When one strike takes effect, the ghosts no longer underestimate the enemy. Over their heads, the wind attribute of Wellington bursts out a fierce light, and the purple black tornado around Xiajue has expanded from the previous one to three times.

After the expansion of the hurricane, its power also increased a lot. The ground of the arena was cut by the hurricane, and the debris was rolled up by the hurricane, hitting Xia Jue's golden dragon head with scratches.

With the ghost, Xia Jue actually found many cracks on his golden dragon head.

"It seems that this ghost is really worthy of the champion with 12 wins. The common dragon's anger is unbearable." Xia Jue was a little surprised by the lethality of the hurricane. Long Gang's anger was his most powerful defense except for the law. Although he did not use the power of blood, it was yuan Yongquan's own defense method in the case of dripping blood, which should not be weak.

Xia Jue doesn't want to expose his blood at this level, so the best way to deal with this opponent is.

close your eyes, Xia Jue's real yuan flows slowly, and with a wave of the array flag's hand, two strokes are inserted into the ground.

"Xiaotian purgatory"

the upper part of the arena and the lower part of the ghost station began to crack, and the places where the feet stood were trapped in the arena.

Snow, snow.

A raging fire from the ground directly engulfed the ghost, because the feet were bound, the ghost had no way to dodge, they could only be engulfed directly by the fire.

Xia Jue's hands were printed again, and the golden dragon head was shining all over the place, directly breaking through the purple black hurricane. After the hurricane, Xia Jue clenched his right fist and hit the ghost's stomach heavily.

"Dragon roaring fist!"

Jinlong Xuying closed his eyes and opened them fiercely. The ghost surrounded by the fire had no time to know what happened. Xia Jue punched him in the stomach and flew out of the arena.


Xia Jue's sudden counterattack makes the stands boo, but the boo is not aimed at Xia Jue, but at the ghost. This seemingly powerful ghost is killed by Xia Jue in a counterattack, which makes the audience on the stage shout.

Originally, the audience thought they could watch a wonderful war, but they didn't expect that the ghost of the 12th victory was beaten to death by Xia Jue, but the process was a bit complicated, but the result didn't change much.

"Er. Congratulations on our demon's victory over the ghost. The next one is still the previous 12 wins. Please welcome him to play!"

The man in black obviously didn't expect that Xia Jue would suddenly change the world, so the ghost who obviously had the upper hand was so crisp, so it was also a Leng.

The next opponent is still the champion of the first 12 victories, but it was soon solved by Xiajue under Xiajue's law and strong defense.

At the moment, the audience in the arena stands are boiling. It's incredible that the 12 win arena champion can't play several rounds in the hands of Xia Jue

"here, please welcome our special sniper, 11 win strong gamma!" Leiyin, the host in black, is rolling, which once again drives the rhythm of the audience.

Xia Jue's eyes narrowed slightly, and gamma was also known yesterday. After the 11th victory, you will encounter such opponents. They are all aimed at the 11th winner. Once they succeed in attacking, they will get a prize in the arena. Looking at the attitude of the old man in black yesterday, Xia Jue thinks that the arena does not exclude this kind of opponent to deal with himself. He seems to value himself very much.

However, Xia Jue has no fear, even the previous 12 winning champion can't walk three rounds, this gamma was born fearless.

However, gamma gave Xia Jue a surprise.

He used a sword.

For the opponents who use swords, Xia Jue has only contacted sword demons before, but even the abnormal like sword demons can win, and Xia Jue doesn't pay much attention to gamma


There are some differences between gamma and sword demons. Sword demons follow the ancient style, saying that the popular view is prejudice and scuffle, but gamma is totally practicing sword Qi.

From the beginning, gamma kept shooting shock waves at Xiajue. At first, Xiajue was easy to resist, but as time went on, Xiajue found that gamma shock waves became stronger and stronger.

"Boy, be careful, this kind of sword Qi called gamma will gradually become stronger, and this kind of sword cultivation is called sword optical flow, and many of this kind of sword cultivation are even in the upper level. This kind of sword cultivation is best at protracted combat. They can gradually improve their shock wave power in the battle, and then use a shocking blow to understand their opponents."

The old man's voice suddenly sounded in Xiajue's ear, and Xiajue's mouth turned slightly.

Since the opponent likes to attack from a distance, he will make a quick decision.

Xia Jue didn't disclose his real speed from the beginning. Although gamma has some excellent posture and often avoids his attack, Xia Jue is not unable to deal with him.

"However, my three moves will be exposed." Although Xia Jue was reluctant, he could do nothing. Gamma's sword Qi began to strengthen gradually, so he would expose more cards.

"One move to win!"

A fierce step on the ground, Xia Jue body lines that a long phantom was pulled out.

"What an amazing speed! The boy has been hiding in front of him As gamma's pupil shrinks, the flying sword under his feet is about to shift his position, only to find that he can't move."Don't do weak resistance. I just blocked your area and gave you one last chance to use your strongest moves."

Xia Jue released his hand at the ground array flag and laughed at gamma

with the lost step, Xia Jue walked out of a small array with four gates and eight locks in a few seconds. Although he could not control the enemy's action, he could block the flight ability.

However, Xia Jue did not seize the opportunity to win the other side, but gave him an opportunity to face himself.

Xia Jue doesn't want to be forced. Instead, he wants to see how strong the most powerful attack of normal cultivation is. With all kinds of plug-ins, Xia Jue doesn't have to worry about capsizing in the sewer.

"Boy, you are so confident!" Gama is full of anger at Xiajue's ignoring his behavior. Xiajue can commit suicide when he can't fly, but he gives himself a chance to "die for me!"

Although very lost, gamma still used all his strength, he wanted to let Xia Jue know how serious the consequences of underestimating himself were!

The sharp sword cut through the air, and gamma's angry blow was also the last. The momentum was also amazing. Due to the sharp shock wave, the floor of the arena was scratched.

The sharp shock wave was getting closer and closer, and the skin on Xia Jue's face was tingling.

"Shock waves of this magnitude."

Xia Jue narrowed his eyes and thought about the situation before the war with the sword demon. I remember that the sword demon's shock wave could easily cut his skin, but this gamma shock wave only made his skin feel a little pain. This gap can be imagined.

"What's the strongest blow? It seems too weak. " Xia Jue shook his head. Then the Golden Dragon's head behind him was in full bloom. It collided with Jianqi and made a long silver sound.

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