"Ha ha, that's interesting.

Originally, he wanted to take away the descendants of human beings, but as a result, the ashes killed by the descendants of human beings were gone.

Lao Fang, you really can't die.

"Loud voice, ironic voice, very happy.

"No, I want to rob your house!"

However, how can Xia Jue forgive Fang Huguang's shadow at this time?

"In all directions! The key

Now another magic weapon of Xia Jue's body is the four gates and eight chains array, which is really powerful.

Eight chain methods, even the soul can be locked.

So, as soon as the four gates and eight chains appeared, they locked the light and shadow of the little tiger in the position.

It's true that Xia Jue was seriously injured, but he was not unable to move. He was so weak just now, and he said something dejected.

Even if he is an idiot, he knows that depriving this vicious skill is for the object who has no resistance or has a big boundary difference.

Originally, Xia Jue was not the opponent of Ya old man in terms of the border or both, but ya old man was also in the stage after he ran out of oil. In addition, he was very impatient to rob the house, so he gave Xia Jue a good opportunity to attack.

He knew that the tooth old man was seriously injured and was born soon, but as a monster, his body had strong defense ability, and he was worried that his ruler would not bring him any harm.

But a try, really broke through all the defense of the tooth old man, absorbed the tooth old man body true yuan.

It's a bloody environment, the flesh and blood of a successful demon.

I'm sure people who are tall will be very excited to eat old people.

"Why are there four gates and eight banners? The tiger's light and shadow made a sad sound.

By this time he had run away.

Even if you become a wild ghost with a lonely soul, you'd better be caught by Xia Jue and take good care of it.

However, the vitality of heaven and earth is locked by the four gates and eight locks, and the soul can't go anywhere.

Xia Jue stood up slowly and wiped the blood from his mouth. His eyes were like torches. He saw the shadow of the locked tiger in the four gates and eight chains.

The tiger's light and shadow can't go out to the right. It's in a mess.

Xia Jue came forward, grabbed the ruler inserted in the old man's body and pulled it out.

At this time, the tooth old man had only one Baisen skeleton, the specific shape was not too big, but there were also more than two Zhang tiger bones.

Xia Jue was hazy when he saw the silver bones in front of him, but I knew that this skeleton must be a good thing.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy.

The demon king who evolved into the silver land tiger king generation was destroyed by unknown human soldiers. Ha ha.


The loud voice laughed comfortably, out of breath, he continued.

"Human child, do you see the bones of the white tiger? That's a good thing.

However, many high-grade pills have special magic weapons, raw materials for smelting.

You are really angry

Xia Jue heard the resentment of the old man in that loud voice, and did not respond.

"Boy, just now I was trapped in the old Shamao, not only my body, but also my voice.

Now, without the old man trapped, I can move freely.

Human child, I smell good to your body.

Come on, give me two. I might let you go.

"When the loud voice spoke, the voice got closer and closer, and the last sentence was very close to the distance of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue is not afraid.

Although he knew that this man and the old man should be masters of progression, the seriously injured old man was killed by himself, and the rest of the seriously injured old man's trapped objects were also injured?

Xia Jue turned around and saw the big man coming out from behind.

Compared with the thin old man, this man is more than two feet tall. His thick beard is connected with his thick hair. He looks like a lion, but his big copper bell eyes stare at Xia Jue's eyes fiercely.

The tall man knows that his whole body is full of blood and one leg is behind him. If he knows that he has practiced to a certain extent, his limbs will be repaired by the Qi in his body in a short time, and it is extremely possible for the remnant limbs to revive.

But the tall man's right foot is still dragging, and his injury looks really serious.

Xia Jue frowned slightly. In the eyes of the tall man, there was fierce hostility, as if to attack him at any time.

The man in front of him was seriously injured. At this time, Xia Jue also suffered internal injuries.

He has been quiet about his damaged meridians and internal organs.

Seeing the big man standing majestically in front of him, Xia Jue still couldn't stand the strength of the other side and stepped back two steps.

"Haha, old miscellaneous Mao, didn't expect such a day? I said I would swallow you.

It seems that today's wish has come true. "The tall man ignored Xia Jue's white field and stretched out his hand directly. The shadow of tiger light was trapped in all directions."No!"

Xia Jue drank up with his voice and stopped the tall man's behavior.

The big man's hand was blocked by the tenacious force outside the four gates and eight chains, and his face showed a very vicious color.

"Boy, do you want me to give birth to you?"

"This is my booty.

No matter who you are, you can't take my things away.

Xia Jue's performance is very tough, eyes straight at the tall hairy man.

"I'll have it first. It's an appetizer."

In this way, holding the palm of the tall man was much bigger than that of the ordinary man when he first grasped it. However, as the extension increased, he grasped the front of Xia Jue's body in the blink of an eye. At this time, his palm was about half of Xia Jue's height.

Xia Jue hasn't been held by the giant hand, and everyone can't move. He feels dead under the strong power.

But Xia Jue is not afraid at all. If he was afraid before, he is not afraid now.

Think about how to trigger the pale sword Qi in the measuring sky ruler. I think it can completely fight against the hairy man in front of me.

Xia Jue was so cold that he closed his huge hand to make his own meat cake.


Xia Jue only said one word, and the ruler suddenly trembled. The ruler let out pale sword Qi, and the hairy man's giant hand broke instantly.

I broke it at that hairy man.

Hairy man looks rude, but he has a cunning heart.

He stretched out his hand when he stretched out his hand. He was afraid of Xia Jue's tricks. As a result, Xia Jue sent out his pale sword Qi. At that moment, he felt bad, and the breath of destroying heaven and earth broke out. He quickly turned around, cast his magic, and made his huge hand bigger.

The boundless sword Qi cut off the hairy man's arm, and the huge arm instantly restored the prototype.

It turned out to be the lion's forelimb. It looks like it's thick, as thick as the thigh of ordinary people, and the edge is terrible.

The hairy man, hidden in the void, groaned, but his arm was obviously cut in pain.

At this time, the light and shadow of the old man's soul tiger was very angry and was about to leave the four gates and eight chains array. At this time, he just looked at it and lay in the boundless sword Qi between heaven and earth. "It's impossible, it's impossible! How can anyone develop cangjian? "

As soon as the boundless sword Qi came out, Xia Jue's blood rose, even if he didn't consume his real Qi, and he almost vomited blood little by little.

The boundless sword Qi suddenly absorbed all the energy around, which was very painful.

Seeing that the enemy left in surprise, Xia Jue inhaled and stretched the measuring ruler to the shadow of tiger light. The measuring ruler sent out a dark light and swallowed the shadow of tiger light.

After finishing this, Xia Jue sat on the ground with his white knees crossed and began to wake up.

In the quiet corner of the void, the hairy man who lost his arm peeped at Xia Jue and hesitated whether to attack Xia Jue when he was injured.

But just now, the boundless Qi of the sword scared the hairy man.

He looks rude, but he has to know that he's slippery enough, cunning enough.

However, he saw the soul of his dead tooth absorbed by Xia Jue's measuring ruler.

Just now, he felt that he came out of the black cloud measuring ruler.

The power is really much worse than the boundless sword Qi, but it is enough to cut off their blood state.

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