So it didn't take long.

The weak security guard began to feel uneasy, and began to be afraid of hands and feet. Those who had nothing to do with a punch all pretended to fall to the ground and howled.

"Get up, get up for me, you useless rubbish."

When the security captain saw that his men were all put down on the ground, he also hated the iron.

Finally, Xia Jue didn't lose face. Ah, the dog was relieved.

"Drag these guys to the door. Don't leave them here to hinder our training." Ah, the dog said to his little brother.

"It's brother dog."

The boys began to drag out the howling security guards.


the deputy director and Zhang Tao are speechless.

Fifty and twenty.

As a result, few of them fell down, and the security guards all fell down. These security guards are too useless.

Zhang Tao and vice director are also very helpless.

"Deputy director, what should I do? I just read the information in the group and said that the director and the celebrities have already arrived downstairs and are now preparing to come up." Zhang Tao turned to the deputy director and said.

"No, so fast?" Deputy director began to panic, quickly opened the mobile phone to check the group information.

When he saw what he had said to Zhang Tao, his face turned pale.

He knew the director's temper very well.

If you can't do such a small thing well, you will not only be scolded, I'm afraid you won't be reused in the future.

Think of here, deputy director even killed this ugly eight strange mind.


The sound of the elevator arriving came into their ears.

Then a sound of footsteps came out of the elevator.

Zhang Tao and the deputy director looked back, not the director and a few celebrities who can have.

"Xiaobai, is it done yet?" A man with long hair and braids asked the assistant director.

"Director, there's something wrong in it..." the deputy director replied.

Hearing this, the director pulled his face down.

"Didn't you get things done as soon as possible? How did you do it? What a waste. Do you know how tight the schedule of elder sister Lin, elder brother Zhou, elder brother Hong and elder brother Wang is? Can you afford it? " The director said angrily.

"Sorry for the director, sorry for sister Lin, brother Zhou, brother Hong and brother Wang. It's my fault." The deputy director quickly bowed to several people and apologized.

"Well, it's useless rubbish." Then the director went into the boxing hall.

When the director and others just walked into the boxing house, they saw that the younger brothers were preparing to drag a group of security guards to the outside, and they were shocked.

"Wow, what's the situation? Is the underworld still alive?"

"Well, is this the star of what kind of TV?"

"Yes, that seems to be Hong Wen, a first-line star."

"Yes, a lot of bigwigs."

The crowd who were still watching suddenly exclaimed, and then many people picked up their mobile phones.

"No pictures, no pictures."

Seeing this situation, the bodyguard of the big man came up to stop the crowd.

"Get out of the way. Don't stand in the way of us cleaning up the garbage."

In order to speed up the progress, Xia Jue also went to battle in person.

When Xia Jue Tuo is about to throw a security guard out of the door, he just meets the director who just came in and the big guy.

"What do you do, dare to talk to our director Xiao like this?"

The assistant next to the director immediately stood up and pointed at the dog.

"What do we do? That's a good question. We clean up rubbish like you. "

"Who do you think is rubbish?"

"You're so ugly, who are you calling?"

"Don't you believe me?"

The director and a group of big coffers are all sought after by people. No one dares to scold them like this in front of them, so they glare at Xia Jue one after another.

"Pa pa."

Ah, the dog came and slapped the person who scolded Xia Jue.

"How dare you beat me? Do you want to die? " Brother Hong angrily pointed at the dog.

"You bastard, I'll let you know how expensive this slap is. Please contact my lawyer immediately." Brother Wang orders his assistant.

The bodyguards who were blocking the crowds from taking photos saw that their owners had been beaten, but they didn't care so much and rushed back directly.

However, without the help of the bodyguards, the crowd raised their mobile phones to take photos and record videos.

"It's fun. These big guys were slapped in public."

"Yes, tomorrow's news will be lively."

"Dare to scold Mr. Xia, it's light to slap you a few times. I don't mind if I block you here." Ah, gousi doesn't pay attention to the threat of these big guys."You bastard, it's not over."

"You're so ugly. If you don't give me an explanation about this, I won't let you get along in Zhonghai."

The bigwigs continued to curse.

"Clean them up for me."

Originally, I wanted to let them go. After all, they all depend on their faces to eat. But I didn't expect that these people were still insulting Xia Jue. Ah, the dog can't bear it.

No matter who these guys are, you can scold them, but it's no different to scold Xia Jue Na than killing their own mother, so they immediately came to these big guys.

"You dare to do it."

"Don't mess around...

" ah! "

The big guys didn't bring many bodyguards. How could they be so many opponents? Soon they were beaten and dragged out of the door.

After driving these people away, there was a lot of silence in the boxing hall.

"Are you going by yourself or shall we help you?"

Xia Jue turned around and saw that there were only a group of people who wanted to fight with them.

"Let's go, let's go."

"Yes, let's go by ourselves."

Seeing that Xia Jue was so cruel, no one would give him any face. The people who watched the scene had no arrogance when they first came.

When this group of people are out of the boxing house, the scene will only Xia Jue this group.

"Start training."


Ah, the dog and others agreed and then returned to their respective positions.


the directors and bigwigs who were beaten and thrown out of the door were so angry.

It's a shame to them.

If it comes out, it's really lost.

"Go and find me the assholes who were taking pictures just now and ask them to delete the relevant information." Brother Zhou said to the bruised bodyguard beside him.

"I see, Mr. Zhou."

The rest of the bigwigs came back to their senses after hearing brother Zhou's reminder and asked the bodyguards around them to stop the crowd who had just gone out.

The director picked up the phone immediately.

"Mr. Wen, this play has not been filmed. We were beaten severely in the boxing Hall of your building, and then we threw it out."

"What? It's really unreasonable. Who dares to break the ground on Taisui's head? Is the security guard not here

"The security guards of your building were cleaned up by them."

"That's ridiculous. I'll come here right now. I dare to make trouble in Laozi's territory. I really don't know how to write the word" dead. "

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