The appointment of Nancheng

"yo! This is not the famous devil and sword devil! Welcome, please sit in

Xia Jue arrived as scheduled with an invitation letter to appoint Nancheng. Now he is not as unknown as he was when he first arrived in Nancheng. Today's Xia Jue is not only famous in Nancheng, but also has 10 million xuanjing with sword demon. Even in Nancheng, it has a certain purchasing power.

With town leaders from all over the world taking their seats, the South City agreement officially began.

People in black auction house is the first famous auction house with the title of Nancheng. Although there are many people coming to Nancheng this time, it is not crowded at all.

Tens of thousands of people can sit on the seats in the hall of the meeting. There are a lot of boxes above the hall. It is not the strong man who has made blood drop, but the leader of a big country who can participate in the appointment of Nancheng in the box.

Although Xiajue and Jianmo are famous in Nancheng, they are only in the virtual world without background, so there are no two copies of him on the balcony.

However, Xia Jue didn't care about these. He just came to the auction and didn't ask much for seats.

"Keke, welcome to the annual auction of the covenant of Nancheng. I'm the host of this auction. I hope all of you can get what you like today ~"

the woman named Yunru has a hot figure, and her dress is absolutely unambiguous. Her fiery red lips sweep to the crowd from time to time, which makes some people with low physical strength feel impatient and want to put it on her body.

"Tut Tut, is it to make people feel hot that this kind of creature actually came to be the host?" Xia Jue saw through the idea of black cloud auction house at a glance.

A hot rabbit slowly pushed a table to the center of the field. Above the table, a red cloth covered the items on the table.

Xia Jue tried to use his spiritual consciousness to see what was inside, but his spiritual consciousness was blocked.

"Psychic was rejected by that cloth?" Xia Jue frowned and thought deeply.

Many of the people present were doing the same thing as Xia Jue, but they were extremely shocked when the spiritual consciousness was excluded.

However, although the spiritual consciousness was excluded from the red cloth, Xia Jue could still feel the fire attribute breath from it. There is no doubt that this first auction item must be related to the fire attribute.

"I announce that the first auction item of Nancheng contract has officially started, but it is a kind of heterogeneous flame called Shi Zhongyan. It is said that this kind of flame can burn even in stones, and it has great power when it comes to success!"

Yunru lifts the red cloth that doesn't let the spirit come in, and the objects on the table finally show up in front of the public. A gray flame floats on the table. Although the flame is a little weak, the attribute of the fire it sends out can't be seen.

"It's shizhongyan! My child, your Nancheng contract is not worthless. Although shizhongyan is not in the top position among the different fires in the upper level, it's still good in this level. It seems that this dark cloud auction house has made a little effort to revive the market in the first round of auction," candle said to Xia Jue seriously, just like candle said, The first item of dark cloud auction house caught fire, which really excited many people.

"My God! It turned out to be a strange fire. These things are sold out! "

"Damn, this fire belongs to me, don't rob me!"

There was a lot of people in the meeting. Yunru couldn't help but smile. In the first round, the atmosphere was created successfully. It had to be said that the flame in the stone was in the right place in the first round.

”The starting price of shizhongyan is 500000 xuanjing, and the price should be at least 100000 at a time. It won't be capped. Let's go, "Yunru looked at the beating flame, and then announced the price of shizhongyan

among the five most basic sources of Huiling, the fire attribute is the most powerful one. Many huilinggen practitioners who have the fire attribute choose the fire attribute specialty, which makes shizhongyan very popular welcome.

Xia Jue's purple candle flame is much stronger than the flame in the stone, so naturally it doesn't have any idea about the flame in the stone, but the sword demon is Jianxiu, and he doesn't have any idea about the flame in the stone

after competing with many immortals, the flame in the stone is finally taken away by one person at a price of 2.3 million yuan.

When entering the dark cloud auction house, all people wear the cloak and veil given by the black auction house to cover up their appearance and prevent intentional people from trying to rob others.

The price of the first auction item is 2.3 million, which is the price that black cloud auction house can reach from the bottom.

Yunru is also very satisfied with the price. Although heterogeneous fire is more precious, in this continent, as long as you are willing to pay, you can get everything.

As the flame in the stone fell into his hands, the second object was also put on the stage. It was covered with a piece of red cloth, but Xia Jue didn't cut himself off.

"I think we all know what Dan medicine is and how precious it is. The second round was played by the king of Dan Qingcang."

Yunru deliberately dragged her voice too long, so that Yu Dan and Wang Qingcang wandered back and forth in the black auction house.

Heard Dan Wang Qingcang four words, everyone's eyes are full of blazing.

Qingcang, the king of Dan, is the most famous master of Dan in the mainland. He not only made the spirit, but also is the only one in the mainland who can refine the top-level Dan medicine."Xuanjie pill, a disciple of King Dan Qingcang, is made from Fengyu and Poxue pill!"


Yunru deliberately uses the word "Danwang Qingcang" to attract everyone's attention, and then changes her mind to say that the real Alchemist is Fengyu. Although Fengyu is a little celebrity, he is still very different from Danwang Qingcang

but this broken hole pill also plays a great role. If you take one when you are ready to break through, you can greatly improve the success rate of the breakthrough.

From leaving the body to breaking the hole, although there is only one difference, it is more difficult.

Although not as eye-catching as the previous "stone flame", it has attracted a lot of bids. Although most of you don't need holes, buyback is a good choice for families or the younger generation in power.

The initial price of Poxue pill is 100000 yuan, and the price is increased by 10000 yuan. Although there are many people bidding for it, the leader of this big country doesn't like this ordinary xuanjie pill, and the price of Poxue pill has been fixed at 260000 until the end.

The third and fourth items are relatively common. The final transaction prices of the two items are also set at 430000 and 610000. Although the prices are not high, they are gradually rising.

"Here's the fifth item. I think this item will definitely attract your attention." Yun Ru, intentionally or unintentionally in the chest revealed the lines of his career, has let some impatient people feel elated at this time.

"I don't know how much you know about ruins. Next, this baby is the treasure map of ruins!"

Yun Ru's words just finished, a burst of boiling under the stage.

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