The dark blue flame burned for five minutes, and then gradually disappeared. Xia Jue used the green lotus candle flame for the first time, but its control power was far from enough, which led to the imperfect control power.

Previously worried about the lack of strength, Xia Jue put his real yuan into the limit, secretly injected a bit of chaos, I never thought about it, but this move almost destroyed the arena.

As the smoke dispersed, the broken body of the ancient multi headed snake finally appeared in front of people.

Looking at the broken body of the ancient multi headed snake, Xia Jue could not help but take a breath. It turned out that the heads of the five ancient multi headed snakes were blown away, and there was no skin on them. They were all black under the burning of the green lotus candle.

"It's too powerful." Xia Jue's mouth is puffing. He can't believe that the scene in front of him is self-made. He knows very well the defense of the ancient multi headed snake, and the five element demon array can't help it. But with one move of purple flame, he was blown up like this, which is enough to prove how terrible the power of purple flame candle is.

"Well, boy, you really despise my purple candle. Do you think all the flames have the same power? You're wrong! On the top side, all elements are heterogeneous and have corresponding ranking. My purple candle flame is enough to rank in the top ten of heterogeneous flames. "

"You know, in the list of alien flames, there are hundreds of flames that can be put on the upper list, but they are not ordinary things. But even in those abnormal and alien fires, purple candle flame can still stand firmly in the top ten. You can imagine how powerful my purple candle flame is!"

Candlelight boasts his violet candlelight. After all, this is one of the reasons why he is famous in the upper class of the world. The word "candle" between flame and his name shows that they have a deep affinity.

"Boy, even if it's purple candle flame, you can only use fur now. You still can't use real avatar now. When you get to No.5 Middle School, you will see the real power of purple candle flame! That's the reason why purple candle can be ranked in the top ten of the foreign flames! "

The sound of "the candle is gone" tempts Xia Jue again, and his desire for the fifth middle school is also deepened.

But soon Xia Jue shook his head. Now the most important thing is to carry the purgatory mode. Previously, Xia Jue did not pay attention to this so-called purgatory mode, because he did not expect that the arena would release such a powerful monster as his opponent.

Monsters of the same kind are often stronger than those who cultivate immortals, not only because of cultivation, but also because almost all monsters are thick skinned. As long as they are associated with ancient Chinese characters, the strength of those monsters will be extremely terrible.

If the candle had not given Xia Jue her own purple candle flame, how many cards would Xia Jue have to spend against this ancient snake.

After killing many ancient snakes, Xia Jue is also his opponent of the 12th purgatory mode.

A man in a white robe.

In fact, the man in white has been paying attention to Xia Jue for a long time. When Xia Jue first came to the main city of Tiannan to kill the big man who came to make trouble, the man in white noticed Xia Jue

the day before yesterday, when Xia Jue destroyed the secret room of the silent cave, the white man also rushed to the scene, not only paid compensation for Xia Jue, but also inspected the ruins of the secret room .

"Are you Xia Jue? Xia Haoyun's son? " White people speak first, and their sharp eyes seem to see through people's hearts.

It was the first time that Xia Jue was asked his father's name after coming out for such a long time, but since the other party came to the door, Xia Jue would not have the slightest fear.

"Yes, my father is Xia Haoyun!" when the white man immediately appeared in front of Xia Jue, he stopped.

"So fast!" Xia Jue's pupils instantly contracted, and the colorful huilinggen quickly turned, while the white man who was about to gather Zhenyuan to resist his sight disappeared again.

Xia Jue reacts that the white man has appeared behind him, and an extreme cold is pouring into Xia Jue's body. Before he has time to turn back, Xia Jue is beaten away.


One punch was hit by a white man for more than ten meters, but Xia Jue just stood up and found that the white man didn't know when he arrived.

"No way! How can it be so fast! "


The white man hit Xia Jue again. Xia Jue, who didn't have time to resist, was directly hit by the white man into a sandbag.

"My God! The devil was beaten at his own request? Who are the white people? "

"Silly, that white man is the strongest youth in our South City. He is called the master of traceless ice and snow!"

"But isn't the youth away from the corpse? Why are you here? "

Xia Jue was so humiliated for the first time, but the speed of white people was unimaginable. Xia Jue didn't even have time to run Zhenyuan, so he was completely suppressed by the other side.


If you keep your hand, I'm afraid Xia Jue will really bring it here. The demon blood in his body urges him. The golden lines instantly cover Xia Jue's whole body, and the virtual shadow of the Golden Dragon turns into essence, dissolving all the attacks of men in white.

"Cough." Xia Jue spat out a mouthful of turbid blood. After a little wiping, the purple candle fire condensed on his palm.

For this white man, Xia Jue was not careless at all. His opponent's speed was the fastest he had ever seen, except for the golden winged eagle king who made him unable to fight back.”Xiajue, look at the ground. "

When Xia Jue found that the ground of the arena had condensed a layer of purple ice, candlelight suddenly thought of Xia Jue.

"Purple ice?"

Jinlong Xuying protects Xia Jue from the sudden attack of a white man. As soon as Xia Jue steps on the ground, he picks up a piece of ice.

"Sky purple ice! Heterogeneous ice ranked 20th! How can this thing be on the lower plane? " Xia Jue was also surprised by the surprised voice of Zhuli.

Can be ranked in the top and bottom heterogeneous ice 20, this heterogeneous ice enough to dominate the lower surface!

"Tianzixuanbing's talent is instantaneous. It's a kind of using ice to bring his speed to the extreme. You should have realized that just now. Unexpectedly, this boy wakes up the talent of alien ice. It seems that he can't get the day of zixuanbing in one or two days, and his cultivation is also in the middle of the ex vivo. If you want to win him, you may have to have a showdown."

The words of candle leave make Xia Jue's heart jump. The other side not only has a difficult alien ice, but also builds it on himself. Today's battle is really a fierce battle.

"Xia Haoyun killed my father in public in front of everyone. Today I want to see if Xia Haoyun's son is better than him!" The white robed man's eyes showed cold, summer, only to see the ice elements in the air constantly condensing in his hands, and finally turned into a long gun.

"Send you to heaven!"

The voice of the man in the white robe did not fall. People first saw it. At this time, Xia Jue found that the man in the white robe could have such a terrible speed, completely relying on the ice on the ground.

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