Xia Jue Ai Ai's face changed. I don't know.

He came out and came to Simei demon with ease. Is he scratching his head and turning in again, or is he very relaxed, just like walking in his own house? Does it need so much trouble to cross the threshold?

The four beauties don't seem to be able to get in.

Xia Jue doesn't mind letting the four beautiful demons come in. He says that the four beautiful demons are waiting for him outside. He still releases the four gates and eight chains to guard the surroundings, and the self-defense magic weapon is nearby. He continues to walk in carefully and easily.

The Moon Palace is not so big, and it is only tens of feet around.

He walked about ten feet and felt that his feet had stepped on something, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

It was Xia Jue, not a stranger, who felt that his surroundings had suddenly changed.

After he has mastered the four gates and eight chains, he knows that one of the magic tricks of the array is the infinite proximity of distance. If he is within the range of the four gates and eight chains, he can realize the instant movement method of shrinking the ground to a foot in the blood dripping environment.

Now Xia Jue is in another array, one in pianyue hall.

At this time, in Xia Jue's eyes, the palace was no longer the palace, but on the vast field sprinkled with infinite moonlight.

There seems to be a boundless expanse on the field. The grass is filled with fragrance. There is an indescribable big moon on his head. Most of his hair touches the edge, which makes him feel strange.

Where is this? I believe that people here are in such a mood.

And almost at the same time, Xia Jue was attacked by the unprecedented sense of tranquility, and then the emptiness and loneliness after he calmed down. Indeed, Xia Jue felt the loneliness of vicissitudes from around.

"The moon is blue and the dew is frost. The so-called Yi people are near the water.

I don't know why, the famous love poems among mortals appear in Xia Jue's mind.

"Anybody? Is anyone here? Xia Jue's voice, feeling his voice extended far away, finally echoed.

"Anybody? Is anyone there

Xia Jue did not know whether there was any illusion in front of him.

Because it's so real around.

He can come forward and touch the grass.

The sharp edge of the grass leaves and the faint fragrance clearly indicate that this is a real place.

However, the head of the big terrible people always fall on their heads of the bright full moon, so strange, not real.

I don't know where the wind came from. The wind came gently, and the infinite grassland suddenly fell down in front of me, but not in the same direction, but in two directions.

From the foot of Xia Jue, there is a road extending. At the end of the fallen grassland Road, it seems that something is calling Xia Jue.

Without any hesitation, Xia Jue followed his own feelings and the strange road that suddenly appeared in front of him.

With each step, the grassland in the back will be restored to its original state again, and no road will ever be seen again.

Xia Jue didn't know how many roads he had taken, but he didn't feel tired. The road in front of him seemed endless and infinite. The green in his eyes had already passed the aesthetic fatigue period, which made him tired.

It seems that after a day or an hour, I feel vague in time and Xia Jue.

He was awake.

Strange things loomed around.

He is looking for yuan Yongquan's memory, but he can't find the situation similar to the situation he is facing at this time. Everything around him seems to be between truth and fantasy, and human wisdom is gradually blurred.

After bypassing the grass hill, Xia Jue suddenly stopped.

In front of him, there was a broader grassland, where there were people, to be exact, a lot of people, a lot of animals.

There are thousands of troops in front of us. There is also a huge army composed of monsters and human demons, which is also tens of thousands.

At that time, Xia Jue was located on the grass hill next to the center of the two armies. In the grass hill with low altitude, those cavalry or beasts could attack, but no one turned their eyes to it. Part of it was a confrontation like condensation of air.

Xia Jue's white eyes looked from left to right, and then from right. He appeared here. Recently, he confirmed that he only had more than ten people, or did the monster not find himself, or was he not in this space?

Xia Jue believed that he was human, so he naturally turned his emotional inclination to the Terran army.

For the first time, he saw such a large-scale human battle, and the iron and blood aura formed by the momentum recovery was far more than the aura of Xiuxian master he saw.

Even if Yun Haolei, the leader of Longling Pavilion, felt it, it was not as strong as the pressure of the battlefield at this time.

At first, seven generals sitting on tall and strange horses entered the rehearsal. The body of each generals was definitely weaker than that of the blooddrop realm. It's hard to imagine that human beings could turn the generals of the army into blooddrop realm.

The most striking is one of the seven. Unlike the other generals who hide their faces in their armor, this general wears the emperor's crown, a yellow robe and hidden armor.What an emperor this man is, the ninth five year plan is supreme.

It's just that there is a big problem with the health of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. He is pale and timid enough. Compared with the other six tall generals, he is like a child with dysplasia. It seems that he will fall from the intelligence index of the army horse at any time.

However, the emperor who brought Xia Jue the strongest sense of threat came from this disease.

The Emperor didn't seem to have any spirit. There were tens of thousands of cavalry and human elite infantry behind him. There was no sound at all. Everyone was quietly waiting for the light.

After the seven generals, there was a square formation of 30000 cavalry, which was divided into left and right ranks behind the seven.

Military horses tamed by cavalry's special methods sometimes roar like monsters. We can see that human military horses are special military horses of variation from their appearance, protruding horns, exposed teeth and hoof like claws.

The people on horseback are covered with armor as thick as a small castle. The human Knights have long guns in their hands, which are 3 feet long. I believe that under the full sprint, these knights can break through the strong fortress.

Moreover, behind the human cavalry, there are larger infantry, heavy infantry.

These heavy infantry carried thick shields larger and wider than their bodies.

To see the weight of a thick shield, you need at least half the weight of a human.

It's hard to imagine heavy infantry wearing heavy body armor and lifting heavy shields with one hand.

The other hand of the heavy infantry holds a long knife, which is thick, but it is not sharp. Instead, it relies on the weight of the long knife to hurt the enemy.

Behind the heavy infantry, there are neat marksmen.

Next to the spear thrower, pushing the cart.

The car was full of spear bodies and spearheads.

It is true that the separation of the body and the head of the spear was carried by a three wheeled minivan, and the maximum number of spears carried by the spearthrower increased significantly.

Xia Jue, those spearheads are not unified. Some spearheads are of common style, and some exude a terrible smell. It seems that some unknown power is attached to them.

And there's a line of shooters behind the spear thrower's hand.

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