Xia Jue played this trick for a while, then sank into the ruler and asked, "old man, have you found anything?"

"Judging from my knowledge of immortals, this volume seems to be a bit of a mess, but if not, I don't know if it's wrong. Let the shopping guide introduce you and see what she says."

Do not open the moves, the elderly can not easily come to a conclusion, can only let the shopping guide first introduce, see if you can get valuable information.

"By the way, I think it's very interesting." Xia Jue said casually, but his heart was full of expectations.

You should know that chaos is the oldest natural vitality between heaven and earth. Together with Hongmeng, it is called the three kinds of original vitality. It is the first of all vitality. As long as any achievement style is related to these three kinds of innate vitality, it must not be a common product.

"My Lord, this move should be a sword decision. As for the specific level, in fact, our Wanbao Museum has no way to give a specific evaluation."

Jiaya was a little embarrassed to say that after all, this move was counted as xuanjie's move by Wanbao Museum, but in fact, they thought it was a waste and did not expect anyone to buy it.

The biggest reason is that this move is really weird.

"My Lord, you can open this move before you make a decision, because it's really strange." Jiaya's voice sounded again.

Now that Jiaya has spoken, Xia Jue will not be polite. After opening the gray move, Xia Jue is also stunned because there is nothing in this move.

"Er. What's the matter?" Xia Jue had some surprises. Originally, he heard Jiaya say that it was jianjue's expectation, but this prologue was too unexpected.

"Well, my Lord, there is nothing in this style, but the flavor of this style is very unusual. According to the cabinet owner, this move is at least a homage to xuanjie, but there is no way to give specific identification, so it is sold here in ordinary xuanjie." Jiaya's voice is a little helpless. She has seen many guests interested in this move, but after opening the blank inside, she cancelled the plan.

No matter how hard they try, this step is blank. In fact, they have done countless things in Wanbao Museum. No matter what attributes they have tried, they can't make a word appear in this volume.

"Since there is nothing in this chess game, how can you conclude that it is a sword decision?" Xia Jue was curious, and it was obvious that there was nothing in this chess game, but Jiaya said that it might be a sword decision, which was certainly not groundless. "So, this move was from an ancient relic. When this move was opened, an ancient sword Qi burst into the sky, and a drop of Xiuxian's blood was seriously injured. When this move was just opened, there was a weak shock wave, but with the development of time As time goes on, the shock wave disappears

Jiaya had some helplessness when she said these words. After all, this is her story. Who knows if it's true? She didn't sell the move, but the guest quickly took it back, because no matter how hard the guest tried, the move was empty.

"My Lord, why don't you look at other moves? Our cupboard owner said that this move can't be returned. That is to say, if you buy it and find that no matter how hard you try, it's still blank, you can't return it to us. " Jiaya is worried that Xiajue will regret buying it back, so Xiajue can avoid paying in autumn.

"Boy, it's a move. If it's a sword, as the woman said, it must be an incredible treasure." The old man's voice came to Xia Jue's mind, and Xia Jue also secretly made a decision.

"With this move, how many xuanjing are there?"

Seeing that Xia Jue insists on buying this roll of chess, Jiaya has no choice. However, Jiaya also says all the relevant things. Even if Xia Jue wants to go back later, it has nothing to do with her.

"My Lord, this volume only needs 200000 xuanjing. I'll pick it up for you first, or I can look at other things, and then I'll check out later."

"Well, I see."

Xia Jue is quite satisfied with Jiaya's service. Comparing Jiaya with a sweet adult will make Xia Jue's vanity burn.

Later, Xia Jue went shopping on the fourth floor of the Wanbao Pavilion, but the old man didn't catch a cold at all, so he didn't buy anything. After settling the accounts, Xia Jue put the grey chess in the shadow ring, and then the sword demon at the gate of the Wanbao Pavilion.

After waiting for an hour, the sword demon came out of the museum. From the sword demon's face, Xia Jue saw a smile.

The sword demon was smiling, which surprised Xia Jue. Did the boy find a good child on the third floor?

In Xia Jue's question, the sword devil also talked about the treasure he got on the third floor.

The sword demon has the body of the magic sword and wakes up, so with this special magic sword in his body, he has his own unique practice skills and moves. He should not work hard on these two aspects at all.

But for the sword demon, the most important thing is a good sword.

Although the sword devil has a magic sword in his body, every time he uses it, he needs to hold it outside. A better sword will help the devil's sword, but it's not big. The most important thing is that it's suitable for the devil's swordHowever, the sword devil didn't know what bad luck he had this time. He even bought an ordinary Chinese made sword on the third floor. But there is a trace of magic on this sword. Just this kind of magic, the power of the sword will have a qualitative leap!

Although the sword demon got a good sword, Xia Jue did not get nothing when he visited the museum.

Although I don't know the content of this unknown style and the real open method, Xia Jue believes that there will always be a way. After all, there is an old man in the ruler. Although Xia Jue talks about the old man, he still respects the old man very much.

After all, Xia Jue could not even leave Huangfu palace without the help of the old man.

"Boy, don't worry, things related to chaos will not be bad! For example, even if it's not bad, your "chaos true element resolution" still allows you to condense true elements ahead of time. This is the first time I've seen an example of condensing true elements before leaving the country. "

The old man's voice let Xia Jue's heart touch the bottom again.

All the things related to chaos are treasures, but if the moves can be sold by the museum, it is enough to show that the strength of the museum can not really be used, otherwise the urine of the museum will not be let go.

"Next, you go to find a place to live, and then find a place in the city to break through the secret room. If you really open that move, I'm afraid it will be a little big. You are in the main city now. This is the only way to completely block this secret."

"The chamber of secrets?" Xia Jue is cold. It's the first time he heard that there is a special person who is used to break through the secret room.

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