Sagittarius and Xia Jue see ordinary Sagittarius row is not the same.

The difference is that these archers have very long bows, about two-thirds the length of a human.

There are two methods for bowstring winding.

One half open state depends on the strength of the arm muscles, and the other full open state requires stepping on the top of the arch.

When such a long bow is fully opened, it can launch a very long range. Even if the opponent is still far away, it can cover and kill a large area.

The last side of the human army has strange shapes and strange fighting machines.

Some of these fighting machines are like moving tall buildings, some are like fortresses that can be disassembled and assembled at any time, and some are like beasts.

Some are like flying battle machines.

On the other side of the demon clan team, compared with the demon beasts who are good at flying, the number is incomparable, but the body is bigger.

Xia Jue turned his eyes to the battle of the demon clan in the face of human battle.

In comparison, there are more demon families. From his point of view, we can't see how many demon families and monsters are on the boundless grassland.

The endless grassland has been covered by endless monsters and animals.

Moreover, in front of countless demon families, or tall and unknown demon beasts, or short shouldered young human demon families, a total of 12 people, their bodies are also filled with a strong smell of demon family, which is obviously the strong demon family in the blood.

When did blood border become as common as selling cabbage? Xia Jue's boundless discovery appeared in the ancient battlefield like environment, the gas fields on both sides were also strong, and his sweat was a little cold.

"Huangfu, you killed my ethnic group, violated my border, disrupted the order of heaven and earth, and disrupted the cardinal principles of mankind. Today I decide that you will die here!" Suddenly there was a crisp sound.

The speaker is the humanoid demon who stands at the forefront of the demon team.

Unless he stands on the demon family array, Xia Jue doesn't think he is human, and Junxiu is not human.

It's just that the handsome demon clan, who looks like a 30-year-old demon clan, is obviously the leader of the whole demon clan army. When he talks, all kinds of monsters that used to roar are very quiet. Sometimes the lower monsters are scared by this kind of voice, and they cramp and pee.

"No killing, don't talk nonsense. If you want to die or live, talk about happiness," said the Terran emperor in the national war.

His voice is as weak as his appearance, but it is undeniable that his voice can overcome all the constraints, so overbearing and unfair.

Huangfu? Is this the army of the Huangfu dynasty? Xia Jue looked at the Terran army in confusion.

According to his idea, the human army needs to use flags to identify battle lines and command the advance and retreat of the battlefield, but the whole human army does not even have flags, which is very strange.

"My million demon clan, we must eat you 100000 people as food, we must..."

Before the demon leader finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Terran emperor.

"There's so much nonsense. Come here and kill me!"

When the last word "kill" was said by the Terran emperor, the whole world seemed to change color suddenly.

Countless terrible broken empty sound between the heaven and earth echoed by ghosts and gods.

From the farthest attack fighters, the huge hill like catapults and the long-range attack weapons with various methods and tactics cross the sky and the earth, from the end of the Terran battle to the front of the demon battle.

In addition, the Terran Archer pulls on the bow string at the same time, and gives the long bow pulled by the foot bow and shoulder strength to the partner nearby. The partner rides on the special feather arrow with more than half of the foot length. According to the command of the commander, tens of thousands of feather arrows are empty.

The javelin player in front of the shooter team is holding something like an iron glove. The javelin player quickly assembles a complete spear, grabs the spear with an iron glove and makes a backward angle. The javelin player's body is like a bow and shoots forward together fiercely.

All kinds of stones, long-range attack weapons, bows and arrows, spears are thrown out of the sky to cover the sun. They attack almost at the same time, but the stratum is an undifferentiated covering without dead angle.

The sky suddenly darkened, as if a black wind was blowing from the battlefield.

"Aim indiscriminately!"

"Avoid it!"


Some demon clans continue to hear the roar. With the roar of countless beasts, some demon clans who are good at magic began to use all kinds of magic to attack the huge weapon groups that have been killed by human beings from the sky, but the demon clans who lack unified command have stronger personal ability than human beings

human long-range attack weapon groups have come from the sky.

In addition to the particularly powerful demon clan and demon beast, or the demon clan with real abnormal defense ability, the majority of demon clan between the Terran and demon clan leaders were shot and killed one after another on the spot, and suddenly blood flowed into a river and barked.

The power of shooting together makes millions of monsters and beasts appear a huge blank area. It has to be said that the iron blood army of human really surpasses the ox fork.

Xia Jue can feel the strong pressure of "aiming" just yelled out from the demon clan crowd, and sweat cold from his back.

Until just now, hundreds of bows, arrows and spears flew past his eyes. It was very real. Even the faint fire on the arrows sounded very energetic."Sons, it's time to make contributions. I'll kill you!"

In the earth shaking battle, in the sound of countless people's bowstring and throwing spears, the voice of the emperor was faintly heard, as if speaking in his ear.

When the soldiers heard the leader's order, they all said, "no!" Thirty thousand cavalry, including six generals in full armor, launched a totally unreasonable assault.

Huge horses, huge soldiers, thick lances of cavalry constitute a torrent of steel, like lightning to the endless demon clan in front of us.

At this time, the second spy killing happened again in the long-range attack weapon group after the Terran battle, and the storm of terrorist weapons blocking the sky came again. This time, the target was the place where there was the central army of the demon clan and the leader of the demon clan.

Forty thousand heavy infantry, divided into two directions, walked steadfastly from both wings to the battle of demons and beasts.

Firm pace, stable thick shield, cold light knife forest, insurmountable city wall, as if to retreat to the demon clan.

The marksman was pushing his car, the marksman was holding a long bow, and the war machine was driving the wheels, advancing to the enemy position at the same time.

Moreover, the only person who did not move at this time was the emperor and Huangfu of that person.

The cavalry behind passed by the emperor, and countless Terran heavy infantry surrounded him from both sides, leaving the emperor alone.

If his clothes do not reveal his noble identity, he is considered to be a sick husband who is so thin that he falls on the horse at any time. He rides alone in Malaysia and hesitates to move forward under the round moon.

A person and 100000 people formed a very sharp contrast, but Xia Jue's eyes fell on the only person.

No matter where it is, this person seems to be the only, the only focus on the field.

At Xia Jue's side, the hoarse monsters fought with countless heavy infantry with firm steps, and the blood and limbs spread all over the world with the tragic death and roar before death.

Fire and ice arrows, wind blades and soil cones are constantly around.

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