The four of them looked at each other and read the hacker's mood from each other's eyes.

They stood behind Xia Jue in silence, looking around at hundreds of people of different sizes.

"Is this Pluto? Several hundred, my God. "Xia Jue looked greedily at the little people in the light group around him.

In fact, he didn't know what Pluto is. Originally, he didn't even know Pluto's monster, but as soon as these light group villains appeared, this sentence appeared in his mind.

He doesn't know whether this sentence comes from Yuan Yongquan or Chang Zhiyun, but he knows that the strange cultivation of Pluto, which is rare in the light group, is the foundation of essence.

All the Ming Bao elves can condense the vitality of the earth system around them and turn them into stone monsters.

That's why hundreds of tentacle monsters have sprung up so far.

It's just that the villains in the light group are low enough, and even a lot of intelligence has not happened.

The only people who can really understand the meaning of Xia Jue's soul transmission are the nine Ming Bao spirits.

There should have been ten people who were keeping the essence.

These 10 Ming Bao Jing operate hundreds of unconscious Ming Bao Jing and form 10 giant stone monsters. One of them is absorbed by Xia Jue.

In order to know that Huiling root of Xia Jue's multicolored Huiling root has changed, its shape is compared with that of another four grapevines.

Now the Hui Ling root of the earth system can not even be said to be the Hui Ling root of the earth system.

Xia Jue thinks that his Huiling root should be called Mingbao Huiling root.

Nine intelligent Ming Bao spirits came out of hundreds of Ming Bao spirits. They were a little bigger than other Ming Bao spirits, and their bodies were darker, even their nostrils were slightly shaped.

Nine intelligent Ming Bao elves came to Xiajue's body and knelt on the ground, just like human beings surrendered to the conqueror.

"Lovely children!"

Peach willow green clove peony are female incarnation, is also a demon family, but in front of the small Ming Baojing no resistance, soon be conquered by these lovely goblins.

But Xia Jue knows that these guys are the nine rock monsters just now. If he is really crazy, even the bleeding masters are enough to drink the horrible things from the bottle.

If he didn't have the five color Huiling root, he was naturally sensitive to the spirit of the native, and he had been controlled by the tiger demon Yuan Tang.

Otherwise, Xia Jue really can't accept these little things so easily.

"Well, get up, give your souls and swear fire!"

The fire of nine different colors of soul oath came from the bodies of the nine Ming Bao elves and was inhaled into his own soul by Xia Jue.

"Yes, you can continue to practice evolution here.

Then, I will let you absorb enough vast air! Xia Jue said that as soon as he clapped his hands, the swordsman jumped out of the sky measuring ruler hanging from the top of his head and instantly penetrated the heaven and earth.

At the same time, the four beautiful demons are like earth color, and the vast sword power is not what they can fight against.

However, hundreds of the spirits cheered and flew to the boundless sword Qi.

Just like a moth throwing fire, dozens of Ming Bao Elves were cut down by the boundless sword Qi in a twinkling of an eye, and the rest were still moving forward.

Soon, hundreds of Ming Bao Elves were cut into countless light spots by the vast front line of sword Qi, floating in the air.

The power of the boundless sword Qi also darkened. In this short time, it was consumed by hundreds of Ming Bao elves.

One light spot collides with another light spot and merges into a big light spot. Soon, countless light spots floating in the air form a hundred light masses. All the light masses fall on the ground and turn into the shape of villains. But one of these villains lies on the ground with his stomach facing up. You

the nine intelligent Ming Bao elves in front of Xia Jue's body also want to come and bite a few pale sword Qi, but Xia Jue's body is full of vitality Jue did not tremble. Greed in his eyes was full of words.

Xia Jue said lightly.

"The vast sword Qi will stay with you for a while.

When I see you again, I hope you can evolve.

You know what?

It's obviously exciting that nine psychic spirits vomit like monkeys.

Xia Jue can now feel that there are so many of these Ming Bao spirits, mainly because these Ming Bao spirits absorb a lot of boundless gas. These boundless gas does not have boundless sword spirit, but seems to be pure and self absorbed.

I don't know why. Xia Jue knows that they were born in the vast atmosphere.

Cangjianqi is a very suitable catalyst for their growth.

Because of the vows of nine Ming Bao spirits and souls, Xia Jue could only know that in the past thousand years, Xia Jue had evolved from the blue slate of the common court to Ming Bao Jing under the influence of the vast atmosphere of these Ming Bao Jing in pianyue palace.

If there is time, these secret spirits will grow into real secret spirits.

It's like the legendary monkey born without heaven.

Xia Jue looked at the sky's ruler, and then lay the vast sword Qi. Unless the ruler sat down, the vast sword Qi would have been destroyed without authorization.Fortunately, hundreds of ordinary Ming Bao elves just ate the boundless sword Qi together, and the boundless sword Qi weakened a lot.

At this time, according to Xia Jue's permission, the nine intelligent Ming Baojing screamed and ran to the vast sword Qi in the air. Soon, the vast sword Qi became darker, and the nine intelligent Ming Baojing was still much stronger than those ordinary Ming Baojing.

Xia Jue didn't see the process of these Ming Bao elves swallowing the pale sword Qi, but walked to pianyue hall.

At this time, there was no obstacle or prohibition between him and pianyue temple.

Pianyuedian has the word "Pian", which is actually piandian, but in Yuan Yongquan's memory, it seems to be a very important place.

It's just that important information is lost. Xia Jue doesn't know what's important here.

However, think about it, only the bluestone board in front of the partial moon hall has evolved into a demon, and the flowers in the farther garden have been counted strangely.

This pianyue temple is not an important place. I really can't tell.

Xia Jue came to the gate of pianyue hall. He was very careful to release the four gates and eight chains. He also piled up the defensive magic weapons he had obtained from some other immortal practitioners in front of him. When the gate was opened, what was forbidden to wake him up suddenly.

However, it's incredible that the door of the hall was pushed open without any reaction, just like entering a special ordinary main hall.

Xia Jue took a step, looked around, did not carefully speculate what special place there is, heard the voice of the four beautiful demons behind.

"Master, we can't get in!"

Xia Jue turns around and finds that the distance between Taohong and others is just a person's identity, but they can't step out of the Moon Palace.

There seems to be an invisible barrier between Xia Jue and Si Meiyao, which separates them.

Xia Jue stretched out his hand to pull peach.

His hand lightly grasped peach's arm. When he tried to pull peach from the outside, he unexpectedly found that peach had been bounced away by the babies, or the invisible barrier had blocked them.

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