In this way, the green foot snake king is miserable.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't sneak into his body to attack.

Unable to practice magic, he is one of the variant dragons and snakes, and relies on the nourishment of the pale sword Qi in the main hall.

For thousands of years, it has changed from a grass snake to a clawed dragon snake. After all, it is not a natural monster.

So it's only when you're the enemy.

Xia Jue entered the green footed snake king's body without any method. He waved a measuring ruler and hit it in disorder. In each hit, the green footed snake king twisted his body painfully on the ground and rolled up and down. The little green footed snakes below grew blood mold. I don't know how many of them were killed when their king was born.

"Come out, man! Surrender! Ask for forgiveness! I can be your guardian monster! The king of green footed snakes cried out and begged for mercy in pain.

However, Xia Jue had come to kill the green foot snake king.

Now Xia Jue is too weak. He can only attack the green foot snake king with the magic and hardness of Tianchi.

The Zhenyuan in the body is almost supported and exploded, but the Zhenyuan absorbed from the four legged green snake can't be called out for the time being. The meridians feel rich, but it can't exert any power.

I don't know how long the thick green foot snake king twisted. The huge snake tail pulled down three stone pillars. The green foot snake killed and injured many people. The green foot snake king gradually stopped moving.

There were snake bodies all around, and there was a strange air of death in the air.

The green foot snake king died, but Xia Jue, who sneaked into his body, didn't come out. It seemed that he died together.

However, the green footed snake king occasionally saw wriggling, and sometimes stole all kinds of light from it. He found that Xia Jue was not dead. On the contrary, he practiced in the green footed snake king by borrowing the vast original Qi of the snake king.

Three days later, Xia Jue came out of the body of the green legged snake king. His body was covered with blood and the smell was incomparable.

In Xia Jue's self-made life, the head size inner elixir was shining with this black light. The vast natural gas buried in it was very strong. It vaguely turned into several whirlwinds in the inner elixir, and the wind was like a cloud.

Xia Jue looked at Da Nei Dan with satisfaction. As the old man said, it's really suitable for him.

Now Xia Jue finds that Zhenyuan is much more overbearing than Zhenqi.

As far as the realm of cultivation is concerned, it is usually only when each department is modified to a place far away from itself that the true Qi can gradually condense in the body and become the true yuan. The inner alchemy of these green foot snakes of a certain size that Xiajue met in the main hall has already formed the true yuan, and Xiajue's body absorbs the true yuan into his own body.

Through the true yuan of demon Dan, you can make him an environment.

Xia Jue is very happy. Look at his body. Now the meridians have expanded several times. The speed and quantity of flow in the real meridians are not the same.

Every time he raised his hand, he felt more powerful than ever.

His boundary is still the peak of the boundary of the combination, but his strength has far exceeded his own.

When Xia Jue saw the snake king Neidan as big as his head, he was a little sorry. He knew how much boundless Qi there was, but he didn't dare to absorb it.

One is that the real quantity is really terrible.

He didn't absorb that amount.

Another reason is that the cultivation method he can do now is suitable for using the original Qi.

Now he's a little weak.

The most urgent thing now is for Xia Jue to find a cultivation method suitable for his own state at this time.

Wen Tian Jing may be a good choice. Yun Haolei said that Xia Jue couldn't tell him Wen Tian Jing before he reached the realm of blood drop.

Now Xia Jue also knows how far away he is from the environment where he is dripping blood. He is thirsty for asking the book of heaven.

Xia Jue's snake king Neidan walks into the shadow ring and sees the corpses of snakes all over the ground. He walks beside the two dead four green legged snakes and cuts the stomachs of the four green legged snakes with the measuring ruler as a sharp sword. He takes Neidan out of the stomachs of the four green legged snakes.

The inner elixir of the four legged green footed snake is much smaller than that of the green footed snake king, but it also includes Daliang's vast natural Qi, which is a good thing for Xia Jue at this stage.

Xia Jue thought about it, then went to the green foot snake king and began to dissect the snake king's body. He didn't want any meat, but the skeleton was taken by Xia Jue.

Now that he has repaired it, he is still at the top of the combination, but the concentration of true elements in his body is much stronger than true elements, so as long as he calls some true elements, he can easily control the vitality of fire system, properly roast the snake meat of snake king's skeleton, and let it fall off.

But Xia Jue still felt that he could not control Zhenyuan.

Because when he called Zhenyuan in his body, he couldn't control the more violent Zhenyuan than Zhenqi due to the relationship between the skills, and accidentally burned the bones of the green foot snake king black.

After disposing of the green foot snake king's corpse, Xia Jue takes off his blood stained scholar's robe and red stick. He uses Huiling root to coagulate the vitality of the surrounding water system, forming a small dark cloud on his head. He washes all his blood stains with rain.

From the shadow ring, Xia Jue takes out a beautiful white shirt. He is a son with a good style.Xia Jue cleans up and advances to the interior of the main hall.

Now Xia Jue found that the main hall was not as big as what he saw outside.

Moreover, the space inside is too large, and the main hall itself seems to expand according to the law of space.

He found that he had just walked around, and what really mattered was inside.

It's impossible to pass forward.

When the old man about his height came in, he gave a strong impression of Xia Jue. I knew that he could not pass through the boundless sword Qi left in front of the main hall, so the detour direction was a good choice.

Move on, there's a side hall ahead.

This side hall seems to be no different from the size of a normal house. Xia Jue wants to go in, but he notices that he pushes himself out with invisible force. When he sees the side hall, he can't get in. Xia Jue is a little disappointed.

Xia Jue tried to find a measuring ruler, but he was still hindered by his soft power. After many attempts, Xia Jue knew what kind of border like power was outside the side hall, which could not be interpreted with his current practice.

Now Xia Jue really finds that he is too stupid for Xiuxian.

For example, when facing the border, I just look at it, but I have no clue to interpret it.

Xia Jue finally gave up and entered the front side hall, but I felt that there was something good waiting for me.

He walked around the palace. In the courtyard behind the palace, he saw a dark well. He went to the deep well, but it was not the deep well, but the entrance. There were countless steps in front of him. He didn't know where to go. Xia Jue's white eyes couldn't see the end, and the fog was thick.

Xia Jue hesitated for a moment, vaguely felt that there was any danger below.

However, the word "calf is not afraid of tiger" is the state of Xia Jue at this time.

He just hesitated for some time to breathe and walked down the stairs step by step.

The stairs were unexpectedly long, and there was no light around.

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