Just at this time, the youth appeared in front of you and me. "

"Dad has no other ability, but I still have a little insight to know people, so I'm going to leave the ruins of Huangfu imperial city to you."

"Children of mankind, don't be deceived by his lies.

He is a real liar.

Suddenly there is a very big and bright sound reverberating in this nihilistic space. The sound is as loud as thunder in the whole space.

Suddenly there was lightning in the sky, and the thunderbolt lit up somewhere in the void.

The brightness of lightning is so long that it has the length of four breaths.

This Xia Jue let the void corner see very clearly, the tall man lay half, the whole body blood drops fall, it seems that he was very seriously hurt.

When Xia Jue looked at the injured man in consternation, the lightning passed, and the darkness of nothingness enveloped him again.

Xia Jue's heart suddenly raised the warning sign, the body just instinctively moved, Xia Jue's back was hit by powerful way, suddenly flew out dozens of Zhang.

"I thought I couldn't take you by special means, but it seems I can't help it."

The old man of animal skin behind Xia Jue stood up trembling.

The attack came from his hand.

Xia Jue looked at the old man angrily. Just now he showed a very loving expression. Now his face became very fierce. His mouth was crooked and his four teeth were sticking out on and under his lips.

At the same time, the animal skin on his body is also completely integrated with his body. Unexpectedly, the skin instantly becomes the pattern of the orc, and the thick fur covers all the naked skin that human beings should have.

The old man in front of him turned into a tiger standing every second, but the tiger was still bony, and its four teeth looked fierce.

The old man who became Fang Hu came to Xia Jue step by step, but his pace was not stable, and he walked very slowly, even very slowly.

"Ha ha, fight with me, you've been seriously injured, haven't you? Hum, I also attack the younger generation by force, so that you will use up your little Shouyuan.

Lao Mao, you and I have been fighting for so many years, you finally died in front of me.

The loud voice spoke again, but there was no lightning, no sign of him.

His voice could be heard vaguely, and it seemed that he was injured.

Xia Jue also had extremely serious internal injuries.

In addition to the fact that Xia Jue's Zhenyuan is strong enough, if he is not the protector of Tianchi instinct, Xia Jue will be broken by the tooth tiger.

What's more, the tooth old man seems to have been seriously injured. His strength is too weak, and the heavy blow seems to have condensed his strength.

"Hum, big black, who says my life is coming?" Fang said.

Nevertheless, the pace is still slow, and then firmly to Xiajue.

"Do you want to take away the younger generation of the human race? You know you are a monster.

He can't accept you in his own soul space. "

"Hey, big black, don't you know that this child has the blood of some ancient monster? I don't know what kind of blood it is, but I can feel shivering from it.

This is the upper authority's coercion.

Hehe, if I get this kind of body containing the blood of ancient demons and beasts, I can directly break through the blood dropping realm, enter the fourth realm of the Middle Kingdom and return to heaven.

"The more excited old man Fang was, the more shivering he was.

"Ah, the blood of ancient monsters? Can such a rare blood breed in human body? Do you always think I'm a three-year-old? How can you lie? " The loud voice roared, but the trembling voice betrayed his heart.

"Hahaha, are you afraid? Don't worry, I'll take good care of you after I occupy this body.

I spent a month slowly cooking you into a variety of dishes, you watch me bit by bit to swallow your flesh and blood to eat.

Tut Tut, thinking that he could eat the meat of juezhan lion, Xia Jue couldn't stop drooling. "Old man Ya laughed very hard, and his steps came to Xia Jue at this time.

Xia Jue supported his body painfully. "Have you planned to take Xia Jue away for a long time? Then why are you talking so much nonsense? "

Before the tooth old man spoke, the loud voice cut in, he said with angry and sarcastic voice.

"Lao Za Mao and I got hurt in a fight.

The attack was his last strength.

Hehe, still stand up firmly, it's not far from death.

He wants to stabilize you when he runs out of oil.

Let's not pay attention to the fact that he was seriously injured.

In fact, just now you saw through his fantasy and harmed him.

After you want to gain your self-confidence naturally by using Lao Zamao's deception, you can be happy, and he can enter your soul world without obstacles. "

"A little, that's great.

Dahei said good things.

I really can't, but I'm very pitiful.When I was almost in the world, I sent you such a good body.

Don't worry. Even if I take away your soul, I won't erase it for the time being.

I will torture you and crush all your secrets. "

So the tooth old man trembled and stretched out his arm, and the withered palm or nail was pushed to the position of Baihui acupoint on the top of Xia Jue's head.

Xia Jue struggled to stand up, his weak limbs softened, and soon everyone climbed down.

Seeing Xia Jue's helplessness, old man fang had a cruel smile on his lips. His palm continued to push towards Xia Jue and finally hit Xia Jue's Baihui acupoint.

Old man Fang closed his eyes, and there was a white light on his head.

There is a faint human figure in the white light. When you look carefully, it is suddenly a ferocious tiger with small teeth.

At the same time, the white light appeared in the Baihui cave of Xia Jue's head, which was linked with the white light on ya Lao's head. The little square tiger rushed in from the white light like the lightning of Xia Jue's head.

Suddenly, the tooth old man's body trembles violently, the palm falls off from Xia Jue's head, his eyes show surprised eyes.

Between his chest and abdomen, the invisible measuring ruler was inserted there.

When old man Fang saw the measuring ruler between his chest and abdomen, he felt that his vitality was quickly absorbed by the measuring ruler, and his body was completely out of his control. How short the breathing time was, the flesh and blood between his chest and abdomen were absorbed, and the white bones inside were exposed. He was very afraid of

"ah, why is that so?" It was not the old man who roared angrily, but the shadow of the little tiger light in the white light.

The body itself lost Xia Jue's control, and the white light of the original link soon separated.

The white light of Xia Jue's head disappears, and Fang Hu's light and shadow rush to Xia Jue's head. But suddenly, there is a small flag in front of Xia Jue's body. As soon as the flag comes out, it becomes bigger. Unexpectedly, the dark wind inside will surround Fang Hu's light and shadow.

Fang Huguang's shadow roared angrily, and great power came out of Fang Huguang's shadow, forming a white light, which made the thousand soul flag of Xia Jue's hair full of holes.

However, this time, the shadow of Fang Hu Guang became dark and a little fuzzy.

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