
The second sword was still avoided by the golden winged eagle king, and the pale sword air made a big hole in the wall of zangdan hall.

Although the two swords had no effect, Xia Jue slowly threw the third one.

"Will you come again?" The golden winged eagle king felt the flying sword in the spirit, but he didn't find the boundless sword breath. His face suddenly changed when he tried to resist.

"Really or really?"

This third flying sword also suddenly mixed with the boundless sword Qi, but Xia Jue used the golden liquid in his brain to move his hands and feet.

You can't feel it in the distance, but you can feel it nearby.


The flying sword once again made a big hole in the wall of the zangdan hall, and the golden winged eagle king also staggered in the air.

The flying sword just thought he was a little late, and it tore several pieces of his golden feathers.


Looking at the big golden ball on the ground angrily, the golden winged eagle king was a little angry.

The grand descendants of the ancient demon clan are still the strong ones in the blood realm. They play in applause and only convey the empty realm.

At ordinary times, it is unnecessary to tell others about the virtual state, and the strong one who practices the virtual state is worthless in his eyes.

However, today, he was so proud that he was hurt twice by the legendary virtual youth.

Hurricane Hagrid suddenly condenses and glitters.

The golden winged Eagle shot into most of his golden feather. The sharp golden feather infuriated Xia Jue's Dragon and formed a crack under the effect of the hurricane.

The Dragon took a look at the angry crack. Xia Jue used both hands and fired two flying swords to the left and right behind him.


The flying sword was firmly inserted into the wall of zangdan hall, and no accident happened.

Here, Xia Jue has launched five flying swords. In the eyes of the golden winged eagle king, Xia Jue is at his wits' end.

"Can consume more than half of the money, children of human beings, you are proud." the cold voice of the golden winged eagle king suddenly sounded, and the eagle's eyes were staring at the cold Xia Jue.

"King hawk, do you think you won? Xia Jue looked fearlessly into the eyes of the golden winged eagle king, and his smile gradually shrouded his face.

"King hawk, do you see these five lines on my hand? However, this kind of silk is not easy to cut off even if it is a strong one with excellent characteristics and dripping blood. "

Hearing the word Xia Jue, the golden winged eagle king noticed that Xia Jue was holding five silks.

The other of the five silks was suddenly the five swords.

"The boy who pretends to be a God and deceives ghosts, even if you have silk!" The golden winged eagle king didn't know what Xia Jue wanted to do when he took out the silk.

He just saw Xia Jue long smashing his anger, and the sharp golden man would soon fragment Xia Jue.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth! Heaven and earth are all five elements! On Xiajue's head, the colorful huilinggen appeared unconsciously.

We can see that there are five attributes in the colorful Huiling root, which correspond to five silks respectively.

At this time, the king found that the flag was tied by a flying sword.

"This is Array? The king's pupil of the golden winged Eagle narrowed, and then he knew the white Dang of Xia Jue.

It was the signboard that used to attack him with flying sword. Xia Jue's real purpose was to send the array flag to the corresponding position.

Pale sword Qi is used to prevent the golden winged hawk king from stopping flying.

The golden winged hawk realized that he was wrong. It was too late.

Xia Jue has passed five attributes to the corresponding position through Tian silk, and the five attributes of Zhenyuan suddenly flew out of Xia Jue's body, directly dispersing the original hurricane.

"Heaven and earth are all five elements. As eyes, Zhenyuan is the medium! Xia Jue takes himself as the eye of the array and the true element in his body as the media. He comes down from the most powerful killing array recorded in the Xuantian array - the five elements demon subduing array!

According to the Xuantian formation decision, the five elements demon subduing formation needs five different spiritual roots to urge, usually requires the cooperation of two or three people, he can complete it alone.

It looks like an array invented for the owner of wucai huilinggen. Xia Jue specially remembered it, but it worked unexpectedly.

"Terran boy! You think you won? "

Although the great array had been formed, the golden winged eagle king did not show any fear.

"With your strength alone, your true yuan can't be hurt no This is That's it! This is Xianyuan

"With your strength alone, your true yuan can't be hurt no This is That's it! This is Xianyuan

The golden winged eagle king was surprised at last. As a descendant of the ancient demon clan, he felt close to death for the first time.

What is Xianyuan? Xianyuan can only be owned in the upper level, which completely overwhelms the existence of Zhenyuan.

That's why people in the upper plane are much better than those in the lower plane.

As for why Xia Jue has Xianyuan, it's actually very simple, that is, Tianchi.

Old Chi woke up long ago and observed Xia Jue's appearance in secret.

Xia Jue tells Xia Jue that he can borrow Xianyuan when he considers using the five elements demon subduing array.In the past, he absorbed a lot of Xianyuan and boundless sword Qi outside the hall. Xia Jue finally used the strongest killing array in Xuantian array.

The mutually exclusive quotation of the five attributes is that the metal immortal yuan completely envelops the golden winged eagle king, the fire immortal yuan combined with the wood immortal yuan and the wind immortal yuan constantly burns, cutting off the golden winged eagle king, while the earth immortal yuan firmly controls the golden winged eagle king on the ground, making the golden winged eagle king motionless.

Then, after the five attributes were bombed alternately, with a huge sound, the golden winged eagle king exploded.

Xia Jue, who had been ready for a long time, had been hiding far away. He made the Dragon angry, but he still suffered some internal injuries and bled to the ground from his mouth.

"You are a bloody strong man.

The power of this self explosion is different "

it is not the first time that Xia Jue has been self exploded, but it is the first time that he has such power.

A big hole was opened in the zangdan hall because of the self explosion of the golden winged eagle king. The three cauldrons, Tiandi and Xuan, were also affected, but they did not fall down properly.

"I'm sorry."

Seeing the big hole caused by the explosion, Xia Jue couldn't help but feel sorry.

The body method of the golden winged eagle king can be said to be the best in the mainland. If you can get the memory of the golden winged eagle king and master his body method, Xia Jue's strength will be greatly improved.

"You are cheap, but you sell your children well! Is life not enough? The old man who doesn't even have height looks at Xia Jue with white eyes. Xia Jue's behavior is embarrassing.

"Don't you go to see the pills! That's the main play

Xia Jue also saw that silly man standing. The old man couldn't bear to be reminded.

"As far as I know, it's not bad to put the lower level of Tianjie pills in the upper level.

It can't be said to be a baby, but it won't damage the street "

after listening to the grandfather's words, Xia Jue finally had a reaction.

In the war just now, he was really tired. The best winner was still him, but he was lucky.

If the golden winged hawk king did not dare to be threatened by his flying sword, he would have solved it.

"Strength, strength!"

After this battle, Xia Jue is more eager for strength.

Suddenly I saw the cauldron with "Xuan" on it.

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