"No, it's absolutely not. It can't be filmed like this." Zhang Tao shook his head.

"What's the matter, Zhang Tao? I haven't talked about it yet. The director and some big names are coming soon."

At this time, a man with a work card around his neck came in again.

"I'm sorry, deputy director. Give me another three minutes. I'm sure we'll have a good talk." Zhang Tao nodded.

"No, I don't have time to wait for you. You're the owner of this boxing house, aren't you?" The deputy director with the work card said to the owner of the boxing house.

"I am."

"We have already told you Mr. Wen, and this film is also invested by Mr. Wen. Let them leave now and don't interfere with our shooting."

Hearing that the store was actually invested by general manager Wen, the owner of the boxing hall felt even more bitter.

"Why are you still in a daze? Go and let them go." The deputy director was very upset when he saw that the owner of the boxing hall was still not moved.

"You don't want to match, do you? I'll have a good talk with Mr. Wen." The deputy director left this sentence and went in the direction of Xia Jue and others.

"Hey, take your people out of here. Now it's a private club." After the deputy director came to Xiajue's side, he began to drive people out loud.

"Where's the barking dog? Throw him out to me." Xia Jue said impolitely.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog immediately let the two little brothers pass.

See two younger brother complexion some bad toward him came over, deputy director back two steps.

"What are you doing? I told you to get out of here, didn't you hear me?"

Two younger brothers ignore his words, one person a hand frame, the deputy director will go out.



I've got two little boys who eat shit.

"Assistant director, assistant director, are you ok?" Zhang Tao came to him in a hurry.

"Turn around these bastards, let the security guard come up and drive them out." Said the Deputy riot director.

Just now with Xia Jue and others want to start the crowd to see this scene are dumbfounded.

This ugly eight strange is also good to live domineering, a word does not want to fight others.

After a while, seven or eight security guards were called by Zhang Tao.

"Boss, what's going on here?" The head of the security team asked the owner.

"I don't know." The owner of the martial arts school dropped this sentence and walked towards the door.

He thought about it.

No matter which side these two groups offended, he would not be able to take it away. He would simply leave and let them fight for it by themselves.

Anyway, he has nothing to do with it since he left, and he is not offended at both ends.

Seeing the owner of the boxing house, a group of security guards walked away, a little puzzled.

"It's those bastards. Get over there and drive them away. That's what general manager Wen wants." Deputy director pointed at Xia Jue and his gang.

Hearing that this is what general manager Wen asked for, the security guard didn't dare to neglect it and immediately went to Xia Jue.

"Mr. Wen, you have been taken away with us first." The security captain said to Xia Jue.

"Yes? Let your general manager Wen come and tell me in person. " Xia Jue sneered.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The security guards were very happy to hear that.

He is so emotional that he can talk to these ugly people. They really take themselves as root.

He also asked them to come and tell him in person that it was really a dream talk.

"We have a lot of resources every day. We don't have the time to come to such a place. You can go now. Don't force us to take compulsory measures." The head of the security team gave a hard word.

"Did you hear that they said they would take coercive measures against us?" Xia Jue looks at the dog and his subordinates.

"See, throw them out for me." Ah, the dog said loudly to his younger brother.

Seeing the movements of the little dogs, the security guards immediately drew out their batons and stood on guard.

"There is trouble in the boxing hall on the 17th floor. All the security guards in the building put down their work and come to me first." The security captain picked up the intercom and called.

"I advise you not to make trouble here, otherwise there will be no good end." The security captain put down his walkie talkie and continued to threaten.

Of course, the younger brothers won't pay attention to his threats and rush on.

There are more than 20 younger brothers at the scene, and they have been trained by Xia Jue for several days. Their skills have improved a lot. How can the other side's seven or eight security guards be their opponents.

It wasn't long.

The guards were all beaten up by the younger brothers and then thrown out of the gate of the boxing hall.

Zhang Tao and the deputy director were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that this ugly monster was so brave and dared to fight against other people's security.

"Captain, what's the matter with you? Are you ok?"At this time, the security guard came up and down the building.

"Go ahead, beat these bastards to death for me. I'm responsible for killing them."

The security team leader is used to treating people with dignity and calling the wind and the rain. He has never suffered such a crime, and he is still on his own territory, so he is almost angry.

"I understand."

Fifty or sixty security guards rushed into the boxing hall.

"That's them. Give it to me." The security captain pointed at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue took a stool and sat down in a set, as if ready to enjoy the drama.

The dog on one side naturally understands Xia Jue's mind.

He knew that Xia Jue wanted to see the progress of their group, so he didn't hesitate and cried out, "come on

"Bang bang."

There were all kinds of screams and howls in the boxing hall, which made people feel creepy.

After these days of training, the younger brothers have made a lot of progress, but the people who can serve as security guards in such buildings have naturally received certain training. Many of them are even retired soldiers, and the two sides are fighting equally for the time being.

However, as time goes on, ah, the dog's younger brothers are getting a little nervous.

Because there are too many people on the other side, twice as many as they are.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to fight, and four hands are just like that.

"Brothers, let's fight with them. We can't disgrace Mr. Xia." Seeing that the situation was not good, ah, the dog yelled.

Hearing this, the boys were like beating chicken blood.

Because the more time you show your strength and potential to Xia Jue, the more you will get Xia Jue's attention.

What does it mean to be valued by Xia Jue?

That means to enjoy all the splendor and wealth.

So the boys are playing with their lives.

The younger brothers came up with great strength in order to prosper, and the momentum of the security guard was suppressed.

In the final analysis, their security guards just get a salary. Although the salary level here is really good, it is not cost-effective to let them fight for it.

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