"It's good to experience it. Uncle Yun is really forward-looking."

If Xia Jue was just a fledgling bird before, now he is a young eagle mastering flying skills.

Of course, if you want to swim over Kyushu, you need to work harder.


About three hours after misty twelve swords left, Xia Jue also completely adjusted his state to the extreme.

After a lot of fighting in one night, the escape of life and death came early in the morning. Even the iron man couldn't hold on to it. Therefore, Xia Jue adjusted for three hours to recover, and his cultivation also showed signs of breakthrough.

Last night, Xia Jue, who broke into the virtual field, showed signs of breakthrough at this time. If the news gets out, I'm afraid it will cause some waves.

How many immortals are trapped in a state where it's hard to make progress every year, while Xia Jue can break through one by one in a short night, just like the existence of God, "it's time to go."

Spitting out the last mouthful of polluted air, Xia Jue stood up, put the measuring ruler behind him, and went straight to the hole.

However, just as Xia Jue stepped out of the cave, an amazing sword light came towards him from the air. Xia Jue just wanted to retreat, but he found that the other side still had a flash of sword light, which completely blocked his way back.

"This is. Sword demon shockwave? What does he want to do? "

Although the color of the shockwave changes with the new sword, Xia Jue can feel that the owner of the shockwave is the sword demon

"dragon's anger!"

The golden dragon head envelops Xia Jue in it, showing a dead angle, blocking all the routes of Xia Jue, and the two swords also cut directly on the dragon head.

Just like the voice of Jintie jiaoquan, Xia Jue successfully resisted these two firm and gentle actions from Yuan Yongquan

"sword demon, what do you want!" Xia Jue looked at the figure in front of him angrily. It was the sword demon himself!

"I want to take risks with you, but you have to beat me first!" The sword demon pointed the sword at Xia Jue, and the sword was boiling like boiling water.

Hearing the words of the sword demon, Xia Jue's eyebrows wrinkled, and then gradually eased. The golden thread spread all over Xia Jue. At this time, Xia Jue was like a waking beast!

"Since you are determined to fight, let me try how strong you are!"

The words didn't stop. Xia Jue was the first one to do it. A phantom flashed by. Xia Jue appeared in the sword demon. Behind him, a burning flame rose from his palm.

"Fire, get up, wind, surge!"

A left-handed flame, a right-handed hurricane and a tornado formed between hurricane Hagrid. The flame rose from the ground and surrounded the sword demon with great momentum.

In the face of the fire tornado, the sword demon did not show any fear. He held the sword high in his hand, just like a sharp sword. The sharp sound of the sword tore the fire tornado to pieces.

"You'll lose a lot of money if you use this kind of thing against me!" The sword devil's cold voice rang out, and the original strong sword Qi disappeared instantly. To be exact, it was restrained by the sword devil.

"The seven kill sword of Moruo comes out!"

The sword demon's sword is full of brilliant light, and the previously convergent sword Qi is now doubled, and an amazing shock wave strikes Xia Jue like thunder

"kill --!"


The sharp sword Qi directly splits on Xia Jue's borneol bag. Different from the previous two shock waves, the shock wave of the sword devil is still full of an indescribable flavor.

"It's murderous! This boy is really a sword demon. You must be careful! " The old man sitting in the ruler suddenly sent a message to Xia Jue. Xia Jue didn't know what it was, but the old man was different.

After all, the old man was born in the upper class, but he didn't see any big waves. The old man recognized the murderous spirit at a glance. Since even the old man was called Xia Jue, be careful, then Xia Jue couldn't be careless, and the power of blood was released completely. The golden dragon head suddenly turned golden and was directly dispersed by the bright impact wave.

Xia Jue stepped on the ground and stepped on his feet. His body was like a ghost again. He directly sent it to the sword demon and raised his right fist behind him. The golden light quickly covered it and formed a golden dragon.

"Dragon roaring fist!"

Xia Jue's fist did not leave his hand. It not only urged his own blood, but also used Zhenyuan. The power of this blow can easily kill an ordinary person who cultivates immortals in a fit environment. Even those who cultivate immortals in a virtual environment are not easy to be stopped.

However, Xia Jue's opponent this time is sword demon, so he is doomed to be disappointed.

A breath of extreme cold suddenly appeared. Xia Jue felt that he had been following the ice. Every summer, his hair stood up.

"Is this murder?" Thinking of what the old man had just said, Xia Jue immediately knew the true face of the tone.

Because of the murderous spirit, Xia Jue's action can't help lagging behind, which gives the sword devil the chance to fight back.

Seeing that the direction of the sword in his hand had changed, Xia Jue didn't even see how the sword demon waved his sword and when it came out of its sheath. A sharp sword light fist struck Xia Jue's right fist."Two kills - no shadow!"


Jinlong and Jianguang collide, and the strong impact force directly flicks Xiajue and Jianmo away. They both take several steps back to stabilize their own pace.

At this time, Xia Jue found that the cultivation of sword demon had broken through to a virtual environment very similar to himself. Although this was only the beginning, we must know that when we first met, the cultivation of sword demon was one level lower than him!

"This sword demon is a monster!"

Xia Jue has demonic blood lineage and colorful Huiling blood lineage. He is even surpassed by the sword devil in the cultivation of ascension, which is totally inconceivable to Xia Jue.

"don't underestimate this sword devil. This boy is a real sword devil. If I'm not wrong, his body should be a real sword!" The old man's words came out again. This time, the old man's words surprised Xia Jue.

"Is there a sword in your body?"

Xia Jue had only heard of the spiritual roots and blood in his body, but this was the first time he had heard of a sword in his body.

"Yes, boy, your plane is too small. When you get to the upper floor, you will know that there are countless strange people on the upper floor. But on that day, there are as many people as dogs. People with swords have only seen a few hands since ancient times, which is less than your colorful wisdom root!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, as if hesitating, but finally said: "if you don't have the top demon blood and colorful Linggen, I'm afraid one of them is really not his opponent, but just now he said that he is willing to take risks with you, provided you beat him, which is a good thing. If he takes risks with you, there will be less danger in the future." The old man's words reverberated in Xia Jue's heart. Before Xia Jue could digest these words, the sword devil style was surging.

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