strangle you.

If you die, your flesh and blood will be mine.

Ha ha... "

The king of green foot snake swindled very much. Because he was afraid of being the same as the big green foot snake, he killed Xia Jue first and then cooked Xia Jue slowly.

But he's doomed to lose count.

It turned out that he thought Xia Jue was firmly locked in his own thick snake.

If he didn't mind the inexplicable blood power in Xiajue's body, he would swallow Xiajue into his stomach.

The body felt tingling, initially just a little, then began to spread. The sharp pain caused the area between the two nails of the stomach to spread around. The pain was not felt for several years.

In order to know that the green foot snake king is strong, the defense ability of scales is not much different from that of the dragon people in legend.

The green foot snake king thinks that he is the characteristic of the Dragon royal family and the five clawed dragon family, so he is confident that he can withstand the attack of all the magic weapons below the immortal treasure. Even if he is thought to be able to eliminate all the boundless sword Qi, he may not be able to use the sword to destroy the body's defense.

But now Xiajue is produced with a ruler and inserted into the body of the green legged snake king.

Measuring Tianchi, he continued to probe into the body of the green footed snake king, most of which entered Xia Jue's arm.

"You are so fat.

Master, if you are a mature person who hasn't slept, can you feel the delicious snake meat? " Xia Jue clenched his teeth.

Under the pain of the green legged snake king, his body contracted, and his great strength almost crushed Xia Jue's blood.

However, no matter how curled up the green foot snake king's body was, Xia Jue's body was tenaciously supported.

The internal organs are about to be crushed, Xia Jue is still supporting.

Then, he's still attacking.

Using Tianchi to dig the green foot snake king's body indomitably.

The green footed snake king's body is really too big. He dug a big blood hole with Xia juesheng's measuring ruler and bathed his whole body in blood. He walked away from the green footed snake king's roll and entered the blood hole.

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