Xia Jue barehanded raised the flame from his palm and illuminated the surroundings.

This is a long underpass. There are all kinds of carvings on both sides of the inner wall of the underpass, such as wired carvings, flat carvings, relief carvings, etc. the contents are mostly figures, birds, animals, flowers and birds, fish and insects, etc. Xia Jue's feeling about these carvings is just for decoration, and there is no vitality of heaven and earth at all. However, the main hall of this hall has its original corridor.

Maybe it's a little bit of time, the front is finally over.

On the flat ground, there are hard walls made of huge stones on both sides. The ground is also paved with huge stones. There is no moisture, no smell of decay.

Then go forward, the day suddenly dawned, what a vast square, look at the scale of the square, can accommodate about 10000 people gathered here.

Xia Jue was surprised to see everything in front of him. He couldn't imagine entering the vast square through the narrow passage.

In such a large square, only 13 huge statues stand, each of which is tens of feet.

In addition to the shape of humans, there are also the shapes of beasts.

Among them is the five clawed Golden Dragon.

Xia Jue also seems to be particularly unsuitable for the image of the five clawed Golden Dragon in the world.

The glittering scales give a vicious impression. How can you feel like the king of green foot snake? Xia Jue saw other statues again and found that the arrangement of the thirteen statues was very particular.

One of the yellow robes is obviously the emperor's huge human statue in the middle, and the other 12 statues are arranged left and right. The image of six animals looks like six animals protecting the emperor's statue.

Xia Jue went under the statue and felt that it was too small compared with himself.

Looking up at the huge stone sculptured statue like a hill, I sigh about the size of the project.

Xia Jue looked up at the sky, just as he looked up at the sky outside the main hall.

The blue of the sky is still, even the air does not flow.

No wind, no clouds.

It's like being in a painting.

Radiating from the square to the surrounding, there are three trunk roads parallel to four carriages in three directions. Which shops and dwellings are on both sides of the trunk road? Suddenly, the city is in front of us, an ancient city with ancient style.

Xia Jue turned around and found that the corridor he had passed was gone. There was a huge palace in front of him, which turned out to be a complete version of Jinding hall.

Xia Jue opened his mouth, and the scene in front of him exceeded his cognition.

I came in from the corridor like a deep well. Why did I become the Jinding hall?

Hesitated for a moment, Xia Jue climbed up to pick up the leak and walked to the main hall.

The staircase in front of the hall is very wide, with 20 feet long and about 1000 steps. The height of the staircase alone is more than 200 feet.

Along the stairs, before Xiajue arrived at the main hall step by step, he did not rush in, but looked back on the square and the whole city centered on the square.

Dense houses and pavilions show that the city is a very prosperous city. It is just a dead silence, and there is no living thing in it. It's very strange.

Xia Jue stands on the main hall and looks down at the magnificent urban landscape.

Suddenly, a very sudden voice came from behind Xia Jue.

"Do young people feel that the city in front of them is magnificent and spectacular?"

It was a very old voice, as old as he might be out of breath at any time.

Xia Jue is very dark. Who can appear behind Xia Jue so quietly? Xia Jue quickly turned around and looked at the very old man with white beard and bony body. He was wearing very old animal skin clothes. He didn't know how many years the old man hadn't worn clothes. He felt that his clothes had completely integrated with his body.

Xia Jue stepped back two steps with great vigilance, pretended to be very vigilant and said, "when will this old man come behind Xia Jue?"

The old man did not look at Xia Jue, but looked at the restored city and the thirteen statues in front of the palace with a very attached and reminiscent eye.

"I don't remember when.

I've been here for years.

Yes, I'm old and I don't have a good memory.

Young man, are you brought by the sword demon? "

When Xia Jue heard what the old man said, he immediately remembered what the old man said. His other grandfather lived together on this relic.

Xia Jue asked: "is the old man the grandfather of sword demon?"

"I'm his grandfather, too.

I raised the sword demon and taught him how to practice, but I have no blood relationship with him. On the contrary, he should remove the seeds of evil from me.

The old man's voice was not high, and his speech was calm, but Xia Jue heard the hatred from his voice.

It's a hatred that can't be wiped out in a hundred years.

Xia Jue looks at the old man warily. The old man doesn't show any hostility. At first glance, Xia Jue and the sword devil seem to be different. But since he is hostile to the sword devil, he must defend the old man in front of him.

The old man didn't seem to feel Xia Jue's warning and hostility to him. "Young man, don't you want to hear a story?" I said it myself.Said Xia Jue with a shrug.

"In this case, it's no use not to listen to Xia Jue.

The old man's arm is really too big. Now I find that I can't call out any real breath or real yuan. In front of you, I'm just a chick making any resistance. "

Xia Jue just called for the vitality of heaven and earth, but he didn't respond. He didn't know whether it was the old man's means or whether his main hall had the effect of isolating heaven and earth.

"Young people, don't worry. Listen slowly."

As soon as the old man waved his hand, he saw two chairs on the table. There was a teapot and two teacups on the table. When he heard the smell of Xia Jue, the very refreshing fragrance of tea came out of the teapot.

Mr. Luo asked to sit down. She sat on the chair. Xia Jue looked at him, but he couldn't sit on the chair opposite him.

"Do you know where we are?"

Xia Jue said, "is this a relic of an ancient dynasty?"

The old man nodded.

"Good guess.

The name of this dynasty is Huangfu Dynasty.

The first founding emperor of this dynasty was Huangfu. Huangfu is his name and his surname. It is the best image of the emperor in the square. "

From the old man's eyes, from the perspective of this hall, there are 13 statues, each of which is like the height of an ordinary person. Just from this point of view, the loss of family name in the mountain stronghold is like the temperament of all the statues shown by the vivid facial expressions and uncanny means.

"the other 12 statues are the 12 meritorious officials established by the Huangfu Dynasty in this year The old lady was one of the twelve meritorious officials of the year, and was the descendant of yuan Guangxiu, the Minister of the neck.

It's a pity that our children and grandchildren didn't preserve the inheritance left by our ancestors and were finally destroyed by us. "

The old man gave a quiet sigh, in which he had endless regrets.

Xia Jue sat opposite him and listened silently. He didn't know what the old man's intention was. He felt that he had no malice, just like the old man at dusk nagging his past story.

Xia Jue took the teapot on the table and poured a cup for the old man and himself.

But Xia Jue felt very strange.

Because Xia Jue couldn't feel it when he poured the tea.

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