While avoiding Jianqi and Donny's colleagues, Xia Jue carefully recalled all kinds of things after meeting with Jianmo

in fact, no matter who the Jianmo confronted before, the other party was killed by him. Xia Jue didn't notice this before, but it's really shocking to think about it now.

Even the demons in the cave were killed directly by the sword demon, leaving no corpses. Although the demons at that time had been suppressed by Xia Jue and left their bodies, their bodies were still broken and killed by the sword demon.

Xia Jue realized that his strongest move, the five elements demon array, only caused a little skin injury to the two demon families, while the sword demon did not This is a kind of thoughtful panic!

"No trace before, known as the head of twelve swords, should also be the corpse of the sword demon who didn't find the sword demon, otherwise this rare genius could not lose to the sword sect."

The old man added, and then habitually passed his dust to Xia Jue

"eh?" The old man was a little surprised that the dust did not integrate into Xia Jue's meridians as usual, but was turned away.

"Old man, I will not rely on your strength this time, I will fight with my own strength!"

Xia Jue's eyes are shining with unprecedented fighting spirit. From his debut to now, he has never met an opponent with his own strength. Every time he challenges himself and defeats him, he finally meets an opponent like sword demon. Naturally, he wants to try his strength.

"I want to see how strong the old man's body is!"

Xia Jue's fighting spirit became strong again. He withdrew from the sword demon's chop. Then Xia Jue took out a set of array flags from the ring of sky shadow.

The array flag was thrown into the air, and Xia Jue quickly printed his hands.

"Xuantian absolute - four gates and eight locks array!" as Xia Jue's voice fell, the array flag also flew to and fro automatically, and the strong traction also came to the surface with the formation of the array.

"Lock!" Xia Jue pointed to the sword devil and gave a big drink. After half a second, the sword devil's sword was about to pierce his body.

However, the four gates and eight locks array, and even the demon clan with blood dripping, could be blocked. Although the demon clan at that time was eventually cut off by Xia Jue's blood power, the dead camel was bigger than the horse.

"The four gates and eight locks array are really plug-ins. Even the sword demon can't break free. No wonder Huangfu can build such a huge Royal family with Xuantian array." For a while, Xia Jue was surprised by the strength of the four gates and eight locks, and soon focused on the sword devil

although the sword devil was bound by the eight gates array and the four kingdoms, he still didn't give up. At this time, the real Qi in the sword devil was fully operating, trying to break through the blockade of the four gates and eight locks array

"sword devil, don't try, it's useless, I can't even be in the blood Break away from the demon clan, let alone... " Xia Jue's words didn't finish, because the fierce sword spirit of the sword devil accompanied with the murderous spirit cut a hole in his face.

"The sword devil! Can breath hurt people? "

Breath can also hurt people. It's really shocking. At the beginning, Xia Jue was forced to kneel down in one breath, but it didn't hurt people in one breath.

"No! That's it Xia Jue didn't notice that the sword demon's body began to turn a little blue. His momentum was like a wild animal breaking through the cage.

If you describe the sword demon as a scabbard sword, then today's sword demon is like a coming sword!

"This boy wants to wake up the body of sword completely! Be careful. If you can't, use Xianchen! Don't try to be brave When the old man saw it, he gave Xia Jue an injection.

"Xia Jue, you are the most powerful opponent I have ever seen. In order to show my respect for you, I will try my best! If you can beat me, I will only serve you in this world The sword demon opened his blood red eyes and stared at Xia Jue.


The sword devil roared up to the sky, and the surging murderous spirit almost became the essence, while Xia Jue could not stand to step around the array flag, and he began to break through inch by inch.

"No! He broke through four doors and eight locks

With the power of the sword demon, even if you wake up, you can't really break through the four gates and eight locks, but if you want to break the array, you don't have to fight hard. It almost becomes a real murderous spirit. It can easily cut Xia Jue's skin, which means that it can also attack the surrounding array flags

therefore, the sword demon will spread his murderous spirit and directly cut off Xia Jue from circling the array flag!

Xia Jue didn't have time to prepare. The sword devil had already broken four doors and eight locks. The sword devil who had lost his shackles disappeared in Xia Jue's sight.

"this speed is too fast!" Xia Jue could not help sweating a little on his forehead. He knew clearly that the sword demon had not really disappeared, but the speed was too fast for his eyes to keep up.

"Three kill three three five four promise!"


Almost instantly, Xia Jue's golden dragon head was broken by the sword demon. If Xia Jue didn't react quickly and avoid in advance, I'm afraid this sword would kill him directly.

"How fast! I can't keep up with the naked eye Xiajue was lost in thought. In his mind, a drop of golden liquid was suspended on the ocean of consciousness.

"Since the naked eye can't detect it, use perception!"Xia Jue grabs the drop of golden liquid in his hand. The golden light is in full bloom. Xia Jue is completely covered inside and outside.

As early as the first time I was transformed by a measuring ruler, I had this golden liquid in my mind, but Xia Jue never used the power of this golden liquid.

But now the situation is different, because Xia Jue can hardly defeat the sword demon alone, so Xia Jue, who has no way to go, can only try this kind of unused power.

Although this golden liquid was formed by a measuring ruler, it was in Xiajue's heart, so it was Xiajue's own strength. After the golden light shining, the stripes on Xiajue's body were no longer as irregular as before. They could not see what it was. The stripes were elongated again. At last, Xiajue's body was completely covered by the echo from head to tail.

At this time, if you look from a distance, Xiajue stripes are like dragon scales, accompanied by glittering gold. At this time, Xiajue is the reincarnation of the golden dragon!

"Good boy, it's really dragon blood! How wonderful! With this blood alone, you can compete with the sword devil After the dragon pattern was completely covered, the old man also recognized Xia Jue's blood

the sword demon also saw the changes in Xia Jue. However, although the sword demon noticed that Xia Jue's breath became stronger at this time, he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, it made the sword demon's fighting spirit more prosperous.

The shape of Xia Jue's body keeps flashing around Xia Jue and the sword demon. The sword is like a meteor in the sky. The combination of extreme speed and fierce sword spirit and murderous spirit makes the sword demon's sword reach its peak.

"Four killed - meteorite of a star!"

Like this meteor like sword, the sword devil has also reached the peak of his life. Xia Jue, who is in the golden light, is not idle, and the five elements are constantly fused in his palm. Finally, Xia Jue waves his hand, and a huge virtual shadow appears in front of Xia Jue

at last

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