Chapter 85 the opening of public toilets

Chapter 85 the opening of public toilets

"they are coming to compete with us." Wu Shan said anxiously.

"The three legs stand together? It's just a bunch of local people. " Xia Jue doesn't pay attention to these clowns at all.

"Yes, yes." Wu Shan realized that he had said something wrong.

All blame the other side to use a series of means, and is to take the land is three fold room, let him confused.

Although the other side has the means to communicate with heaven, this one is not easy to provoke.

Even the Wang family said that they would fall down. What else could they do if they had more energy.


Su Changqing and his son are proud today.

Although their su group was seized.

But now the newly opened Shangnan real estate is much more ostentatious than that of Su's group.

After all, just after the establishment of the company, it soon got more than a dozen pieces of land in the golden area of the city center, which is unprecedented in the history of Zhonghai real estate.

Let alone a group of leaders to attend the opening ceremony of their company, who can have such a show in CNOOC.

Think of these two people looking at suzhenyi who is holding an umbrella nearby.

There is no doubt about it.

It's all written by Suzy.

Originally, Su Changqing and Su Junhao knew that Su Zhenyi was not an ordinary person, but they didn't expect that Su Zhenyi had so much energy.

You know, it's just less than half a day.

Especially Su Junhao.

I don't know what he's going to do with his aunt.

At the thought of that fat woman, Su Junhao would vomit.

However, Su Junhao is glad that the Wang family has fallen down. Otherwise, it would be ten years less for such a fat woman to live every day.

After all, this fat woman is not an ordinary person. He not only does not dare to beat and scold at will, but also provides good food and drink every day.

"Congratulations, Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su, please take care of me in the future."

Looking at these people who looked at them like ghosts, they came here to congratulate them.

Su Changqing and his son can not help but despise.

It's a bunch of mercenaries.

However, although they thought so, they didn't show their faces. After all, they still need the momentum of these people when they go to South real estate.

Just when Su Changqing and his son kept talking and laughing with the powerful people.

There are several cars coming outside.

The door opened, Xia Jue and ah Gou got out of the car.

"Oh, it's so busy today." Xia Jue sighed.

When Su Changqing and his son saw Xia Jue coming, they quickly came over.

"Hum, Xia Jue, we are here to cut the ribbon. Don't make trouble here. There are many leaders here today. Don't try to make trouble." Su Junhao said triumphantly.

"It turns out that your business is good. Why don't you inform me earlier? Maybe I'll give you some gifts."

"Well, I don't need your kindness. I'd better go back and think about how to sell your house."

Su Junhao knew that Xiajue's customers were attracted by their 30% discount room, so he was very happy and felt like revenge.

Xia Jue ignored Su Junhao's provocation, but looked around, as if looking for something.

All of a sudden.

Xia Jue saw a restaurant on the road opposite Shangnan real estate, and then showed a smile.

"Come here."

"It's Mr. Xia," you said Ah, the dog quickly put his ear near Xia Jue's mouth.

Ah, the dog nodded with a smile.

"I'll do it, Mr. Xia." Ah, after the dog said that, he drove away with some younger brothers.

Su Changqing and his son are a little flustered when they see Xia Jue's bad intentions. They don't know what Xia Jue wants to do.

"Dad, let's leave him alone." Su Junhao said to Su Changqing.

Su Changqing nodded.

Today is the best day for them to start business in the South real estate. It's better for them to get close to these leaders. As for Xia Jue and the slut's family, they have suzhenyi as their backers. There are many ways to deal with them.

Twenty minutes later, ah Gou drove back and stopped in the noodle shop opposite Shangnan company.

Then ah Gou and others walked into the restaurant.

Soon after, the restaurant owner and others moved out some things of the restaurant one after another.

After the restaurant owner has finished moving things.

Ah, the dog and his younger brother took down some banners, balloons and firecrackers from the car.

After the kids put these things in front of the door, ah Gou married a ladder and climbed up to take down the sign of the noodle shop.

After that, ah, the dog put up another sign.The name of this sign is "public toilet".

"Mr. Xia, it's done." Ah, the dog came and said to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue looked back, nodded, and then picked up his cell phone to call a number.

Su Changqing is talking with several big leaders of Zhonghai city about the future of the company.

Suddenly, the phone of one of the leaders with sparse hair rang.

"Well, I see." After putting down the phone, the leader said to Su Changqing, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry. I have something to do. Let's talk about it another day."

Hearing this, Su Changqing was not happy.

Because more than one leader is here, they will naturally get more even cards when they go to South real estate.

"Good leader Wang, let's talk about it another day." Su Changqing can only pretend the demeanor said.

When the leader Wang left.

Another leader's phone also rang.

"Yes, I'll be there now." The leader put down the phone and said to Su Changqing, "sorry, Mr. Su, I also have some business to deal with."

Another leader wants to leave, Su Changqing's face suddenly turns black.

The two bastards had a good chat with him just now. They even meant to flatter and flatter him. How could it be like a different person in a twinkling of an eye?

Before Su Changqing could figure it out, the remaining three leaders also called and left one after another.

After the five leaders left, Su Junhao came to Su Changqing in a hurry.

"Dad, come and have a look." Su Junhao spoke with anger.

Su Changqing immediately followed Su Junhao out.

"What do you think that is?" Su Junhao pointed across the road.

"Public toilets?"

Seeing that there are more public toilets on the opposite side, and it's still a newly opened one, Su Changqing is puzzled.

I remember it was not a noodle shop just now.


Even if it's a public toilet, there's no public toilet opening meeting to hold such a grand opening activity. It's balloon, banner and firecracker.

But when Su Changqing looked at it carefully, he understood it immediately.

I saw Xia Jue and other leaders standing at the door of the public beta.

"This son of a bitch, how unreasonable." Su Changqing, who understood all this, was furious.

Open a public toilet opposite their Shangnan group.

Doesn't that mean to stink them?

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