When the barrel is full, the wine arch breaks.

Huangfu took a sip first. The wine didn't go through the shape of his light ball, which made him coagulate a little more blurred light and shadow.

Xia Jue's sense of the vitality of heaven and earth was much higher than that of other immortals. Therefore, Huangfu, who was almost empty, could almost feel that he relied on the vitality of heaven and earth to supplement, and could exist for more than a thousand years in the state of empty shadow.

Huang Fu had never heard of this kind of magic, so he couldn't help sighing.

Xia Jue also took a sip. The cold spring entered his heart from his throat. Without refining, it became very strong Qi.

"Good wine! Good thing! Xia Jue drank all the wine in the barrel.

As soon as the barrel was empty, orange wine came out of the jug and filled it.

Xia Jue even dry three bottles feel three pieces of Qi flowing in his body, began to precipitate in the Dantian.

Among them, comfort saves too much time compared with the time of real cultivation.

Compared with Xia Jue, Huangfu only tasted a little and took a few drinks.

He looked at Xia Jue's little drunkard and said, "I don't do anything when I'm free. I'm afraid there are hundreds of people in this world.

Over the past few years, it has become a wine full of vitality.

Want to drink at any time "

Xia Jue opened his eyes and looked at the human emperor.

According to him, the emperor should be the first person in the world to take charge of the world. Why not make wine in such a proper way? Looking at the proud appearance on Huangfu's face, it seems that he really cares about wine making and is very proud.

"I'm really impressed that you are a master of wine making.

I don't know. I've got some imperial drinks like a pot. Can I share them with my friends? "

"Almost. What's the simplicity of a WinePot? Everything here is yours.


Huangfu's words were not very loud. In fact, from the beginning, Huangfu's words were very soft. There was no human emperor's power and dignity.

However, this sentence shocked Xia Jue's body and filled his heart with incredible excitement.

"Master, what do you say? What's my stuff? "

Huangfu looked at Xia Jue and patted him on his shoulder.

"Since you can enter the Yuehua hall, it means that you have at least passed the city protection battle of our imperial city.

Now the city protection array has basically lost most of its functions.

If someone can really master the battle of protecting the city, he should master the whole imperial city.

I've been waiting for you since a thousand years ago. "

"I used to be the nameless son of fairyland, and I came to the lower world by chance.

I'm very happy here. I met many good friends, learned the truth I didn't know before, carried forward the Xuantian array Jue which was spread to my family. Relying on the Xuantian array tactics, I rose up in this continent and finally established the Huangfu Dynasty. "

While speaking, a Golden Book appeared in front of Xia Jue.

There are four big characters on it.

I can't understand Xia Jue, but the meaning from it is very clear.

The secret of Xuantian formation.

"Xia Jue, do you want to inherit my mantle? Do you want to be the actual owner of the imperial city? " This can be said to be a great temptation.

For anyone, the technique of pressing the bottom of the box, which was once the emperor of mankind, and the imperial city which may have unlimited wealth and resources, are like the autumn water in front of the dying people in the desert.

Xia Jue's white eyes were shining with greedy color, but he soon calmed down.

He also wants unlimited wealth from spitting, but he knows the simple truth.

There is no wasted lunch in the world.

"Master, but what can I do to get your reward?"

Huangfu looked at Xiajue. Xiajue could keep calm in the face of such a huge temptation. He fully saw the young man's extraordinary determination and wisdom. He knew that these things were not in vain.

"Yes, a thousand years ago, I was right about you.

The law of heaven and earth circulates, and there exists the law of hell.

Getting something means losing something else.

At that time, I thought that when I became emperor, I could also call Gaoxian and wooden board on the Ninth Heaven. In the end, I lost a lot of things, friendship, love, innocence and a lot of things. "

"I think you are a strong and persistent young man.

So, I give you this opportunity to think about dealing with a person when you are really capable. "

When Huangfu said this sentence, his tone was full of resentment, and the emperor could also be full of resentment.

I don't think it's a small thing to think about this person's identity and strength.

Xia Jue's heart is awe inspiring, but considering his possible life experience, the enemy may be more difficult to be angered.

Many of the people Huangfu had to deal with did not seem unacceptable.

Xia Jue didn't think much and nodded heavily.

"The orders of the older generation are for the younger generation to let it be."

"Do you want to ask who this man is? If you know that when he waves, the mountains, the sun and the moon are gone. "Huangfu looks at Xiajue in surprise. He knows that his reward is seduced, but he is still confused when he gets to Xiajue so quickly.Do you think Xia Jue is not a smart person he has seen before, but a powerful person? Is it a generation of greed and apathy?

"If the younger generation inherits the mantle of the older generation, the enemy of the older generation is certainly the enemy of the younger generation.

The younger generation also has potential enemies.

This enemy has come with all means. With my present ability, my big enemy is not only a newt, but also a joke. But he has grown up to deal with him like his younger generation.

The enemies of the elder generation are also powerful, but they don't bite when there are too many lice. They don't care if there are too many enemies "

seeing Xia Jue's calm and indifferent attitude, Huangfu laughs.

He clapped.


You are still such an optimistic and brave young man.

Yes, in that case, I didn't choose the wrong person.

"Xuantian array Jue" is yours "

then the glittering Book suddenly jumped out and flew into Xia Jue's body.

Xia Jue didn't respond. He felt that the regiment had entered his body.

It was strange. His body suddenly trembled and felt infinitely improved. His body seemed to split into heaven and earth and spread.

"Xia Jue, you are my true heritage after a thousand years, but you are not my apprentice.

When you really become a world where big jobs can get out of this barrier, you know who I'm dealing with.

If I haven't disappeared in 3000 worlds at that time, you can come back to me and we can drink together. "

Seeing that Huangfu's figure was a little darker, Xia Jue was so scared that he handed out the wine in the bucket.

Huangfu shook his head and said, "I'm the double of Huangfu's memory and Qi. I'm waiting for you.

Now that my mission is over, nature is in nothingness.

Immortals always think that they will continue forever, that's just a joke.

The human world is only one hundred years old. The fairyland is a ghost, and one day it will return to nothingness.

This is the merciless law of heaven and earth. To cultivate immortals is against heaven. We should bear all kinds of punishments against heaven.

Men are most happy to fight with heaven and earth. "

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