The defense circle formed by four beautiful demons really temporarily resisted the tentacle monster outside.

Xia Jue's wrist turned slightly, and bones and animal bones appeared on his hands.

Bones emit different colors. They are made of special metallic silver, just like silver blocks.

When the animal bones appeared in Xiajue's hand, the faces of the four beautiful demons changed.

They know the owner of this bone very well. It's the bone of Yuan Yongquan, the tiger demon.

After Xia Jue killed the tiger demon yuan Yongquan, of course, he would not leave the bloody tiger demon bones to others, but put them in his own shadow ring.

Now in his shadow ring, the bones of the tiger demon and vice tiger demon can lie quietly in the storage space.

However, the four beauties were not only sedated by the bones of Yuan Yongquan, the tiger demon, but also the tentacle stone monsters outside. However, these monsters were too low in intelligence. Sensing the existence of the bones, they carefully avoided them, and began to circle around Xia Jue and others with meaningless whispers.

Xia Jue knew that it was not only because the tiger demon itself was a high-level monster that Yuan Yongquan's skeleton was taken out.

Because the breath of the superior gives the four beauties and their tentacles the instinct of natural obedience, the tiger demon is the master of the four beauties and their tentacles.

In recent years, these monsters give more breathing to the subordinates of tiger demon spring. Xia Jue can make these monsters feel the faint breath of Yuan Yongquan.

"Take it, so that the stone monster can be calmed. So, Xia Jue's skeleton is stuffed in Taose's hand. Do you think it's unreliable? Xia Jue turned over his hand again.

This time, he added three forelimb claw bones, which are also the body bones of the tiger demon yuan Yongquan.

Xia Jue handed the remaining three skeletons to Liulv lilac peony hands, and asked them to protect them in four directions. He knelt down in the center surrounded by four beautiful demons and sat down.

The four beauties don't know what Xia Jue will do.

It seems that they have weapons to restrain the stone monsters in Xia Jue's hands. At this time, they should enter pianyue hall.

Why sit down and kneel down? Don't you mean to practice? However, the four beauties are also smart demons. They will not ask such questions.

They are still surprised at the fact that Xia Jue really killed the tiger demon yuan Yongquan.

They just feel that Xia Jue has the flavor of Yuan Tang. Through the rupture of the former soul oath, they know that the former master Yuan Tang has disappeared, and Xia Jue is the terminator of Yuan Tang.

But some people didn't believe it was true when Xia Jue actually took out Yuan Tang's bones. The four flower demons were more polite and didn't ask anything. They stood obediently in four directions, holding the tiger demon's bones in their hands, shaking the tentacle stone monsters around them.

Xia Jue suddenly knelt down on the ground. He had his own reason. His body had colorful wisdom roots. The sensitivity of earthly heaven and earth to vitality was far higher than that of ordinary people, and even higher than that of the genius cultivator of single earthly wisdom roots.

When the tentacle stone monster appeared, Xia Jue was already in this space and felt that the vitality of the earth system suddenly became very strong.

It is not only that the vitality of the earth was not strong in the past, but also that the immortal could not absorb the strong energy that could not be cultivated, and the feeling was equal to the dead Qi.

Just like the breath of an immortal, what is absorbed is vitality, and what is breathed is the air of death. When there is no tentacle, the surrounding soil is the air of death sinking.

Tentacle stone monster appeared, which was full of vitality of the earth system. It was a strange feeling.

Just like a desert traveler who reaches the pole, he suddenly falls into the water full of clear springs.

What makes Xia Jue even more happy is that I feel that the vitality of the earth system here not only has the pure vitality of heaven and earth, but also has the boundless vitality of heaven and earth.

Unless he saw the boundless sword Qi, old man Tianchi explained that the boundless Qi was one of the three primitives of heaven and earth, and Xia Jue could not know the difference between them.

However, once contaminated with the vast air, these tentacle stone monsters around them become extremely tough and strong, but compared with the ordinary stone monsters with full spirit in the earth system, they have certain intelligence in impact resistance and naturalness, which is the intelligent monsters produced from at least thousands to tens of thousands of years of stones

according to Yuan Yongquan's knowledge, Xia Jue knows the eye These tentacle monsters have strange shapes, but that's because they will naturally use the most reasonable attack formation and form when they discover the enemy's invasion.

Naturally, the square here is a formation, which can imprison the blood level masters.

These tentacle stone monsters should belong to Pluto's Demon Stone, which is not common in the demon clan. Long ago, Pluto's Demon Stone ape had a successful practice. It's said that entering the sky almost became the embodiment of invincibility, and its immortal body once troubled the gods of nine days.

There are so many Pluto demon stones here, which really makes yuan Yongquan ecstatic. But after taking all Pluto demon stones, these Pluto demon stones can only be said to be pure intelligence, not stone demons, which makes yuan Yongquan disappointed, but it's still these

then Xia Jue noticed that it's not just how strong these stone monsters are, he felt that the ordinary bluestone board should be replaced It's the earth's stone monster that has become the origin of what it is now. It's the vast air.

The bodies of these stone monsters are permeated with boundless breath. Although the boundless sword Qi is as pure and strong as far away, it continuously changes the nature of these stone monsters, making them grow rapidly from ordinary stones and soil into stone monsters. It takes time for Xia Jue, who won't become the stone demon of Hades, to feel whether the boundless Qi in heaven and earth can exist through cultivation Absorb and use by yourself.Xia Jue began to try the common method of cultivating immortals, which is the most commonly used method to absorb and refine the vitality of heaven and earth in the mainland. It can transform the vitality of heaven and earth into the real storage and utilization in the body.

However, when Xia Jue really used all the true Qi methods of quasi cultivation in this continent, he found that they had no influence on the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and transported the chaotic true yuan from the memory of Yuan Quan, the tiger demon.

Even how yuan Yongquan got the training formula is the secret of Yuan Yongquan's growing from a monster who was not particularly outstanding to one of the ten most powerful monsters in the Huangfu Dynasty.

Because "chaos true element" can turn the vitality of heaven and earth into true element and train it in the human body and demon body.

We should know that Zhenyuan and Zhenqi are not in the same class. At least they must be the practice that can only be touched after leaving the body.

Otherwise, the weak body of low-level practitioners will not be able to bear the original powerful force and explode.

As soon as chaos is in action, the vitality of heaven and earth around Xia Jue begins to react.

With his body as the center, a breeze, the breeze will become a small whirlwind, to Xiajue as the center of continuous rotation.

The sky and the earth seem to lighten suddenly.

In the ruins of Huangfu Imperial City, the sun, moon and sky were not understood. It was strange and bright.

At this time, the surroundings become brighter.

Just like a moment, Xiajue became a small day, a luminous body.

The tentacle stone monsters around seemed to be angered by Xia Jue and began to cause a commotion. They made hoarse voices and tried to attack Xia Jue, but they were temporarily resisted by the tiger demon bone held by the four beautiful demons.

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