"Seven kill..."

Ice cold ice two suddenly floated out from the sword devil's mouth, and Xia Jue's pupil fiercely shrank for a while.

Previously, the sword demon broke through one of his strongest attack methods, the five element demon array, by virtue of the fifth and sixth killing. Therefore, the seventh killing is the last type of the seven swords, which is powerful enough to destroy everything!

"Old man, bring the dust!"

In the face of the sword devil's last resort, Xia Jue did not dare to leave any hands. When * * entered the body, Xia Jue suddenly felt that the whole person was clear.

"The gap between Weichen and Zhenyuan is really not a little bit."

the idea flashed through my mind. Xia Jue had no spare time to think about seven ideas and eight ideas, because he had already felt the final power of the sword demon.

At this time, the sword devil held up his sword high, and the blue light poured on it. Even in the place tens of meters away from the sword devil, Xia Jue could still feel the fierce sword spirit and murderous spirit.

In a few seconds, the sword was three feet long, and it continued to grow.

"This sword demon is really hard! This kind of attack can be used! " Xia Jue's face turned white suddenly. If there was no dust on the sword devil's face, he didn't dare to hold on.

Even if there is Xianchen, Xia Jue can't beat it 100% definitely, but he can only say that he won't be hurt.

"This feeling. The sword demon's next move has gone beyond the limit of virtual environment!" Xia Jue's hands are tied. Around him, five array flags wrapped with fairies have been inserted. Facing the last move of the sword demon, Xia Jue decides to try an array he has never used.

The colorful huilinggen is working again, and the power of five different elements is injected into the array flag in turn, forming a light Dharma array.

On the other side of the sword demon, the sword has grown to a height of five feet, wrapped with blue magic Qi, and the sword demon will smash the sword like a hill at Xia Jue

Sword demon, the last means, is enough to kill most of the people who vainly preach the cultivation of immortals. Even Xia Jue's heart can't help but beat faster under the attack of such momentum.

"Five elements, help me!"

Xia Jue yelled, the five array flags also burst out a strong light, catering to the power of the five elements, a huge clock is emerging.

The most powerful defensive array in Xuantian array -- wumenzhong!


The shocking sound of the bell reverberates on the earth. The sword of the sword demon cuts on the giant bell. No matter how fierce the evil spirit is, you can't push any further. The giant bell keeps shaking, sharing the pressure of the sword on the earth.

How vast is the land? Even under the earth's surface, it's not the virtual condition that Xiuxian can shake, but the giant bell chooses to transmit power to the earth, which naturally disperses the power of the sword demon.

On balance, sword demons are too many for some people.

This is the seventh kill - God is the strongest move the sword demon can use now, but also because this is the sword demon's strongest move, so the cost of this move is extremely exaggerated.

After the sword devil wakes up, he can constantly absorb the whole body Qi to recover himself and reach a battle cycle. But the consumption of the seventh God killer is exaggerated and amazing. It not only breaks the battle cycle of the sword devil, but also empties the evil Qi in the sword devil. If it wasn't for the teeth of the sword devil, it would have melted away.

In contrast, Xia Jue is much more relaxed, just sitting on the giant clock to maintain the balance of the law.


Xia Jue deliberately took out a piece of light cake, bit it down, and then nodded exaggeratedly.

"Well, it's delicious!"

It's cold as a sword demon. I can't stand Xia Jue's shamelessness at this time. They are fighting and killing each other. You should sit in it and eat light cakes. Even if you eat them, you will make such a loud noise. It looks very enjoyable.


The sword devil tried his best to inject the last point of evil Qi into the sword, but he was still unable to break the defense of Juzhong. In desperation, the attack was directly relieved, and Wuzhang sword disappeared.

"You won." The sword devil looked at Xia Jue, who was sitting in the huge bell eating the cake, and his face was a little unwilling.

"Dust wins!"

Xia Jue swallowed the rest of the cake, then licked his mouth, moved away from the big array and said, "who told you that you are not immortal? I still envy you for having a magic sword, and I envy you for having a magic spirit! "

Xia Jue refused to be outdone and retorted, but he was really shocked by the fighting power of the sword demon. Originally, he thought that the sword demon was just a slightly stronger sword. Unexpectedly, his strength was so strong, "you win. According to what I said, I will serve you alone in this world in the future." The sword devil said coldly.

They are consistent in their words and deeds, but if they can't do what they say, it will affect their mentality. Sword practitioners pay great attention to their mood. If their mentality goes wrong, it will have a great impact on their future path of cultivation.

Therefore, since the sword devil has done what he said, he will never break his promise.

"Boy, you've made a lot of money. There's such a pervert. The sword body follows you. If you meet any strong enemy in the future, you two will join hands. What else can you be afraid of?"After the war with the sword devil, Xia Jue and the sword devil found a new cave. As for the original cave, it was almost destroyed in the war between them.

That night, Xia Jue and sword demon talked all night, but few people talked. Sword demon also changed the cold and endless conversation in the past.

According to the old man, the so-called "grandfather" in the mouth of the sword devil is actually the sword devil cultivated by Yuan Yongquan college with kindness, not because of conscience, but the special constitution of the sword devil.

The body of sword demon sword needs to wake up after passing through the virtual world, so before that, Yuan Yongquan has been waiting for him to become a sword demon every day. This seemingly kind behavior is actually full of conspiracy.

Yuan Yongquan's real purpose is to wake up the dark sword in the body after the sword demon's cultivation reaches the virtual state, then kill the sword demon and take out the dark sword in the body.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, to continue to cultivate sword demons until yuan Yongquan thinks the time is right to take the sword. However, in any case, sword demons are just a tool for yuan Yongquan

after knowing the truth, Xia Jue's eyes are full of sympathy. Compared with sword demons and Xia Jue, his childhood is a paradise.

Although he lost his father, he also enjoyed his father's love. However, the sword demon was brought up by Yuan Yongquan, who was not pregnant with his heart. If he didn't meet himself, I'm afraid that something might happen to the sword demon.

"it seems that he meant it, otherwise you won't meet the sword demon. The sword demon brings you to Huangfu palace. It seems that you have the greatest advantage, but in fact, he has saved the sword demon's life. It's a pity It's a cycle of heaven The old man also has a lot of feelings, which no one can say, but it is totally undeniable.

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