Is Chapter 81 a misunderstanding?

Is Chapter 81 a misunderstanding?

Ten minutes later.

A stout man with dozens of bodyguards came to the gate of the boxing hall.

"Wuwuwuwu, Mr. Wen, look at those bastards who laid hands on me."

When Lin Jie saw Wen Zong coming, she showed him some blue arms.

"Don't be sad, baby. I'll take it out for you."

"Mr. Wen, I'm sorry, we are incompetent." The security captain came up with a stiff upper lip.

"Pa pa."

General manager Wen slapped the security team leader directly.

"A pile of rubbish, get out of my building with you rubbish."

The security captain was as pale as ashes, but he did not dare to say anything against him.

Because he knew how much energy the man in front of him always had.

You're welcome.

As long as Wen always opens his mouth, the whole China shipping company will be in no place for him.

"Yes, Mr Wen." The security captain walked away in a dejected mood.

Xia Jue and others, who were training in the distance, saw another group of flies coming in and frowned.

These guys are really haunted.

"Mr. Wen, I don't know where Lu De has gone?" His subordinates came to Mr. Wen and said.

As soon as president Wen came in, he was ready to ask the owner why he dared to disobey his orders, but unexpectedly, he could not be found.

Forget it.

Leave him alone.

President Wen went to Xia Jue.

"It's said that you're the ugly one who makes people move their hands, aren't you?" General manager Wen said condescending to Xia Jue.

"So what?" Xiajue looked at him directly.

"Very good. I'll give you two choices. One is to kneel down in front of us honestly, kowtow three times to each of us, and then roll out of Zhonghai city with broken legs. That's all. As for the second one..." Mr. Wen sneered.

Hearing this guy's words, ah, the dog and Ren Zu couldn't help laughing.

If you dare to talk to Mr. Xia like this, it's really a long time for an old man to hang himself.

Ren Zu and ah Gou can already imagine the tragedy of this guy.

"Toasting instead of punishing, it's useless for me." Wen always doesn't write with Xia Jue.

The director and a group of bigwigs all showed their relief when they saw this situation.

The bodyguards who wait for Wen to die are not the ones who wait for them.

Some people think that the ugly group must be dead.

The other side's action is exactly what a group of little gangsters want.

Many of the gangsters who didn't play well before are riveted and want to take this opportunity to perform well in front of Xia Jue.

Seeing this posture, Xia Jue made a familiar move again, sat on the stool and cocked his legs, ready to continue to observe the shortcomings of the little gangster.

"Bang bang."

The conflict between the two sides began to merge again.

Because the younger brothers have passed a war of attrition in front of them, the number of the other side is also dominant. In addition, the bodyguards of the other side are no longer as poor as the previous group of security guards, so the younger brothers can't stand it soon.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Several bigwigs couldn't help laughing, as if their grievances had just been vented.

Lu De, the owner of the boxing house, went out for a walk to avoid the whirlpool in the boxing house.

When he thought that time was almost up, the two sides should have a result, and then he slowly returned to the boxing center.

But as soon as he came back to the martial arts center, he saw such a tragic situation. When he saw that Wen Zong actually arrived at the scene, he was shocked.

"Mr. Wen, why are you here?" The boss Lu De came in a hurry.


"You bastard, you dare to disobey Laozi's orders. Look what you've done to them!" Mr. Wen slapped Lu Deyi in the face.

Lu De covered his fiery face, and a group of celebrities next to President Chaowen were stunned.

Aren't these famous stars on TV?

How now everyone is black and blue, it seems to have been beaten.

Is it Xia Jue who did it?

Lu De looked in the direction of Xia Jue, and then looked at the eyes of the celebrities. It seemed that Xia Jue had done it, otherwise Wen would not have been so angry.

"General manager Wen, let them stop first and say something well." Lu De said to general manager Wen.

"Do you have something to say? Today I'm going to let this ugly guy go out sideways. "

"Mr. Wen, this Mr. Xia is a friend of Mr. Wu." Lu De is in a hurry.

"Mr. Wu? Which President Wu? " General manager Wen turned his head and looked at Lu De.

"It's Mr. Wu, the president of Tianhai group, who introduced Mr. Xia to the boxing hall."The other directors were shocked when they heard that Wu Shan's friend was ugly. Obviously, they also knew Wu Shan, the real estate tycoon of Zhonghai city.

"General manager Wu of Tianhai group..." general manager Wen was slightly surprised.

Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Wushan has been in the limelight these two days.

The whole real estate industry is almost monopolized by him. Although Mr. Wen has no intersection with the real estate industry, he naturally heard about it.

"What about Wu Shan's friends? They made trouble in my territory and beat my people. Even if Wu Shan himself came, he had to give an explanation."

The industry that Mr. Wen is involved in has nothing to do with real estate. In addition, several celebrities are here, and he doesn't want to grow other people's ambition and destroy his prestige, so he says with a hard tongue.

"Mr. Wen, that's Mr. Wu of Tianhai group. It's said that he killed all his competitors recently and almost monopolized this industry. Let's make it clear so as not to cause any misunderstanding." Lu De continued to persuade.

Mr. Wen carefully considered it in his heart.

Wu Shan is really in the limelight these two days. It is said that he is holding the thigh of a big man. Even though he has no contact with Tianhai group, he can't help but face Tianhai group in CNOOC, let alone the current Tianhai group.

"Mr. Wen, why don't we make it clear?" Brother Zhou also began to counsel.

Although he is a first-line star, if these real estate tycoons want to deal with them, there are many ways to deal with them, and he dare not bet his future.

"Yes, Mr. Wen, if you don't ask clearly." Brother Wang also counseled.

"Well, I'll call Wu Shan and ask him what's going on. If I can't get a satisfactory answer, it won't be over."

Although general manager Wen has made up his mind to do so, he still can't weaken his momentum in front of the public.

"Mr. Wen, I have already called Mr. Wu of Tianhai group." The secretary took the phone to Mr. Wen.

As soon as president Wen received the call, a voice came from the phone.

"Who is it?"

Hearing these two words, I always feel that I can't hang on my face.

He thought that he was a character in Zhonghai, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even note his number.

Mr. Wen looked at the people next to him calmly.

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