After discovering that several people didn't pay attention to this detail, Mr. Wen relaxed.

"Mr. Wu, I'm Wenjing."

"Oh, it's Mr. Wen. What's the matter? What kind of wind made you call me today?"

"Well, I heard that you have a friend named Xia. I don't know if it's true?"

Tianhai group top floor office.

After hearing these words, Wu Shan's face suddenly changed and his body began to tense unconsciously.

"Which name do you call Xia?" In order to make sure, Wu Shan intends to ask more clearly.

"It's Xia, who you arranged to come to the boxing hall in my building. He looks a little... Not good-looking."

Wenjing's words shocked Wushan.

Wu Shan had prayed in his heart.

Pray that Wenjing doesn't mess with Xiajue, or he will be in trouble for a long time.

"What happened to Mr. Xia?" Wu Shan asked uneasily.

Wen Jing had a bad feeling when he heard that even Wu Shan called the ugly eight "Mr. Xia" in front of him.

"Is... I and he seem to have a little misunderstanding..." Wenjing courage said.

"What misunderstanding?" Wu Shan's body was shaking unconsciously: "Why are you so noisy over there?" Wu Shan heard howling from time to time on the phone.

"That's what I mean by misunderstanding." Wen Jing replied with a stiff head.

It's not a fool to go to Wushan. Naturally, Wenjing and Xiajue are in conflict.

"You son of a bitch, don't kill yourself. Let your people stop, and then kneel down in front of Mr. Xia to admit your mistake. Otherwise, no one can save you."

Wu Shan finished this sentence and immediately hung up the phone.

He's going to the gym right now.

Because the venue was arranged for Xia Jue by him, now he can't get rid of it.

So now he has to hurry to the boxing house, so as not to involve him at that time.

"Mr. Wu, this is the plan of those groups..."

"get out of here."

Wu Shan pushed away the secretary who came in with a few stacks of information. Now he was in a state of anxiety, where he had the mind to deal with these trivial things.

Wenjing at the other end heard the roar from the phone and looked a little ugly.

How can we say that he is also a famous figure in Zhonghai. What's the point of Wu Shan yelling at him like that?

As for Wu Shan's apology in front of Xia Jue, it's impossible.

Although the other party has some energy, he is not easy to cause trouble. This matter can be solved peacefully, but he has to kneel down and admit his mistake. Sorry, no one in Zhonghai city is qualified to let him do so.

"Mr. Wen, what's the matter?"

"Yes, what does Mr. Wu say?"

Wu Shan's roar was not small just now. Even though they heard the unpleasant voice of their conversation over the phone, they asked anxiously.

"Stop it, stop it all." Wen Jing ignored their questions and yelled at the bodyguards.

Looking at this posture, Wu Shan should have sent someone to come here. Wenjing doesn't want things to develop too badly, so he wants to see if things can be talked about properly. After all, he has to work in CNOOC. He doesn't want to make too much trouble with Tianhai group.

When the bodyguards heard Wen Jing's command, they had to stop and then returned to Wen Jing.

It's a relief for the gangsters who can't support each other when they see each other stop.

"Mr. Xia, maybe there is a misunderstanding between us. Since you have injured so many of my subordinates and I have also injured some of your subordinates, why don't you give me face and let it go?" Wen Jing said to Xia Jue.

The bigwigs were secretly shocked when they saw Wen Jing showing weakness.

It seems that this ugly monster really has something to do with Wu Shan.

"Let Mr. Xia give you face? You don't pee, you don't care who you are Ah, said the dog sarcastically.

"What the hell are you, dare to talk to us like this?" Wenjing next to a bodyguard scolded.

"Mr. Xia, one more friend and one more way. Although Wenjing is not a man with only one hand to cover the sky in Zhonghai, there is still some energy in him. What do you mean?" Wen Jing ignored the taunt of ah Gou and continued to say to Xia Jue.

"What do I mean?" Xia Jue smile: "you these people give us a person kowtow three ring head, the matter so calculate."

"You're tired of living."

"Mr. Wen, let me go up and tear up this ugly mouth."

"I'm going to knock his teeth off one by one."

Xia Jue's words made the bodyguards furious.

But Mr. Wen and a lot of celebrities look very ugly.

Xia Jue's words are really insulting.

"Well, I don't respect you because I'm afraid of you, but because I give Wu Shan face. Since you don't drink and drink, don't blame me for not giving Wu Shan face." Wen Jing looks at Xia Jue coldly.He has been in Zhonghai city for so many years, and he has never seen any big waves. If others dare to speak to him like this, he would have been torn apart. Now he's not doing it because he's giving Wu Shan some face. I didn't expect that the ugly eight are so ungrateful, so don't blame him for his impoliteness.

Just when Wen Jing wanted to ask the bodyguard to give Xia Jue some color to see.

A large group of people came in.

"Here comes Mr. Wu."

"Yes, Mr. Wu is here. What's the matter?"

The bigwigs were a little flustered when they saw Wu Shan coming.

Wen Jing looks back.

It's Wushan.

Wenjing thought that Wushan would not come before, because Tianhai group has a lot of troubles these days. It is estimated that Wushan will send several people to deal with them.

But I didn't expect Wu Shan to come here in person.

I think of Wu Shan's angry words again.

Wenjing felt very bad.

"Mr. Wu, why are you so free today?" Wen Jing forced out a smile.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wu Shan stares at Wen Jing and others.

"Nothing. It's just that Mr. Wu, your friend, is too arrogant. He asked each of us to kowtow to him for three times. It's just insulting us."


Wu Shan slapped him directly.

"Insulting you? You have the right to insult Mr. Xia? Mr. Xia has given you such a good opportunity. You people don't cherish it. It's too late for you to regret it. " Some people in Wushan hate iron but not steel.

If he offended Xia Jue, and then Xia Jue said to knock his head three times, he would not have any hesitation.

It's a pity that these people have missed such a chance of forgiveness.

Wenjing was dazzled by Wu Shan's cold slap.

"Wu Shan, what the hell do you mean?"

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