"Hello, my Lord, most of the moves on the fourth floor are around xuanjie, and a few are the top moves of xuanjie. The price of ordinary xuanjie moves is about 100000 to 300000 xuanjing, while the price of top xuanjie moves is the lowest 300000 xuanjing." Jiaya seriously introduces the price and sequence of these actions to Xia Jue, and occasionally peeks at Xia Jue's face.

But a new problem came. Looking at these dazzling movements, Xia Jue immediately realized how to write the word "tangle".

The sword demon did not come to the fourth floor with Xia Jue, but ran to the third floor, because his xuanjing is only 10000, and he is not qualified to come to the fourth floor of the 500000 xuanjing threshold.

Without the sword demon, Xia Jue didn't know who to ask for advice, but on second thought, with the sword demon's sparing words temperament, he probably didn't have any suggestions.

"By the way, how can I forget him?" Xia Jue patted his head, which reflected.

There is an old monster in the ruler. He should have the most say in choosing when to move.

Putting his mind on the ruler, Xia Jue's voice called out: "don't sleep, old man, come out quickly!"

Xia Jue's voice reverberated in the measuring ruler for a few seconds, and then a voice that apparently just woke up responded to Xia Jue: "I won't disturb you. The old man finally fell asleep and was woken up by you."

"old man and old man, please help me to see which one I should choose, I'm too tangled." Xia Jue looks very painful. Although he knows he is short of moves, he doesn't know how to choose.

Although Xia Jue won 500000 xuanjing in the arena, only one volume of the most common xuanjie moves will cost 100000 xuanjing. For Xia Jue's 500000 xuanjing, he can only buy five volumes of xuanjie moves at most.

Moreover, Xia Jue, the ordinary xuanjie move, doesn't look up to it. In terms of its power, if it's too weak, there's no need to buy it. Therefore, most of Xia Jue's 500000 xuanjing can only buy two or three rolls of chess. There's really no way. Xia Jue can only turn to the old man for help.

Although the old man usually doesn't look serious, the old man can always help Xia Jue at the critical moment, so Xia Jue still trusts the old man very much.

"I have a look at these moves. They are common moves. There won't be many people who want to put them on the ground. How did you get to this place? Didn't you just make a little money? " The old man's cold voice made Xia Jue feel cold.

He also wants to go to a good place to buy high-level moves, but he didn't expect that xuanjing, who is worth 500000 yuan, can only buy xuanjie's moves at most, and.

"what do you mean, old man? No one wants to throw it on the ground. Isn't our plane so bad? " Xia Jue said indignantly that he wanted hundreds of thousands of xuanjing things, just like rubbish in the eyes of the old man.

"Boy, you still have a temper. I tell you, even if you get some excellent skills in Huangfu palace, except for Xuantian array decision, they are incomplete. Especially in chaos Zhenyuan decision, the most important sentence chaos is not reflected at all. It just makes you propose to gather Zhenyuan. What do you want?"

"There's also the" five turns into saints decision ". Although the name sounds very high, and the skill is in line with your seven color spirit root, and the cultivation is relatively smooth, but you only have the skill of small ten realms, and you will break through to the fifth middle school sooner or later, what should I do? As for your Xuan Tian Zhen Jue, although it's a complete skill, the result can only be considered fair. Under this level, it's naturally the top skill, but it's more general in the upper level. "

"However, since you want to buy, the old man will help you choose. Even if it's such a common move, there will always be a few suitable for you." When the old man saw that Xiajue's face was as long as the ruler, he added quickly.

How can Xia Jue have a good face when he is so proud of his three skills among the old people? If he didn't need the old man to help him find out which moves were suitable for him, he would have turned over a long time ago.

"Ah, you see, despite his name, it's all colorful, nothing to look at." The old man's immortal knowledge kept sweeping these moves, and his head kept shaking.


Just as Xia Jue was disheartened and decided to give up, the old man seemed to find something.

"Boy, go over there and show me that grey move without name. I seem to have found something good."

After listening to the old man's words, Xia Jue came to the corner of the move area according to the old man's guidance. Sure enough, among the many moves, there was a roll of gray moves lying in the innermost part.

This move did not even have an explanation, nor did it even have a note on the name. If it wasn't for the old man's Fairy sense, he couldn't find it himself. "I didn't expect that adults would be interested in this move. Do you need a little girl to introduce it? This is a very special step for our museum. "

Jiaya's voice came at the right time. Xia Jue couldn't see why for a long time with this volume of moves. However, although there was no remark and introduction, it was not good to open it rashly.

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