Xia Jue's eyes darkened, and the bright environment disappeared. What appeared in front of him was the interior of the main hall.

Like the internal environment of the main hall that Xia Jue saw, the same huge stone pillars, the same carved beams and painting columns, the space is not small, and can accommodate hundreds of people.

There are three different sizes of courtyards on both sides of the hollow Hall of the main hall, which seems to have space.

There is a high platform in the center of the main hall, and there is a dragon chair on the high platform. There is a flat forehead hanging on the top of the Dragon chair, and there are three big words "pianyue hall" written on it. Xia Jue thinks that he is still in fantasy. Next he comes to pianyue hall, and the four gates and eight chain array flags floating around him suddenly scatter in all directions, and soon merge with the surrounding buildings.

The sound of shaking the mountain suddenly came from the main hall, and the whole main hall was about to turn over.

Xia Jue felt that the big stone pillars and the dome of the main hall were spinning around, and the speed was faster. In the blink of an eye, the whole main hall became a different look.

There are no stone pillars, no domes, just the green grass blown down by the wind. There are high platforms with ordinary seats.

"Come here, young man."

There are no good signs.

There is a voice behind Xiajue.

Xia Jue turned quickly and looked back.

Seeing light and shadow coming from behind him, the body of light and shadow was not big at all. On the contrary, it was a little thin. Light and shadow coughed as they walked. It seemed that they were seriously ill.

Xia Jue recognized its light and shadow at a glance. It was the emperor of the human race.

At this time, the tall Malaysian wearing a yellow robe, but wearing a blue shirt Huangfu slowly came to Xiajue and measured Xiajue with a little dissatisfied eyes.

The intersection of Xia Jue and soul shows that the light and shadow in front of him does not belong to the category of soul and ghost, but is similar to the fusion of some kind of separation and soul body.

"Young man, you are still a child.


It's ordinary people who don't know where the direction is at your age.

What's your name? "

Huangfu's age doesn't seem too old, but when you think of Huangfu's opening up the history of the imperial dynasty, the shadow of the light in front of you is at least a thousand years of history, isn't it? So he was called Sir Xia, and he was not surprised at all.

Xia Jue said: "the elder is on it, and he intruded unintentionally.

If there is any offence, please say hello to the former generation for me and thank the light and shadow respectfully.

Huangfu waved his hand, which seemed to cause his sharp cough.

Huangfu, the body of light and shadow, coughed for a while, as if suffering a little.

"My name is Huangfu.

He used to be an emperor.

But I don't really want to be in this position.

"Light and shadow said, pointing to the chair on the high platform.

"But the situation doesn't allow you to choose.

When history requires you to sit in this position, you must sit there and fight for the world to follow its countless people.

Young man, when we fought with Wusha demon clan, I found you.

Do you know how excited I am? I've been waiting for the chance to see you again. I finally meet you today.

Huangfu's voice was light, but there was this irrepressible joy and deep sense of tiredness.

"Master, it doesn't seem that the body shape will last long now?"

Huangfu praised Xia Jue and said, "the children's eyes are not bad.

Yes, I'm a split projector now.

It's part of my soul and memory.

No mana, but it's been a long time.

But after a thousand years, I'm afraid I can't stay here for long.

Fortunately, I'm not wrong.

You're still here

"Master, you don't know who won the battle that day? Xia Jue was still surprised at the thrilling battle between man and demon he had just seen.

"Our family won, of course.

Do you see the 13 huge statues in our square? Eight of them are Terrans, and the remaining five are demons. They are all the leaders of demons who were accepted by me after our battle in Yuehua grassland that day.

Hehe, it's very powerful, isn't it? Unfortunately, I know that even if I can accept the five demons, it will gradually weaken the demons, and eventually our nation will lose to the rebellion of the demons.

What a pity.


Xia Jue's heart seems to predict what will happen to Huangfu in the future.

What kind of ability runs through heaven and earth?

"Young man, you seem to have defeated the descendant of old man yuan, the silver winged tiger demon.

It's amazing.

This strengthened my determination to tell you something.

"Said Huang Fu, stretching out his hand and patting Xia Jue on the shoulder.

There was no weight in the hand of light and shadow. Xia Jue still felt strange that the power came from the palm of light and shadow.

"Young man, I can't feel your cultivation, but I can feel your potential.Your potential is unlimited.

It's the one I've been waiting for a thousand years. "

"Young man, do you remember what I told you in the ancient battlefield a thousand years ago? I wish I could drink with you.

Although the millennium is the earthly world of human beings, it may be just a moment for us who cultivate immortals.

Especially when I know that I have changed, I'm really powerless. "

When he spoke, Huangfu's voice looked like vicissitudes, as if he was sighing something.

The body formed by light and shadow is a little blurred.

"What's your name, young man?"

Xia Jue slightly bent down and said to Huangfu.

"Child, Xiajue."

"Good name.

You should know me, too.

Don't introduce yourself.

I don't have much time to wait for you on this last day. My caprice on that day is not a waste. "

"Xia Jue, come on, sit down and have a drink?"

Xia Jue nodded undeniably.

Huang Fu really waved his hand and the wine jar appeared out of thin air. When the mud seal of the wine jar was opened, the refreshing aroma of wine came from the wine jar.

Xia Jue is not a special drinker, but he has also studied wine. Just judging from the aroma, he is already the best wine for human beings.

"I've treasured this wine for thousands of years.

Isn't it full of wine? " There was a faint color of greed in the corner of Huangfu's mouth.

Xia Jue nodded, and the aroma of wine from the wine world became more and more strong. It can be said that the surrounding space was filled with a strong substantive aroma.

Soon Xia Jue felt that the fragrance of this wine was absorbed by the human body like the vitality of heaven and earth. At the moment of being absorbed, it was just like absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, and his Dantian neifu was transformed into the vitality of heaven and earth.

Xia Jue's glance.

I also know the genius treasure full of vitality.

It was the first time for him to see such a vigorous wine as medicinal herbs or edible monsters.

"Master, I feel very angry just because of the aroma of this wine. It's really good wine."

"Of course.

Come on, don't mention it. You and I will find out.

"So there are two wine barrels in the sky, one floating in front of Xia Jue and the other in front of Huangfu.

Xiajue looks very strange. He lives in a wine barrel.

Two bottles of amber came out of the VAT, just like liquid came out of the VAT, and went into the barrel.

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