And the driving procedures of those three moves come to mind.

With excellent ability, Xia Jue understood these three moves in just one hour.

Xia Jue, who was sitting, suddenly stood up and waved his fist forward.

With a wave of his fist, a golden dragon head appeared behind Xia Jue. I saw that dragon head open his eyes, and the powerful prestige filled the main hall.

It's so powerful.

Xia Jue is very satisfied with this fist. His demon blood has a great influence on the amplitude of this fist. He also has a great influence on the demon in Huangfu's imperial city.

The demon clan is very strong, but Xia Jue's own blood is waving their streets in the distance.

This kind of blood crushing is fatal to the demon clan in battle.

For example, the Lion King's big black.

Now that the cultivation is over, Xia Jue should also grasp it.

It has taken an hour to practice.

The sun rises less than four minutes at this time.

The Xiajue of Huangfu imperial city does not have many treasures.

"I don't know what happened to the sword demon and Du's sisters..." Shaking his head, Xia Jue decided to explore Huangfu imperial city first.

There are sword demons. They are not too dangerous outside the imperial city.

Exploring the memory in his mind, Xia Jue also revealed the route of the imperial city.

"Pill hall, treasure house, dining room, library, armory palace, monster Hall..." Xia Jue pondered that he didn't know where to go. Huangfu's imperial city was so big that he couldn't walk all night. He had to decide.

"Restaurants must be excluded first, and then the monster Hall..." In the monster hall, Xia Jue didn't want to run for nothing, even if he didn't think it was a demon clan.

"There are just four remaining danyao hall, zangbaoneifu, cangshuge and Wuku palace, one every hour! Xia Jue's white eyes were filled with a trace of scorching heat. The feeling of exploring treasure was really wonderful.

Out of the hall, Xia Jue adjusted his direction and went to the nearest Hall of pills first.

On the way, Xia Jue solved several demons who tried to attack him. These demons were all in the state of virtual transmission.

Xia Jue is a little difficult to deal with in the front. Now it's a piece of cake.

The body is far more than the blood of the ordinary demon family. Xiajue just calls the virtual mirror image. These demons have lost their fighting ability. They just tremble and become Xiajue.

Xia Jue, of course, is not polite. He sincerely refuses the demons who occupy the Huangfu palace. As a result, the Huangfu palace now belongs to him in name.

"Have you arrived yet?"

After hard work, Xia Jue finally arrived at the gate of the main hall.

From a distance, you can clearly see the four golden characters on the door of the hall - the main hall of pills.

Approaching, Xia Jue found the difference between the main hall.

The walls of the main hall are carved with cauldrons and unknown utensils.

Then Xia Jue smelled the fragrance as soon as he entered the main hall.

It's unique to danyao - danxiang.

In this continent, there are four stages of Dan medicine, namely, Tian, Di, Xuan and Huang.

Want to have Dan Xiang Dan Yao is at least the most advanced Xuan product Dan Yao, put this kind of Dan Yao on the outside of the auction is absolutely a rolled product.

The profession that can make Dan medicine is called Dan Shi in this continent. According to the correspondence of Dan medicine, it can be divided into four stages: Heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang.

Searching Chang Zhiyuan's memory, Xia Jue also has a new understanding of the hall of pills.

Chang Zhiyuan said that the most powerful Danshi in their Shenzong sect was only xuanjie Danshi.

But in this hall of pills, I'm afraid

"It's not impossible to have such a strong fragrance, even if there are local elixirs.

’Xia Jue licked his white tongue. He couldn't stand it any more.

Xia Jue hasn't tasted the taste of pills yet. If you enter the hall of pills subconsciously, you will always have a sense of crisis of not doing it. Xia Jue may have gone in to see one.

After several minutes of confrontation with such a non-existent threat, the sense of crisis finally disappeared.

"Wheezing, finally leaving." Xia Jue held his breath. Just now he tried his best to urge his blood. The other party was a little afraid, but he didn't intend to refuse.

After a few minutes of confrontation, Xia Jue will show his feet.

Xia Jue's white back has been wet for a long time. If he doesn't pretend to be calm, the other party won't let him go so easily.

"Just now, the strength of the demon clan made me feel no weaker than that of the Lion King's big old black. I think this Huangfu imperial city is still crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon..." Xia Jue clenched his fist, and his desire to become stronger became stronger.

"Let's go first."

Xia Jue has long been interested in the place called zangdan hall in the main hall. Now that the crisis is over, he can't wait to jump in.

Poop poop.

Xia Jue just like breaking through the invisible membrane, entered the hall of zangdan.

The young Xia Jue didn't notice that when he entered the zangdan hall, the dark shadow twinkled.

Just came in, the face is already condensed in the gas of Dan Xiang, Xia Jue body a little restless."My God! This danxiangnong is here. Is it a layer pill? " Xia Jue looked around excitedly and suddenly found three cauldrons.

The three cauldrons are distributed in a ladder shape, with three characters of heaven, earth and mystery written respectively.

"No No way From Chang Zhiyuan's memory, Xia Jue also knows the level of pills.

He just thought that there was a layer of pills in it. It seemed that there was a legendary Tianjie pill!

"God help me, too! After hearing about the legend of traditional Chinese medicine in Fangshi, Xia Jue couldn't restrain his excitement and rushed directly to the xuanding cauldron at the bottom of the three cauldrons.

However, before Xia Jue was about to open the xuanding, his hair suddenly stood up and became "this is..." Xia Jue's feet had a phantom, and his body was a few meters away.


The clear voice suddenly covered the whole main hall. Standing in front of Xia Jue, he suddenly had golden feathers.

The golden feather, like an arrow, penetrates deep into the ground of the main hall.

Xia Jue's white eyes were frozen. If he had been slow before, he would have been killed by this golden feather.

"Hard to learn the tracker's steps.

Otherwise, I really planted it today.

Xia Jue was relieved to pass death.

Fortunately, he had foresight and learned three moves.

Xia Jue once again emerged on the golden pattern, get up with high spirits, just like the real dragon wake up.

"Golden winged hawk king, since you are here, don't shrink into a ball like this!"

"Golden winged hawk king, since you are here, don't shrink into a ball like this!"

Xia Jue looked around every corner of the main hall coldly. He took over Huangfu's mantle and knew about the 11 most powerful demon kings in Huangfu's palace.

With the golden feather, almost took his life.

Among the 11 demon kings, only the golden winged eagle king will.

"Boy, I have some skills."

The cold voice from the top of Xia Jue's head, Xia Jue's body flickered again, still a few meters away.

"Ha ha, don't be afraid. Since the jade arrow can't hurt you, I won't waste my jade."

Xia Jue's white pupil shrank and looked at the top of zangdan hall for no reason.

The Golden Eagle hovered in the sky and said, "I didn't expect you to have royal blood.

They don't seem to have been killed

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