With the embedding of this navy blue flame, a blue flame ignited around Xia Jue. Xia Jue stretched out a hand to chaos sword Qi, chaos sword Qi stretched out a finger, burning green flame.

"Qinglian retreat!"


The burning Qing Yan directly blew up the chaotic sword Qi, and the absolute shock wave scattered on the xuanhuang thick earth array which burst out the big hole.

"Why, is it cold?"

I haven't fought in a war for many years. It's a bit exciting to keep the candle away from its light. In those days, a famous strong face expert was driven away with the navy blue flame candle.

However, before the candle was forced to leave, another chaotic sword Qi burst out from the Tianhuang sword Jue. This shock wave is different from the previous two. It is the most powerful and has not been weakened by the boundless shock wave.

"How interesting! Let me have a good time. "

If the candle was in its heyday, he would not pay attention to this chaotic sword Qi, but even now there is only one soul body left, he is not a soft persimmon that he wants to pinch.

Xia Jue pushed his hands forward, and saw that the air in front of him was full of impenetrable naval fire. Then Xia Jue held his hands, and the naval fire exploded directly.

"It's so hot!"


If Qinglian's previous retreat was a bomb, then the monstrous Qingyan was the explosion of countless bombs.

The successive explosions made Xia Jue worry about the collapse of the secret chamber. Fortunately, with xuanhuang Houtu formation around him, Xia Jue was more or less free from the fear of the sudden collapse of the secret chamber.


After accepting the baptism of Qing Yan, chaos sword Qi also shakes a little, but still rushes out of the encirclement of Qing Yan and goes directly to Xia Jue


When Xia Jue was desperate, he found that the place where his body was stabbed by chaos sword Qi turned into a blue flame, and chaos sword Qi put it on directly.


Chaos sword Qi directly hit the dark yellow thick earth array full of cracks, and the dark yellow thick earth array, which finally split and completely split under the surging green flame.


The candle comes back to Xia Jue with his body from the right side. Xia Jue pours forward, puts "the sword formula of the end of heaven" on the ground, and then looks at the collapsed secret room helplessly.

"It's a bit big."

With a bang, the so-called top secret room finally collapsed under the repeated fighting of Xia Jue. His feet lost their trace. Xia Jue left the collapsed secret room as soon as his body flashed.

Looking at the complete destruction of the secret room, Xia Jue scratched his head. Some people didn't know what to do. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the boss rush in.

Four eyes opposite, Xia Jue saw four words from the boss's eyes.

He looks confused.

Yes, the boss won't think that the top secret room he worked hard to build is enough to resist the attack of the strong in the blood. It was destroyed by a boy through the virtual environment, still in this destructive way.

This man is absolutely unique. Is he going to practice in the secret room or study how to dismantle it?

The defense strength of Xuanhuan thick earth array is very clear. Even if a point is punctured, it will not cause such a situation. Only by completely crushing the big mask area of the array can it create such momentum.

It's hard for a strong person with pure spiritual state to do it.

"Boss, I remember you said that you don't have to lose money if it's broken." In the panic, Xia Jue suddenly thought that the boss had praised Haikou before, saying that if he broke it, he would not have to lose money.

"Cough, cough, cough." The boss just wanted to say something. When he heard Xia Jue's words, he didn't come up at all and almost coughed himself to death.

At this time, there are many people around the secret room who see the movement. Many of them are cultivating immortals in the secret room nearby. When they notice the movement, they come out to see it.

In the main city, the destruction of the secret room is not without, but it is the first time that the secret room which can withstand the strong blood attack can be destroyed like this.

"Say, I say, isn't this a silent hole? I remember that he had a strong defense in the secret room. How could he be beaten like this? "

”**This chamber seems to be the one that can resist the attack of the strong in the blood drop, and it is even labeled like this

"It's not the boy, is it? Can a boy who preaches imaginary world also have this ability? "

People around him expressed their opinions one after another, which made Xia Jue embarrassed. After all, he felt a little guilty about making other people's things like this.

"Ah! Didn't that boy kill the goblin who burned the young master in the arena? I've seen their games, and I'll never mistake them! "

I don't know who recognized Xia Jue. Everyone looked at Xia Jue from suspicion to shock.

Kill the burning childe of Nancheng three little, break the blood chamber, this is the fierce man in the fierce man!

When he heard people around him talking about Xia Jue, the boss knew that Xia Jue was a fierce man who killed the burning young master in the arena. His attitude towards Xia Jue was much better immediately.In the cultivation of immortals, the strong are respected.

Xia Jue's direct defeat of "burning dawn" is enough to prove his strength.

"Well, little brother, I don't charge you for this secret room."

"Well, little brother, I don't charge you for this secret room."

Xia Jue was stunned by the boss's sudden action. His idea of slipping away was completely eliminated. After all, the boss is so trustworthy, so Xia Jue is embarrassed to let the boss suffer such a big loss.

After some bargaining, Xia Jue compensated the boss for several hundred xuanjing.

After Xia Jue left, a white man appeared in front of the secret room destroyed by Xia Jue, "boss, I will help you pay for the secret room, but can I see the ruins?"

The man's elegant voice came out quietly, and the boss's head was startled.

"White. White master! What are you doing A storage bracelet was thrown into the boss's arms, and the white man interrupted the old man's words, then went straight to the ruins of the secret room destroyed by Xia Jue

picked up a fragment, and the white man closed his eyes and felt it.

"The taste is. Sword Qi, fire elements."

the man in white suddenly widens his eyes, and Ling Xuan's body gushes out uncontrollably.

"It's not only the smell of strange fire spirit root, but also the smell of chaotic Qi! How many secrets is there in him, boy

Xia Jue naturally doesn't know that he has been targeted. When he returns to the inn, Xia Jue has a good sleep. When he wakes up, he has a meal with the sword devil.

the sword devil hasn't been idle these days. He also finds a secret room to practice. However, it's not as noisy as that. He just cuts down an ordinary secret room.

Soon news came from the arena that they could take part in the cruelest mode of purgatory.

With the mentality of exerting their talents, Xia Jue and sword demon go to the arena to try the so-called most cruel fight.

Xia Jue knows the importance of fame. He will make some fame in today's major cities. If he dares to come here, Xia Jue decides to kill them all!

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