When the tentacle stone monster wants to break through the four beauties' defense line, it is hit by the silver light from the four beauties' hands, and the hit tentacle stone monster will soon turn into stone debris and mud.

However, as Xia Jue's body became bright, his spirit began to feel uneasy, and a little yellow, red or brown light appeared in his spirit. These light spots, like a drop of water, quickly approached Xia Jue's hollow.

"Sister peach, look! Among the four beauties, peony is the most sensitive. She was the first to find out why the tentacle stone monster was so angry.

"What's the matter? Peach color makes the bones in your hands play the most powerful, so please keep away from the tentacle monsters that oppress you.

"The vitality of heaven and earth in these stone monsters is extracted by their masters.

If the vitality of heaven and earth is extracted, they will be extracted completely. "

Heard the word peony, peach and clove also found the problem.

Because most of the yellow, red or brown light spots do not appear from between heaven and earth, but from the tentacle's body, from the air or the ground out of thin air.

All of a sudden, the four beautiful demons saw more and more light spots coming to Xia Jue's body. They knew that the new master had killed the tiger demon Yongquan, which had some unknown blood in ancient times.

But they are also very smart, which has reached the weak crown. However, seeing Xia Jue's amazing momentum, it is not easy to convey the virtual situation.

At that time, the surrounding tentacle stone monsters were even more enraged. The stone tentacles were completely unreasonably intertwined with each other, and some stone monsters began to devour each other.

Indeed, that kind of stone monster knocked down another stone monster's body, and then a stone monster became quite big, which should be greedy.

The four beauties were a little surprised.

Why are these stone monsters so confused all of a sudden? Is it because Xia Jue's cultivation has attracted their vigorous light spot? The practice of demons is different from that of human beings.

Moreover, the four beautiful demons are also natural growth demons in the world. They have no inheritance, so they can't understand Xia Jue's cultivation achievements and tactics. They don't know why these tentacle stone monsters appear in front of them.

But soon, Simi demon regretted that she should not visit nearby.

Because two stone monsters devour each other. When they grow up, they devour other stone monsters to the other side.

Soon, like the snowman, the size of the stone monsters became more and more huge. Soon, hundreds of stone monsters around were reduced to 10, and 10 of them were 20 feet tall and turned into blue giant stone monsters.

At this time, these huge stone monsters have complete limbs and regular speech. From the appearance, they are very close to human beings.

What's more terrible is that these stone monsters are holding weapons with clay and stone in their hands.

With axes, knives, chains and guns, the giant stone monster has a huge shield in its hand, which can not only cover most of its body, but also become a big killer only because of its thickness.

Four beautiful demon powder suddenly turned white, the situation in front of them was absolutely unexpected.

From hundreds of tentacles to megaliths.

It happened so fast that they didn't have the power to stop it.

In terms of the power displayed by these ten megalithic monsters, they are enough to crush some flower demons on their boundary, and one foot is enough.

Seeing one of the megalithic monsters step on them, the four demons are all made of powder. But Xia Jue is still practicing and knows that he can't retreat.

At this time, the little tiger demon bones in his hands could not tremble and became the stone monster of the huge monster, so the four beautiful demons made a delicate sound at the same time, and the Benming zhenhun around his body immediately exerted the greatest power.

As the first flower demons in the flower garden to become demons, the four of them are very smart. They know where their biggest weakness is, so they also have the ability of defense.

But when they leave the flower garden, the most powerful array and demon in the garden must be greatly reduced.

A colorful border formed around the four beauties, covering both the four beauties and Xia Jue.

This border is either gorgeous, or known as the only beautiful scenery among laymen, literati and poets, but I know that the four beautiful demons are in front of absolute power, and some of their border can only resist temporarily.

The Stonehenge's feet were blocked, like riding on a soft ball over his head.

The border was first trampled deep into it, but then, due to its strong rebound, the stone monster's feet were bounced away.

Stone freaks can't break through the border even if they trample on it continuously.

The Stonehenge got angry, and the light on him flowed faster.

If you don't kill the man kneeling on the ground in front of you, sooner or later all the vast air in his body will be absorbed by Xia Jue. He raises the heavy axe in his hand. The heavy axe blade is the same height as the four beauties. When he comes down here, he must be in front of you.

only the simple intelligence of constantly attacking the troll can break it.

The heavy axe fell on the colorful border, and there was no sound. The strange heavy axe flew out of the border.

Every time in the trembling four beauty demon's body, even so, they still desperately support.Maybe the monster who saw the stone could not break through the boundary of the four beauties, and the other nine monsters of the giant stone roared and rushed here.

Four beautiful demon's face originally pale face suddenly becomes the same color of dead ash, what they fear is that these ten stone monsters attack together, which they can't stop.

At the same time, the color of death appeared in their eyes. They were very sad to see Xia Jue behind.

"Don't worry, they can't attack!"

Almost at the same time, the four beauties heard Xia Jue's voice in their mind. It was so clear and cold, and the spring breeze was so warm. For no reason, the four beauties had blind confidence in Xia Jue. At this time, Xia Jue was still sitting on his knees.

Although Xia Jue practiced, he didn't feel nothing about the outside world. He closed his eyes, but he was still moved by the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth as his ears and eyes.

In particular, the four beauties themselves are delicate and fragile, which makes people feel endless pity. It is a rare attempt for Xia Jue to make these four beauties fight against the ugly and obscene stone freaks who are 20 feet tall.

Seeing the dead color on Simi Yao's face, he knew it was time to do it by himself.

Xia Jue's idea moved, and the array flag of the four gates and eight chains spread on him before he held his knees to practice started at the same time. Suddenly, the surrounding space solidified, and the gathered monoliths lagged behind the body shape produced by the four gates and eight chains, and even moved.

Xia Jue held a memorial ceremony for the four gates and eight chains, which delayed the action of the trolls, but only delayed the action of the trolls. Those terrible trolls still ran to Xia Jue and the four beautiful demons at a steady pace, and the situation was very dangerous.

"Red sister, can't we use our last hand? Willow green desperately blowing green mist like atmosphere, one side fell on the border while asked.

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