I have been to the arena once, and Xia Jue has also been there. It's different from being besieged by many ruffians in the past. This time Xia Jue and the sword demon are on the road, and no one dares to attack him without looking at him.

Because the people who have won 12 games in the arena can't deal with them even if there is too much water. In addition, Xia Jue and sword demon are too famous on this stage. One killed the burning young master of Nancheng, the other killed our way out.

"Are you coming? Please go in

The man in black at the entrance of the arena recognizes Xia Jue and sword demon. After bringing them in, they take them to a more luxurious room than last time.

"The two families will have a day off here first, and the purgatory mode will be officially opened to the two families tomorrow morning." When the man in black finished speaking, he left Xiajue and sword devil in the room.

"Rest first."

One day passed quickly. The next morning, Xia Jue and sword demon were brought to the arena. This time, a woman brought Xia Jue to the stage, but it was different from last time.

Accustomed to the big names in the arena, Xia Jue didn't do much surprise, looking forward to his opponents in this purgatory mode.

It turned out to be a monster.

"Even monsters? It's really like God's help. " Xia Jue licks his lips. There is a little gap between the ordinary Terran and the demon clan, but he is different from Xia Jue

Xia Jue has the blood of the demon clan. His ability to suppress the demon clan is amazing. Even the ancient demon clan with good blood condition is not his opponent. However, Xia Jue deliberately releases a trace of the demon clan's blood in his body, but he finds that the demon beast has no reaction at all.

"Ah? What happened? " Seeing that the monster didn't make a statement, Xia Jue could not help but increase his efforts to release the blood of the demon family, and the golden light was shining slightly on his skin.


In the later period of the fictitious biography, the monster directly pours on Xiajue, and the action has no trace of being controlled by Xiajue.

"My Demon lineage has failed?" Xia Jue encountered this situation for the first time, but he could not ask Zhu Li, because Zhu Li entered deep sleep after helping him resist the chaotic shock wave, and it took at least a week to wake up.

"Dead beast, even if there is no demon blood, I'd better kill you!" Xia Jue clenched his fist, a golden dragon appeared behind him, and then he hit the monster on the head like lightning.


Under the attack of Xia Jue, the monster died on the spot.

This is still a simple and crude way of fighting. The audience on the stage once again gave Xia Jue a warm applause. Xia Jue's fighting style from fist to flesh is also their favorite.

killed as like as two peas, and the summer Jones were not idle, because two identical animals appeared in the arena and rushed to the summer jester,

, "let me see how strong this so-called purgatory mode is!" Xia Jue's mouth rose slightly, his figure flashed, once again lost his trace, and his steps broke out in full swing.

After reaching the fifth level in a row, Xia Jue finally understood what purgatory mode is. These monsters are the most savage. They don't tell you any truth at all. When they come in, they are the purest melee attack.

Although Xia Jue was able to kill a monster with one blow, he began to struggle because of the increasing number of monsters.

All the way to the last eight, there are different kinds of monsters.

The previous monsters were like enlarged wild dogs, but this time the eight monsters were like eight turtles. These monsters had huge hard shells on their backs. Xia Jue thought that he could not fight one at a time.

"Damn, this bloody arena!"

Of course, Xia Jue knew what was going on, because he was too tactful. He was no match for a monster like a wild dog, so they killed the monster who was good at defense.

With a slip, Xia Jue appeared behind the tortoise and monster.

"Dragon roaring fist!"

Golden tyranny, Xia Jue hit a turtle shell, turtle shell was a big concave.


The giant tortoise suddenly turned around and bit Xia Jue.

"Damn it, it's a turtle shell!"

Although these turtles move slowly, their defense is really high. There are more than one kind of dragons and monsters. The blow just now was enough to kill the wild dog and monster in front of them, but only the tortoise and monster left a dent.

"It's a real turtle shell." Xia Jue just didn't leave any hands with that fist, but he didn't try his best to urge the blood of the demon clan, and the rest of the true Qi was also poured into it, but even so, it was not good.

Feeling the hot pain on his fist, Xia Jue retreated abruptly, avoiding the attack of eight tortoises and monsters, and recovering the true yuan.

"These guys' shells are really. Hand in hand, absolutely not. If the devil's blood is exposed now, I don't know what will happen, then."

Xia Jue flashed some suggestions in his mind. Finally, Xia Jue's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

The real yuan in the body is running. I can see the top of Xiajue. The colorful Wellington rotates violently without any concealment. The bright light makes the audience boiling."My God! Is that the color of huilinggen? "

"It's really wonderful. No wonder it's so abnormal. I didn't expect it to be the legendary seven color huilinggen!"

"There's a good show here, but there hasn't been a colorful Wellington in a hundred years."

Every word on the stand has spread to Xia Jue's ears. It's hard to forget. Xia Jue must choose to expose a card, but his demon blood and chaotic Qi are easy to remember.

On the contrary, polychromatic Wellington, which is not a plundering card, has become the most suitable card at this time.

Qicai huilinggen rotates at a high speed, and the five elements complement each other. Xia Jue's true element recovery speed is greatly improved. Before, he only used three elements, so his combat effectiveness is greatly limited. Now, he releases Qicai huilinggen without reservation, which greatly improves his lasting combat ability.

Xia Jue's chasing steps flash again to avoid the attack of the tortoise monster, and then take out a flag from the shadow ring of the sky and insert it into the Gladiator.


Xia Jue once again escaped the siege of eight turtles and monsters. His body quickly flashed to another corner and inserted the next array flag again.

Although the tortoise monster has high defense, its action is much slower than that of the wild dog monster before. With the lost step, Xia Jue can easily avoid the siege of eight tortoises and monsters.

"What is the devil doing? Why stick sticks everywhere? "

"Silly, that's disposal!"

Yes, sir Xia is really in the formation. He is still holding the most aggressive array in the Xuantian formation!

The five bar array flag finally came in. Xia Jue wiped the sweat on his forehead and showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's time for you eight bastards to have a taste of real purgatory!"

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