"I'll see if anyone dares to come in and disturb Mr. Xia, and he'll break his leg first." Wenjing has bodyguards stationed here.

"Yes, Mr Wen." The bodyguards have already known Xia Jue's strength at this time and dare not neglect him.


at the same time.

In a nightclub in Zhonghai city.

A man is on the phone.

"Brother Cheng, I've inquired about it. Since the dissolution of snake brother's organization, the underground circle of Zhonghai city is a mess. As long as you come here, brother Cheng, you can unify the whole underground circle of Zhonghai at any time."

"Snake brother, how many remaining men are there?"

"The remnant of snake brother's men are not very successful. The only one who has some influence is a barking dog."

"Win him over and use him for us. With the help of snake brother, we will soon be familiar with the business in the gray area of CNOOC."

"It's brother Cheng. I'm going to have a talk with him. By the way, brother Cheng, when are you going to Zhonghai?"

"I'll be there in the afternoon."

"OK, brother Cheng, I'll inform them and ask them to come and meet you."


there is too much time to be disturbed by these rubbish today, so Xia Jue has also extended the training time.

It wasn't until two o'clock at noon that Sir Alex announced the end of training.

After the announcement of the end of the training, the boys all cheered.

Because they're all so hungry that they're chest to back.

After walking out of the building, Xia Jue and others couldn't care so much. They found a restaurant and went in to eat.

"Go away, don't be in charge."

"Get out of the way."

When Xia Jue and others were eating, a group of people rushed in.

"Damn, are these bastards getting tired of living?" Ah, the dog was afraid that this group of people would affect Xia Jue's meal, so he stood up and wanted to give them some color.

"Ah, dog, I found you at last." The first man came to the dog and others.

Ah, the dog didn't expect that the other party actually came to him, which made him a little confused.

But he looked at each other carefully, but he had never seen such a person in Zhonghai.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tang Chen. I come from the provincial capital." The man named Tang Chen pulled a stool from the side and sat down beside ah Gou and others.

"What can I do for you?" Ah, the dog decided to wait until he heard what he was looking for.

"Nothing's wrong. Come and work for us." Tang Chen said lightly.

"Ha ha." The summer Jue of one side hears this words and can't help laughing.

"Ugly, what are you laughing at?"

"Are you looking for a cigarette?"

Tang Chen's younger brothers pointed at Xia Jue angrily.

"It's interesting. It's the first time someone's been digging in front of me." Xia Jue didn't pay attention to the curse of these little brothers.

"Knock the teeth off these guys and throw them out."

Since these people dare to scold Xia Jue like this, there is no need to be polite to you.

A group of younger brothers have long been unhappy with this group of people. After getting the order from ah dog, they immediately rubbed their palms.

When you hear that, the dog is so decisive that it has to start.

Before that, the appearance of Tang ministers changed suddenly.

"Ah dog, don't toast or drink. Do you know who we are?"

"I'm not interested in who you are, but I'm sure you'll soon be useless." Ah, the dog sat down and ignored him.

"Ah, ah!"

Ah, the dog's younger brother has already started. The gangsters brought by Tang Chen begin to scream.

Today, in the spirit of negotiation, Tang Chen didn't want to fight, so he didn't bring many people. In addition, the fighting power of these younger brothers was relatively poor, so he was solved by ah Gou's younger brother.

"Ah, dog, I'm from chengge, how dare you move me?" Tang Chen continued to threaten.

Ah, dogs and others still don't hear.

Tang Chen still wants to continue to say cruel words, but he has no chance.

Because, ah, the dog boys have already started on him.

Tang Chen still had some skills, but after beating two or three little brothers, he was put down on the ground.

"Ah, ah."

"Ah dog, you're dead. Brother Cheng is going to Zhonghai in the afternoon. The gods can't save you." As soon as Tang Chen finished this sentence, he was dragged out by his younger brothers and left outside the door.

Xia Jue was eating all the way, but he didn't pay attention to the flies.

After dinner, Su Yijue came back to the company.

"Well, are you tired today?" Xia Jue comes to Su Yihan with a bad smile on his face and tries to rub his shoulder.

But Xia Jue's hand just touched Su Yihan and she dodged."Why can't my husband bang you?" Xia Jue pretended to complain.

"Don't make any noise." Su Yihan said in a coquettish way.

"Mr. Su, there's a situation." At this time, Wu Yiyi pushed the door and came in.

"What's the matter?" Su Yihan asked.

"A company named" Shangnan real estate "has just been established, and the other party has just taken 13 pieces of land in the golden area of the city center. After taking the land, the other party immediately held an opening activity, which attracted a lot of people. As a result, many of our customers went there to wait and see."

"Is there such a thing?"

Su Yihan was very surprised.

The newly established real estate company can get 13 pieces of land specially approved, so the relationship behind this real estate can reach heaven.

"Keep watching and see what's going on."

"I understand, Mr. Su." Wu Yiyi nodded and went out.

About half an hour later.

Wu Yiyi came in.

"Mr. Su, almost all of our customers have started to break the contract. They want to buy the real estate in South China." Wu Yiyi look urgent said.

"Break the contract? Don't they want a deposit? " Su Yihan doesn't quite understand.

"Mr. Su, Shangnan real estate has launched a 30% discount house. Even if our customers don't need a deposit to buy each other's house, it's very cost-effective, so they all broke their contract. Mr. Su, they are here to compete with us for the market."

"Mr. Su, Mr. Wu is here." Another employee of the company came in to report.

"Let him in."

"Mr. Su Zongxia, the situation is not good." As soon as president Wu came in, he said to them.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan don't have to think about what Wu Shan means.

"Tell me about it." Xia Jue is calm.

"Shangnan real estate seems to have the shadow of the Su family."

"What?" Hearing the news, Su Yihan looks surprised.

"I started the relationship and carefully checked the background of Shangnan real estate. I found that the legal representative of the company was su Changqing and Su Junhao. You are not surprised."

Su Changqing and his son?

It's kind of interesting.

Xia Jue showed a playful look.

"Go on."

"It's a big leader in the provincial capital to grant land to them, and the people behind them are very close."

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