"What do you mean? You'll find out later. "

Wu Shan didn't pay attention to Wen Jing and others. He brought a group of bodyguards to Xia Jue, and then bowed respectfully: "Mr. Xia, I'm not good enough."

"It has nothing to do with you." Xia Jue said lightly.

After hearing that Xia Jue didn't mean to blame him, Wu Shan let go and stood behind him like a servant.

Wen Jing and a group of celebrities were shocked to see this scene.

Who is Wushan.

The president of Tianhai group now monopolizes all the real estate business of China shipping, and has unlimited influence in China shipping.

Now he's lowering his head to a young ugly man?

If it's out there, it's going to be terrible.

"Mr. Wen, what shall we do?" Brother Zhou next to Wenjing began to panic.

At this time, what else can Wenshan do.

He had to fight hard.

"That Mr. Xia is right. Wen has gone a little too far before. In this way, I'll make a few tables at Sheraton as an apology to you and your brothers. What do you think?"

After thinking about it, Wen Jing really can't figure out what Xia Jue came from. But even Wu Shan is so respectful to him, Wen Jing feels that he can't afford to offend him, so he begins to show weakness.

"Now I'll give you one last chance to kowtow three times to each of us, and it's over." Xia Jue ignored Wen Jing's words.

"You..." Wen Jing's face turned red.

"Mr. Xia, what do you want to do? I'll take care of the rubbish as soon as you say it?" Seeing that the other side didn't say it, Wu Shan couldn't help jumping out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I'm wrong. I'll kowtow now." Brother Zhou finally couldn't help it.

Although he is a star in the spotlight outside, he is sought after by thousands of people.

But if Wushan, a real estate tycoon, wants to move him, he doesn't even know how to die.

So he began to soften up.


is just kowtowing.

There are not many people here anyway.

Even if it gets out later, it's no big deal to spend some money on public relations. It won't stop him from making money.

Brother Zhou kowtowed three times to each of his younger brothers, and finally came to Xiajue's side.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I was wrong." In order to show his sincerity, brother Zhou kowtowed five times to Xia Jue.

"Well, you can go away." The voice of Wu Shan.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Wu. I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now."

Finally, he escaped. Brother Zhou happily walked to the gate of the martial arts center. After he went back this time, he decided not to shoot the opera. He even stopped coming to Zhonghai. This place was so terrible that he almost ruined his future.

With the beginning of brother Zhou, the other celebrities can't help it.

Brother Wang, brother Hong, and the director, brother Zhou, went through the process and left in a hurry.

Only Wenjing and sister Lin are left on the court.

Sister Lin is owned by Wenjing, and she is also a big star in his hand, so he wants to see how Wenjing will choose.

"Wenjing, you don't follow Mr. Xia's advice, do you?" Wu Shan threatened.

"Wu Shan, don't deceive people too much." Wenjing can't kneel down and beg for mercy for a long time.

"Well, you'll regret it. Tell me that Tianhai group is going to make him Wentian entertainment. " Wu Shan turned to his secretary and said.

"Yes, Mr. Wu." The Secretary picked up the cell phone immediately.

"Hum, Wu Shan, I'm not from your real estate industry. If you want to punish me, I'm afraid your hand is too long." Wen Jing sneered.

This is also the strength of Wenjing.

Although the other party is a leader in the real estate industry, his astronomical entertainment is also a leading enterprise in the entertainment industry of China seas. Both sides are leaders in their respective industries, but Wushan's real estate industry has more contacts with the powerful.

Just when Wen Jing was thinking.

His secretary got a call.

"Wenzong, no, Zhongxing entertainment announced that it has stopped cooperation with Zhemen group."

"How is that possible?" Wenjing's face suddenly changed.

After that, the secretary called again.

The secretary put down the phone and said.

"Mr. Wen, the Chinese group has also announced that it has stopped cooperating with us."

Next, the general secretary of the text of the phone almost to blow up.

At this time, Mr. Wen's heart has been rolling.

Those who terminated the contract with him have been partners for a long time. There are a lot of interest disputes between the two sides. At present, it is just the words issued by Tianhai group, which have little impact on them. Why do they want to give up such a big interest?Has Tianhai group become the existence of CNOOC?

Seeing Wenjing's shocked eyes, Wu Shan was a little proud.

"Mr. Wen, times are different. Do you think Tianhai group was the company that only knew how to do real estate?"

"Mr. Wen, the stock price of our group is now plummeting and will soon fall below 0.2." General secretary Wen put down the phone and said in a hurry.

This made Wenshan feel as if he had fallen into the ice.

The group's share price has fallen to this level, which means that his personal wealth has directly shrunk by several billion.

That's not the most important thing.

If the stock price is allowed to fall, he will be bankrupt soon.

Once he goes bankrupt, he will have nothing left, and he will be chased by the bank and many subordinate enterprises. At that time, everyone will be shouting and beating.

The cold sweat on Wenjing's face kept sliding down. At this time, he and Kaikai regretted it.

I regret that I shouldn't fight for dignity just now.

If you go bankrupt, what's the use of dignity? It's nothing.


Wenjing knelt down.

He doesn't want to lose it all, he can only make it up now.

He could only hope that Xia Jue and Wu Shan would give him a way to live.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Wu, it's my fault. I'll make an apology to you." Wenjing directly kneels to Xiajue.

"Mr. Wen, if I had known that, why should I have done it in the first place?" Wu Shan shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wu Zongxia. I'm afraid I've been fooled by lard for a while. Please let me have a lot of money." Wenjing kept kowtowing for mercy.

"Get out of here with your people. Don't disturb our training any more." Xia Jue doesn't have time to dally with these rubbish. He teaches them a lesson and makes them dare not make trouble again.

Wen Jing didn't expect Xia Jue to let him go so easily, which made him feel a little incredible.

"Yes, Mr. Xia. I promise no one will come in and disturb you."

Wenjing was ecstatic in his heart, so he immediately got up and came to the door with a kind of bodyguard.

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