"Fight with No.3 demon, but today's No.1, mad cow! Before mad cow killed the second sky, would it be the same result to deal with the third demon? Let's wait and see! Next, fight, start

When the host in black just stopped, standing in Xiajue, the mad cow opposite, No.1 set out.

"Boy, when you meet me, you're a fool! No matter what 17-year-old genius you are, I still love to kill genius! " Mad cow, like a real mad cow, is full of earthy Qi. What's more, it's aimed at Xia Jue's "earthy nature?"

Seeing that the other party is a native cultivator, the metal Huiling root in the colorful Huiling root is shining in the body. Xia Jue runs in real time, and the metal Huiling root blows.

The sound of a dragon singing all over the world suddenly appears. With the attack of Xia Jue, the blood in the demon clan is boiling, and the Dragon shadow behind him is wrapped by golden light. Under the attack of Xia Jue, he fiercely bumps into the mad cow


Mad cow is like a kite with broken line. The stands are red with blood.

Just one punch, Xia Jue directly defeated the so-called mad cow!

There was an uproar in the audience.

You know, the so-called mad cow disease is the late master of the virtual realm, who won the highest eight victories in the previous fight.

However, Xia Jue, who killed the mad cow with one blow, didn't think it was a great thing, because almost all the opponents who fought with him in the past surpassed his achievements, but he still defeated them.

For this and their own level of opponents, Xia Jue thinks that in addition to sea tactics, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

"It's really wonderful that the demon horse will kill the mad cow. It seems that this genius who is only 17 years old really exists! Now let's welcome the next challenger, Fengyun

With the falling of the thunder horn, a new challenger entered the arena.


This is another beautiful punch. Xiajue killed his opponent again. In the next battle, Xiajue's opponent is not Xiajue's enemy. Xiajue also uses three different attributes to different opponents. With the diversity of colorful huilinggen, Xiajue lights up the whole exhibition stand at this time.

"Devil! devil! The devil

The audience in the stands haven't been so excited for a long time. The arena has been established for a long time. Most of the people who come to the arena are ordinary gods. The audience can't see any wonderful games at all.

After all, those who have strength and talent, either come from a famous family or join the family of cultivating immortals, are all experts who are not short of money. Their quality to participate in the fight is getting lower and lower. In the end, the audience is getting less and less, and the profit of the fight is also decreasing year by year.

The last time a genius like Xia Jue came to fight was many years ago. That's why I was so excited when I saw Xia Jue and sword demon in the arena yesterday.

As we all know, it's very good that the people in the stands can account for one fifth of the ordinary fights. However, under the vigorous promotion of the arena yesterday, only half of the seats are full today.

There is an unwritten rule in the arena that if the challenger is too strong, he will send a superior to attack. Xia Jue has won eight games at this time and has reached this point.

"Here, please welcome our previous 12 best Gladiator champion, ghost! Let's hear it! " The black host once again ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and the grandstand was full of people. In the competition of Xia Jue, a large number of audience poured in again, all for Xia Jue

of course, in order to achieve this effect, the arena also made a lot of efforts secretly.

As the voice of the black host falls, a young man in a black robe appears in the arena.

"Ghost? It seems that this opponent should be a little interesting. " Xia Jue licked his lips. His former opponent was really miserable and missed.

However, Xia Jue has forgotten a very important point, that is, the true Qi in his body has all advanced into yuan. You should know that the true yuan can only be possessed when you are far away from the physical environment. Having true yuan in advance not only represents endurance, but also greatly increases combat effectiveness.

Ghost, you can tell by the name that the opponent's speed must be very good. As for speed, Xia Jue also has a little confidence in himself. Compared with Yuan Yongquan, he can get one step of lost track. However, even the blood dripping attack of demon race can be avoided. At the beginning of the battle, the huilinggen attribute of ghost frightening Xia Jue is wind!

In addition to the basic spiritual roots of the five elements, the mainland has many other attributes. Huilinggen of these attributes is a deformed root, often with only one attribute.

And this kind of property, which is separated from the five elements, is often more powerful.

"He deserves to be the opponent who has won 12 games. He really deserves his reputation!" Xia Jue laughs, this kind of opponent is worth his hand, and the former is too unbearable.

Xia Jue has no restraint on Yin wind attribute, but it doesn't matter. Xia Jue can also use wind.

Take out a mirror from the shadow ring, and the hurricane comes.

This mirror was taken by Xia Jue from the devil before. It's called style mirror. Although it's only called hurricane, Xia Jue still likes it very much.

"Fire, wind, surge!"When the fire attribute really pours into the hurricane, a fiery tornado is formed.

Xia Jue used other forms of boxing for the first time, and there was a cry in the stands. Although the destructive power of fire whirlwind was general, his momentum was not small, which made the audience feel that Xia Jue was more and more serious.

"Well! Teach the axe to grind

Seeing Xia Jue blocking himself with a hurricane, the ghost could not help showing a trace of disdain. Although the goggles could summon a hurricane, the hurricane was terrible in his eyes.

"Tear the wind hand!"

The ghost hands crossed into claws, and then tore at the flame of Xiajue tornado. The seemingly violent flame tornado was directly torn into two pieces by the ghost and annihilated.

"Oh?" Xia Jue noticed that when the ghost tore his flame tornado, an invisible force had already sneaked into the flame tornado. When the ghost tore, that force expanded rapidly from the inside of the flame tornado and directly tore the flame tornado.

Although that power seems invisible, Xia Jue can still feel it through his own consciousness.

"Boy, wait to die!" The ghost stares at Xia Jue, and then his whole body suddenly comes to Xia Jue like the wind

"broken wind!"

Xia Jue felt that the invisible power had surrounded him, and began to cross and rotate. Seeing this, Xia Jue no longer hid, and the golden virtual shadow of the dragon head also emerged.

"Dragon Gang is angry!"

Just like the voice of the golden iron handover on the Gladiator stage, a purple black tornado is tearing at Xia Jue crazily, while the golden dragon heads around him make this purple black tornado rampant crazily, and the capital of golden dragon is indestructible.

"So hard? Then I'll give you some ingredients! "

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