If the other martial arts practitioners are immortals, then the other white robed men are really powerless, because they can not do anything with the speed of the white robed men, and they can not destroy the heterogeneous ice condensed by the Amethyst.

"Melt me!"

The blue flame fell to the ground, and Qinglian's candle flame attached to the purple ice and burned slowly. At first, the hard ice was melted directly by Xiajue Qinglian's candle flame

"impossible!" The white robed man's scope of action is limited. This is the first time he has seen his most proud black ice melted by the fire.

"I knew you were using green flame power, but I didn't expect it would be so powerful. Good! Then don't blame me for being serious! "

Since we can't win by speed, the white robed man can only face Xia Jue. Without ice, the white robed man's speed can only be regarded as a little faster, and Xia Jue can still deal with it with his lost step.

"Zixuan is freezing!"

The white robed man held it in the air, the ice element in the air had solidified, and the place of Xia Jue was frozen.

"The ice is bursting!"


Relying on the protection of the green lotus candle flame, Xia Jue is not afraid of the white robed man Tian Zi xuanbing, but the other party detonates Tian Zi xuanbing in front of him, but he can still hurt Xia Jue

in addition, the white robed man's planting is one level higher than Xia Jue's.

"Zixuan gun!"

Through the layers of ice, a purple ice gun comes to Xiajue several meters away. Xiajue can feel the extreme ice summer above the ice gun.

"Qinglian retreat!"

With the blow of Xia Jue's hand, a small cluster of green lotus candle flame came forward. After a blue lotus flower bloomed, the green lotus candle fire smashed the ice gun.

"Ice rain!"

Although the white robed man's Zixuan gun was blown to pieces by Qinglian candle fire, the pieces that should have been torn were directly shot at Xia Jue


Fortunately, Xia Jue has been feeding the devil's blood, and Jinlong Xuying is guarding it. Borneol hits Jinlong Xuying like an egg against a stone.

"Well! You. " Xia Jue was about to say something, but he found that the man in the white robe had disappeared. After carefully observing the ground, Xia Jue found that a thin layer of purple ice had spread out behind him.

"not good!"

Seeing the ice on the ground, Xia Jue immediately understood the white robed man's intention.

Deliberately pretending to be a frontal attack makes you careless. In fact, the real purpose is to get around behind you and give yourself the most fatal blow. He is a small-scale operation!

A cold summer from the bottom of Xiajue's feet into my heart, Xiajue tried to resist, but found himself unable to move.

"Don't try to resist, because you are in the world of glaciers!"

The white man's cold voice suddenly sounded. Xia Jue found that the whole arena was covered with purple ice. The white man was standing at the highest point of the arena, looking at him like a dead man.

"Don't move

The light fell on Xiajue's ears, which made Xiajue feel trembling.

Kaka kaka.

The whole arena is covered with ice, making a wonderful sound. Outsiders may not see what happened, but Xia Jue, who is on one side, is fighting desperately at this time.

With the white man's cold words, an extreme breath of ice and summer poured into Xia Jue's body. This breath of ice and summer can directly destroy Xia Jue's cells, and even Zhen Yuan can be frozen!

Xia Jue, who was attacked by the white people, was completely frozen by the white people.

"It's over."

The white man patted a pillar next to him. The pillar turned into ice powder and dissipated.

Through the action of the white robed man, the audience realized what had happened.

"Put your own tianzixuan ice into your body, and then take out all objects from it and freeze them completely. Tianzixuan ice is really real!" The black host witnessed all the actions of the white people in mid air, and then turned his eyes to Xia Jue. He couldn't help but smile: "the so-called traceless ice and snow is worthy, but you meet a pervert."

The voice of the host in black came to the ears of the white people, and the white people who thought they had won suddenly stood in a daze and quickly looked back at Xia Jue

it turned out that according to the principle, Xia Jue, who had been frozen to death, had a faint blue flame on his body, and the flame was about to fall, as if he would fall from Xia Jue to the ground the next second.

There was no sound when the fire fell to the ground, but the white people seemed to hear something at this time. This is the reason. The whisper of death.

The blue flame touched the ground and swept the whole arena. The burning flame burned all the objects in the arena.

"Boy, play with me, you are still a little tender!" Candle in summer, said the Baron scornfully.

In fact, Xia Jue lost the battle.

Although he has a large number of cards like plug-ins, Xia Jue is not particularly proficient in any aspect.

Whether it is the colorful huilinggen, demon blood and chaotic Qi, or the just acquired purple candle flame, Xia Jue has only a little skin.White people are different. Although they don't have as many plug-ins as Xia Jue, they even have Amethyst in the upper layer. In addition, they are very skilled in controlling Amethyst. Even if Xia Jue's purple candle flame level is higher than that of white people's Purple Amethyst, it can't resist the attack of white people. Fortunately, Xia Jue gives the body control to Zhuli at the last moment, Although the white people used ice to attack, even Zhuli was hard to fight, but with the rule of burning, Zhuli forcibly saved Xiajue's life.

Later, candle lit the whole arena with a little burning rule. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, he deliberately created the illusion that the flame would fall to the ground.

Candlelight is an inevitable death for the man in white. The purple candlelight directly burns the man in white to ashes, leaving no bones.

"Congratulations to the devil for winning 12 battles in purgatory mode!"

The host in black took a meaningful look at Xia Jue and announced the end of the fight.

After 12 rounds of fighting, Xia Jue finally entered the purgatory mode without danger, feeling the hand that could not be grasped, and his heart was also shocked.

This purgatory mode is really worthy of the name. Even he almost fell into the purgatory mode, but thanks to the help of Zhu Li, otherwise he would not be able to get out of the arena today.

"It seems that I really need to chew too much. I have too much food in my body. I have to digest it well."

Before that, Xia Jue's use of tianzixuanbing by the white people made his eyes bright. He also used the alien attribute, but the other party could suppress Xia Jue again and again. If it wasn't for the candle, he would lose his life in the end.

Xia Jue is dying. Even if he has too many cards, if the opponent sneaks, maybe he can't cope with it.

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