The golden winged eagle king Shen Ying's eyes are fixed on Xia Jue. No matter what Xia Jue's identity is, if he can enter the Cangdan hall, he will definitely kill it.

Xia Jue once again emerged with golden patterns, and the image of biography also appeared behind him, and the prestige full of the atmosphere of flood and desolation also swept over him.

"The descendants of Huangfu royal family have demon blood, and they are so pure..."

In the face of Xia Jue's virtual image, the golden winged eagle king flew fearlessly to Xia Jue.

Its wings are like sharp knives, even the air is cut off.

The oppression of the disadvantageous blood was unexpectedly ineffective this time. Xia Jue was a little surprised before, and then suddenly realized.

"Damn, my blood should correspond to the demon family of animals. The golden winged eagle king is a kind of bird. Although he is the same demon family, his oppression must be great to the beast family."

Xia Jue's blood also oppressed the golden winged eagle king, but it was not as obvious as the lion king before.

Otherwise, will the golden winged eagle king, the descendant of the eleven demon families in ancient times, fail to attack Xia Jue?

Even if he is not the descendant of the ancient demon clan, as long as he has the strength of the golden winged eagle king's blood realm, he can instantly kill Xia Jue.

"Damn, how could you meet this beast!" The blood was restrained by the golden winged eagle king, but its inhibition was not enough to confront Xia Jue.

There are 11 demon kings in Huangfu's Imperial City, only one of them is a bird, but Xia Jue is not dead.

It can only be said that Xia Jue finally recited it.

Even if the previous luck continued, Xia Jue was a little carried away by the victory.

Even if such a change suddenly appeared, Xia Jue was very confused.

He already felt that the golden eagle was locking himself in.

Even if he uses the tracker again, it doesn't work.

The golden winged eagle king came to Xiajue. Xiajue could only hold Tianchi, and took out his boundless sword Qi as soon as he hit back.


The vast sword Qi was like a sharp knife, which passed through the wings of the golden winged eagle king. A large number of golden feathers were also knocked down by the vast sword Qi.

"Boundless sword Qi! It can't be like that! How can you have the boundless sword spirit of the ancient sword repair? 》The golden winged eagle king is considered to be the fastest of all the demon kings. The distance between Xia Jue and the golden winged eagle king is only 10 meters. Such a close distance can avoid Xia Jue's record.

"Damn, how can I fight this?"

Even the vast sword Qi can't win, Xia Jue is a little flustered at this time.

The speed of the golden winged eagle king is really too fast. He can avoid the close attack like before. Although he is still hurt by the vast sword Qi, it's just a harmless injury.

What's more, Xia Jue's card of boundless sword spirit has been revealed. It's impossible to create such an opportunity now.

The wary golden winged eagle king was not stupid enough to fight with Xia Jue.

If he doesn't really want to die, you should know that the vast sword Qi can wipe out the existence of the strong in blood.

"Boy, I still look down on you.

No wonder yuan Yongquan is in your hands.

The golden winged hawk King circled in the air again. His sharp eyes glanced at the wings that fell on the ground, and his heart was warm.

"Chrysalis seems to be no nonsense this time. I may have carried it by accident." although the golden winged eagle king is very fast, it's very difficult to avoid pale sword Qi at such a close distance.

Even he was ready to run away to avoid the fatal blow, but his wing was still injured.

"I can't attack close. I'm a teenager named jinqiaoya. I can avoid it. It's really troublesome.

"The golden winged eagle king has a headache. Xia Jue, a Terran child with plug-ins all over his body, is really hard to defeat the strong man who spills blood.

Unexpectedly, most of the golden winged eagles are headache Xiajue plug-ins. Xiajue is headache, and the golden winged eagles have the same abnormal speed.

The biggest killing was all sacrificed, but it had no effect. Xia Jue was also very troublesome at this time.

"It seems that we can only try to get close to him a little bit." Xia Jue's mind turned, and a feasible plan emerged in his mind.

Xia Jue took out his flying sword from the ring of sky shadow and stepped on his feet.

After absorbing the mantle of Chang Zhiyuan, Yuan Yongquan and Huangfu, Xia Jue knew these immortals best.

Xia Jue, the king of golden winged Eagle hovering in the sky, manipulated the flying sword to attack him, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Dare to be free with me in the air? I really want to die! 》If the golden winged Hawk has wings, the wind factor of the whole body will be a hurricane, and the golden feathers of the golden winged hawk are mixed in the hurricane.

Immortals can fly with their swords, but it is very difficult to fight in the air by flying with their swords.

In the flying of imperial sword, the two feet are restrained, which has a great influence on the maneuverability.

And the golden winged Hawk is in a good time for this hurricane. Xia Jue is inevitable.

"Heaven has a way, if you don't go, hell has no door! I really want to die

If Xia Jue continues to be on the ground, the golden winged eagle king will be in trouble, but it will be different.

In the flying sword whose mobility is greatly affected, Xia Jue can't use the tracker's dance steps to avoid his attack.Moreover, in order to prevent accidents, the king of golden winged Eagle directly used a wide range of Hurricane attacks. Xia Jue could not escape even if he could send a pursuer!

"Heaven has a way, if you don't go, hell has no door! I really want to die

The golden winged hawk king is very confident in this fight.

Xia Jue is just an empty place.

And it's family.

The hurricane formed by him can kill ordinary small ten strong people.

In the hurricane, Xia Jue tried his best to promote his blood, and the golden stripes on his forehead had already emerged. The golden dragon head took refuge in Xia Jue's health.

This is Xia Jue's defense skill before - tiger is angry!

However, in the hands of Xia Jue, it seems that it is more correct to be called long Xiannu.

The Dragon neck behind Xia Jue gave out a faint dragon song, as if he had survived.

In long Xian's anger, Xia Jue takes out five flying swords from the shadow ring and holds them in his hand, then shoots them directly at the location of the golden winged eagle king.

Usually, you don't need to worry about the soft flying sword in the eyes of the golden winged eagle king, which can be ignored completely.

However, today is different, Xia Jue's means emerge in endlessly, and the golden winged eagle king can't be ignored.

If the wings are reduced, the golden winged eagle king avoids the flying sword. The flying sword is inserted directly on the wall of the main hall. There is no abnormality.

"You think too much?" The golden winged hawk king decided to increase the input of the true element of the hurricane, breaking Xia Jue's shell at one stroke.

At that time, the second flying sword also flew to the golden winged eagle king.


In the past, avoiding the weak flying sword made the king feel shameless. The second king decided to resist.

However, when the flying sword was about 100 meters away from him, the golden winged eagle king felt its abnormality.

"I see." the golden winged eagle king finally understood what Xia Jue was thinking.

Because he felt the second flying sword mixed with the pale sword.

"I deliberately used the first sword to confuse me, and then the second sword with boundless sword Qi.

Kid, you underestimate the look of a strong man with blood

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