Xia Jue is quietly recovering.

He can't guarantee that Xia Jue, who looks like a teenager, is the offspring of what kind of old monster he is.

I have the magic weapon of pale sword Qi.

Therefore, hairy man continued to peep on the side, not determined to deal with Xia Jue.

It seems that Xia Jue is recuperating his internal organs, and has no time to take care of the hairy man's movements, but his head is floating with a ruler, which is an absolute threat to the hairy man.

As time goes by, Xia Jue recovers quickly. He finally recovers his body to the best condition. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around. He doesn't find any strange places, so he puts down his heart and combines his heart with the measurement of Tianchi.

There is a hole when measuring the sky. He seems to be looking at the ground from the sky. In fact, in the space formed by measuring the size of the sky itself, Xia Jue is God.

Xia Jue was still staring at the barren world, and immediately looked uneasily at the old man's soul.

At this time, the old man's soul became a doll, looking up at Xia Jue with a panic expression.

It was a strange feeling. In the past, Xia Jue looked down on everyone, but now the situation is reversed and he looks down on the old man.

"Are you yuan Yongquan? How much truth is there in what you say? If you find that you dare to cheat me, I can only get rid of you completely from this world.

"Said Xia Jue in a cold voice.

Xia Jue doesn't know that feeling, OK.

Maybe that's the feeling of the superior?

Yuan Yongquan's soul looks at the two huge eyes of this strange world, trembling.

It's not that his cultivation can resist the boundary, it's the real pressure, the pressure of the superior.

"Most of what I said was true, but there was something to deceive you.

It was not the sudden massacre of Huangfu imperial city by monsters, but because our descendants of monsters united to resist the rule of human beings in the imperial dynasty and the massacre of Huangfu imperial court broke out.

Our descendants of monsters do not regret what we have done.

Our ancestors gave their lives for those who were born and died. After all, we are not happy to let our children and grandchildren become human slaves.

We resist nature. "

"Well, against you, who is big black?"

"Like me, he was one of the twelve meritorious officials at that time. His ancestors were also monsters. After generations of breeding, their family power almost declined as much as our yuan family, so we united against the human talents of Huangfu Dynasty.

However, after we borrowed troops from the upper class to defeat the Huangfu Dynasty, we turned against each other for whom to sit in the best chair. After hundreds of years of struggle, we have been tied. "

Xia Jue saw yuan Yongquan, who was in the state of soul and body, and knew that he did not dare to lie to himself at this time.

"How do you get out of this void? Xia Jue stares at the soul and says lightly.

The soul body has been appointed at this time, so he said, "this is the Huangfu formation in the Huangfu imperial city. If you want to go out, you can go out according to the tactics I taught you"

"even if you don't tell me, there is a way to know." Xia Jue called coldly.

It's like thunder in the space of measuring the scale of the sky. The trembling soul faints.

His soul was hit. He knew that Xiajue was the ruler here. His caution and small plan were interpreted by Xiajue in an instant, and he could not help regretting it.

He didn't expect such incredible functions.

Xia Jue stretched out his big hand from the sky, grasped the soul body with one hand and the head of the soul body with two fingers, and began to lengthen.

The soul body feels extremely intense pain. The difference between the pain and the body is really pain in the soul, which is unbearable.

When the soul body felt that the soul might fly at any time, the pain disappeared, and Xia Jue's big hand also shrank.

Between Xia Jue's fingers, there was something like a glittering thread.

The soul body feels that he has lost a lot of memory. He looks at Xia Jue's fingers blankly. Suddenly, the crystal clear line is his memory.

Yuan Yongquan's soul is at a loss and seems to be thinking about something.

At this time, the memory of his life was taken away by Xia Jue, and Yuan Yongquan's soul was only an empty shell.

Xia Jue didn't know that he could extract the memory of his soul with such a function, but if he only asked him to torture the body of the old man's soul, what would he get? What is this ruler, baby?

Pinch Xia Jue's fingers, and the memory extracted from the soul will be absorbed by Xia Jue's ocean.

All of a sudden, there seems to be a lot of memories pouring in.

Xia Jue saw many memories of the old from young to old.

In the depressed young age, there is also yuan Yongquan flowing. The growth process of the demon master is like a fast forward picture in Xia Jue's mind.

Xia Jue saw the towering Imperial City exposed in the blood and fire of the tragic picture, also saw the monster group massacre human process.

He is very tall, but the man in a very naive yellow robe is surrounded by a group of monsters. Yuan Yongquan devours the body of the man with hatred.The magic of the monster and the magic of the man mastered by Huang Pao are enough to shock Xia Jue's white heart for a long time.

He knew that the man in yellow robe should be the last emperor of Huangfu Dynasty. How young he was.

A picture flickers in front of Xia Jue, and Xia Jue automatically jumps over what he is not interested in and directly turns to Yuan Tang's memory of Gongfa.

"Is there such a big difference between the practice of the demon clan and that of human beings? But these seem to suit me better.

"Xia Jue's eyes are shining because from Yuan Yongquan's memory, the skill is to cultivate Zhenyuan, so it is suitable for Xia Jue's realm.

"Chaos true yuan" is yuan Yongquan's professional skill, which is a remnant of ancient times, but it is a great skill to let yuan Yongquan successfully cultivate to the realm of blood dripping.

There is also the memory of Yuan Tangquan. Xia Jue believes that if he cultivates himself, he must be very fast and will not become a bottleneck.

Because Yuan Tangquan has already practiced once, he is simulating that he has already practiced.

"If you plunder other people's memory and practice in this way, maybe you can leap your own cultivation? All of a sudden, from the bottom of Xia Jue's heart, a very greedy and sinister idea appeared.

Xia Jue shakes his head warily. He doesn't know what kind of gentleman he is. This vicious idea still makes Xia Jue uneasy.

After all, the values he got from his father's message are not aimed at hurting the innocent and repairing himself. What if they are evil people? Hey, hey

Xia Jue began to practice the true yuan of chaos.

Originally in his body has almost turned the real Qi into the real yuan.

It's all in that strange snake that there are a lot of Zhenyuan's inner elixir.

Xia Jue is confident to break through his studies in a short period of time with the work tactics of chaos true yuan.

So Xia Jue now deployed four gates and eight chains around him. In Yuan Yongquan's memory, he controlled some Dharma gates of Huangfu array, started some prohibitions in emptiness, and protected himself. In this way, he knelt down and began to practice.

Zhenyuan from the lower abdomen, gathered to the perineum, in the spine of the meridians go up, to the top of the houfengfu, into the brain meridians, to the top of the Baihui acupoint, along the forehead down to the bridge of the nose, continue to go down into the heart, from the heart down into the stomach, such sazhenyuan in the meridians, running faster and more familiar.

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