
Just like an egg touching a stone, the gamma sword Qi will break when it touches, and the golden dragon head will swallow the sword Qi directly, and then swallow gamma completely


The blood gushed out like no money. Gamma fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Xia Jue had just given enough real gold and silver. Although gamma would not die, he still suffered a lot of injuries.

Will gamma stepped down, and the black host seemed a little emotional.

"I didn't expect that even the demons in gamma's hands would jump out like grasshoppers. Next is the most important moment. The demons only need to beat another opponent to get the perfect result of 12 wins. According to the rules of our arena, if the audience in the stands are willing to challenge the demons, it will be the first choice!"

Through last night's temporary make-up class, Xia Jue also knows this rule. Once a challenger wins 11 games, the audience has the right to challenge the Challenger once, but not any audience can challenge. In order to prevent cheating, the arena also has the right to refuse those who feel uneasy about the arena.

"Let me try."

A man in clothes quietly jumped down from the stand and directly jumped into the arena as high as tens of meters, as if there was no existence in his eyes.

"Master, is it burning? I didn't expect master Bowen to be here today! "

"It seems that the devil's good luck has come to an end. We all know the strength of master Shao."

There is a lot of discussion in the stands. It is obvious that Xia Jue will face a very difficult opponent this time. He will not be as weak as those who cultivate immortals before.

Of course, this weakness is only aimed at Xia Jue, such a pervert.

Xia Jue looked at the plain man in front of him. From the outside, Xia Jue didn't see where the man was.

"I didn't expect that as a burning young man in Nancheng, today's fight seems really wonderful! Master burner's cultivation is also a virtual realm. We all know his strength. I won't say more. Next, I announce it! The last battle of this round, let's go

"Rolling thunder" hosted by the man in black announced the beginning of the last battle, and also completely detonated the audience in the stands. The audience in the stands was also very enthusiastic and full of voices.

"I bought ten thousand xuanjing Shao and won!"

"I'm 20000!"

"Get out of the way! I'll buy you fifty thousand yuan to win! "

Despite Xia Jue's outstanding performance in the past, no one is optimistic about him at this time. Almost all the audience bet their xuanjing on a man named Bourne.

"I'm surprised that no one would believe that you could beat me even if you had performed amazing before. Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Huo Tianming, and I'm in the late stage of biography."

There was a faint smile on his face and a trace of self-confidence in his words.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Jue suddenly called out.

Xia Jue's sudden stop made the audience in the stands comment one after another.

"* *, I have to admit defeat. It's useless."

"NIMA, if he wins, I'll buy what he wants to make a profit. It's a loss."

"Oh, I can't help it. I can't give up even if I burn my son."

Ignoring these rumors, Xia Jue said to the black host, "can I buy myself and win?"

The host in black was also stunned. He didn't expect that Xia Jue would stop for this. He thought Xia Jue would give up.

"Er. Er. I'll make a decision for you! How much do you want to bet? "

Xia Jue's action surprised the black host. No one had ever stopped the game in order to win, but the black host agreed to him, because as long as he could make the audience happy, there was nothing wrong.

"If I remember correctly, the reward for twelve wins is one hundred thousand xuanjing. I'll bet on myself to win!"

Xia Jue's action made the audience feel in an uproar. Not only the audience was silly, but also the charming burning dawn was shocked by Xia Jue's action at this time.

Is this underestimating yourself?

The burning dawn is really angry with Xia Jue at this time, and a brilliant root wrapped by fire appears above it.

"Well? Blue flame Xia Jue frowned slightly. He felt that the blue flame was not simple, and the temperature was much higher than his flame.

"This flame is handed down from generation to generation by our ancestors who burned to death. It is based on the mainland and is called qinghuangyan." Burning dawn stretched out a hand, the palm of the blue flame kept beating.

"Boy, you have to be careful. This qingdiyan is equivalent to the stubborn huilinggen in your colorful huilinggen. It absorbs the same properties of the mutated huilinggen from the outside world. If you look at the intensity of his fire, I'm afraid his strength will not be weaker than your stubborn spirit."

Xia Jue stares warily at the burning dawn Huangyan in his hand, but the beating flame attracts him like a black hole.


When Xia Jue reacted, he found that the burning dawn he had been staring at had become a fire and dissipated. Behind Xia Jue, a hot breath was coming."It's over!"


Burning in the morning, I don't know when I have come to Xiajue. The blue flame condenses on my fist and blows directly to Xiajue in the burning morning.

Fortunately, Xia Jue used Longgang's anger at the last moment, but Longgang's anger didn't have the power to stimulate the blood and couldn't resist the attack of burning dawn. Xia Jue was still injured under this attack.


After spitting out the blood in his mouth, Xia Jue stood up and wiped the corner of his mouth. The burning dawn successfully angered him. At this time, Xia Jue no longer intended to leave his hand, so he began to be serious.

"You think you're the only one who has it!"

Over Xiajue, the Khaki hueilengen burst out a strong light, and a huge Khaki virtual shadow slowly formed under everyone's astonished eyes.

"This is. The stubborn spirit?"

Black host in mid air, some incredible people look at Xia Jue, summon out of the Yellow virtual shadow, his face is full of incredible four characters.

"The stubborn spirit is not weaker than qinghuangyan, but the stubborn spirit has long disappeared in the mainland. Where did this boy come from?"

The burning dawn looked ugly. At first, he thought he could give Xia Jue a second. Unexpectedly, Xia Jue not only broke away from his kindling skill at the last moment, but also successfully offset most of the power of his fist.

Moreover, it's still a big guy who has a strong flavor of earth elements. Huang Xiao knows that the other party's variation Huiling is not worse than her own.

"We burn houses from top to bottom, only huilinggen has the property of fire, but because of this, our huilinggen is far more than the same order!"

Burning morning hands seal, in the fire attribute Huiling above the root side of four more small flames, and then these four flames directly become burning morning green Emperor Yan.

After blending into the four great flames, the green emperor's flame burns violently, and bursts out more powerful fire attribute power.

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