Three days later.

According to the map, Xiajue and Jianmo come to the nearest main city.

The Terrans have four major cities and one King City on this continent, as well as numerous small towns, occupying about half of the mainland area.

Wangcheng is located in the center of the mainland. It is the most sacred city of the human race, and also the place many people dream of entering. The main urban area is around Wangcheng, which is distributed in the East, West, North and south of Wangcheng.

The main city Xia Jue and sword demon are going to is in the direction of the south of the sky - the main city of the south of the sky.

A main urban area can accommodate hundreds of millions of people and has a vast area.

The whole main city is surrounded by green walls, and every side is heavily guarded. If you want to enter the main city area, you must pay a certain entry tax.

Moreover, it is impossible to live in the main city area all the time after paying the city entrance tax. When entering the main city, the guard of the city gate will give the entrant a green stone. The green light on the stone can only exist for a week. After a week, if you want to stay in the main city, you have to go to the city master's home to pay the tax again. All these are learned from Xia Jue's memory. At this time, Xia Jue is a little confused about who this is But these are not important. The important thing is that Xia Jue must enter the main city at this time, because only in such a place as the main city can he get his own style.

Xia Jue suffered a huge loss in the battle with the sword devil because of his lack of movement. The sword devil moloqi was killing Xia Jue from beginning to end. If he didn't rely on Xianchen's plug-in, Xia Jue was not the opponent of the sword devil at all

knowing the importance of moves, Xia Jue naturally thought of the main city.

In ordinary towns, there is no so-called Xia Jue's behavior that can be looked down upon. For example, the town where he met sword demon before is a dog meat seller.

When I first came to the main city, Xia Jue was also a little nervous.

Even from a distance, the walls of the main cities are endless. Facing a big city like Xiajue, people have some expectations.

after entering, Xiajue finds that there are as many as ten gates under the original walls, but even if there are ten gates, each gate has a long line.

After waiting for an hour, Xia Jue and the sword devil were impatient. It was their turn.

”Entering the city tax, a person has 500 xuanjing. "A fully armed soldier held out his hand without raising his head.

Although he had known for a long time that the city tax was 500 xuanjing, Xia Jue still had some pain. He took out 1000 xuanjing. This time, Xia Jue xuanjing had used up. If it wasn't for robbing some of Chang Zhiyuan's thieves, Xia Jue would not have been able to pay the city tax.

After paying the city tax, Xia Jue was ready to leave, but the soldier who didn't lift his head stopped them.

"It's two fish. No wonder you don't know the rules." As soon as he raised his head, the soldier's eyes shot with genuine Qi, and jingling Dacheng's strength broke out in an all-round way.


The soldier angered the sword devil. He never spoke. Just as the sword devil was ready to start working, Xia Jue pressed the sword devil's excited hand back.

"Oh, this little brother, my brother and I are still in the main city for the first time. I don't know what little brother did this time?" Xia Jue greets him with a smile on his face. Then he takes out a small bag of lingxuan and puts it into the hands of the soldiers.

After weighing, the soldier no longer embarrassed Xia Jue, turned around and yelled, "next."

Xia Jue was also relieved when he successfully entered the main urban area. When he queued up earlier, he found that there were some conflicts at other gates. A man who entered the city and a soldier moved his hand. Although the man who entered the city was very strong, they kicked the soldier at the gate, but several people soon fell off the wall and killed him directly.

Therefore, in the case of conflict, these soldiers have the right to kill the perpetrators on the spot, and he is a stranger in the main city. Although Xia Jue is not afraid of things, he does not want to make trouble. After all, he is also looking forward to getting his favorite moves in the main City, "paying more than 300 yuan for lingxuan is a real blood loss." Xia Jue looks at the shadow ring of the sky with some pain. There are only two thousand lingxuan left in it. With these two thousand lingxuan, Xia Jue even has a long way to go from advanced moves.

Calm down to think for a while, soon, Xia Jue had an idea.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to kill more young people in the future."

With an idea, Xia Jue took the sword demon and walked towards a major city in Nantian.

In a restaurant in the main city of Nantian.

Xia Jue and sword demon are having a big meal. They haven't eaten meat for several days. At this time, they don't care about their image and drink it all.

Although people who cultivate immortals can absorb the true Qi between heaven and earth to maintain their lives, they are still hungry. Therefore, for people who cultivate immortals, it is necessary to eat.

"Little two! Two more slices of beef with sauce! " Xia Jue waved and continued to eat and drink.

"Hello, my guest. I'll be right back!" Small two shops are very busy. For those who cultivate immortals like Xia Jue, they don't know how many people they will receive every day. Half of them are similar to Xia Jue. They belong to the kind of people who can't eat meat when they are closed for a long time or go out for exploration, and then come back to eat and drink.

Therefore, Xia Jue's action did not attract anyone's attention, and was soon covered by the flow of people in big cities.After eating for an hour, Xia Jue and the sword demon are finally full. Xia Jue listens to the big belly's words, calls the little two to his side and asks, "how much silver is there?"

Hearing Xia Jue's words, Xiao ER was shocked. Then he responded: "I'm sorry, sir, you two have just come to our main city. No matter in our main city, we don't accept silver and xuanjing."

"Well." Xia Jue is silly. The news makes him a little confused. After all, in those towns outside, eating is done with silver. He took a lot of silver with him when he went out this time, but he didn't expect to use it now.

"Hahaha, where are you from? Even xuanjing can't afford to buy it. It's silver. Hahaha. "

There is a big man on the table opposite Xia Jue. When you see Xia Jue, a newborn calf, you can't help laughing at him. He also slapped the table exaggeratively, deliberately showing the appearance of fitness.

He held out his hand again and restrained the sword demon who wanted to do so. Xia Jue looked coldly at the shop sophomore: "how many xuanjing."

"Er. One hundred xuanjing." Seeing that the situation was not right, he was a little nervous. He was just an ordinary man living in the main urban area, not an immortal cultivator. The genuine Qi released by the fighter made him sweat a little on his forehead.

"This is one hundred xuanjing. Take it. Let's go." After all, Xia Jue doesn't want to bring trouble to the little two. He is just an ordinary man. For the fighter, Xia Jue wants to kill his heart.

However, at this time, Xia Jue is no longer a young man who has just come out for training. In the main city, Xia Jue is still not willing to provoke such boring people to make trouble. In fact, the most important thing is that murder is forbidden in the main city of the main city. Once someone kills someone by force regardless of the rules, he ignores the main city, and the law enforcement team of the main city has the right to kill him.

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