This is a relic! In this continent, no matter what remains, there will be countless people's attention, because there are often heritages or treasures in the ruins.

If they are destined to enter a relic of ancient times, they may go to the Universiade and soar to the sky.

"And the relic map. It's incredible that this kind of thing was taken out in the fifth round!"

"I'm afraid this relic map can't be handed over to us. The big troops on it haven't been sold yet."

No matter how the industry evaluation, Yun Ru chuckled, two lovely dimples also revealed.

"Well, there's something wrong with this relic map. It's not a complete map. It's a bit broken." Yunru's eyes kept turning, carefully observing other people's expressions.

Yunru's sudden turning point makes everyone feel like pouring cold water. It feels like a broken map of ruins. There is not a little difference between a complete map of ruins and a broken map of ruins. If you get a complete map of ruins, you can go to find treasure, but you have to find other maps to find the final location of the broken map.

But the world is so big, how do we know where the rest of the map is?

After knowing that it was a broken map, most of the people in the meeting lost their enthusiasm for the so-called ruins map. However, Xia Jue thought about it thoughtfully, and then his thoughts sank into the shadow ring of the sky and found something he almost forgot.

This is the relic map from the demon sect disciple!

"It can't be this coincidence, can it?" Xia Jue licked his lips, but others didn't know the importance of the ruins map. From the fact that the disciples of the demon sect were still playing tricks on this map, they could see that it was extraordinary. When their eyes turned around, Xia Jue made up his mind.

If the next relic map to be auctioned is another part of this relic map, then he will decide!

"I won't tell you the truth. The starting price of this relic map is 300000 yuan, and it can't be less than 100000 yuan at a time! Let's start the auction now! " With the end of Yunru's words, the red cloth is also lifted, revealing the true face of Lushan on the map of ruins.

”**Is NIMA going to put it up for auction

"Can this NIMA be a map?"

"It's too tricky. It's worth 300000? It's too dark

As soon as the map of the ruins came out, there was a black line on the forehead of almost everyone in the meeting. Not everyone reacted too much, but so was the map of the ruins. It was too broken.

I heard from Yunru that it's a bit broken, but it's broken by black cloud auction house.

The so-called map of the ruins is only the size of a fist. There is only a mountain on it. There is no mark for the ruins.

"That's it!" Xia Jue saw at a glance that the map of ruins was another part of his map, but the damaged one was more serious.

Although it has the name of the heritage map, this heritage map actually goes out of the unexpected silence, and no one is willing to bid.

After all, there is nothing on the map of ruins. I'm afraid I don't know where to collect other parts. It's a waste of xuanjing!

"Four hundred thousand!"

After a short silence, someone finally made an offer, and the identity of the offeror was also unusual. The voice came from the box above the venue. You don't need to look at it to know that its identity is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"I'm a small clan leader of shenzongmen. We are a little interested in this relic map of shenzongmen. I still hope you can give it to us of shenzongmen!"

The so-called Shao, in order to frighten other competitors who want to challenge him, opens his mouth and moves out the behemoth.

Although shenzongmen has a bad reputation in the mainland, no one will doubt its strength.

The leader of Shenzong sect is a strong man who shocked the mainland. His power is the peak of blood. In this continent, every stamp will shake and shake.

In the box, a young man in black raised his feet and looked down at all the people in the room, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Don't worry, young master. Since you shot, the insects below naturally give them a hundred courage. They dare not shoot. Don't worry, the map of ruins will be sent to you!"

Sure enough, no one dares to quote a price lower than the price opened by the Lord after the shenzongmen's bidding is completed

first of all, I don't want to fight with shenzongmen, otherwise I can't sleep well even if I get the ruins map.

Secondly, the map of ruins is too broken. Even if several owners of Shenzong sect don't go out, I'm afraid there won't be many people bidding. It's really not cost-effective to offend a Shenzong sect man for a broken map of ruins.

"Since you don't mind, I'll start the countdown. Three, two, one." Yunru looks at the box of the door, and she scolds in her heart. The little master of the door is very dissatisfied with her. He puts forward his own price and threatens others, so that the price of the ruins map will not change.

But who let the other party be the clan? Although black cloud auction house is known as the first auction house, it can't be the absolute monarch. After all, black cloud auction house is a commercial organization, so it needs to give the clan some face and have a deep foundation.Just as Lyme's voice was counting to one, a voice that didn't work suddenly sounded.

"I'm half a million!"

"I'm half a million!"

Almost everyone subconsciously looked at the owner of the voice, although the other party wearing a veil and black cloak can not see his face, but he still can not stop the curious eyes.

"I dare to pay the price with God. Who is this man?"

"It's a good play!"

Everyone looked at the man as if he were watching the crowd. Then they looked at the box of the little master of the sect God, and the box. The little master of the sect God's face was also very ugly.

"Some people are so ungrateful! Dare to oppose our shenzongmen

The patriarch was very angry. He got up from the stool and went to the edge of the box to find the man who dared to challenge his arrogance.

The so-called arrogance is naturally Xia Jue

in fact, at first Xia Jue wanted to give up, but when he thought about what the so-called God sect had done, he couldn't swallow it.

In the contest with the sect of God, three points are for the map and seven points are for defeating the sect of God.

Xia Jue looked fearlessly at the box where the patriarch was, staring at the patriarch, which made the patriarch turn blue again.

"Asshole! Check it for me! What's the matter with this boy? He dares to live with me! God is against him

Zongmen, the little Lord of God, was a little depressed at this time. If it wasn't for the black cloud auction house to prohibit fighting, I was afraid that he would start fighting.

"Boy! I tell you, don't think you have some money to beat my shenzongmen! Then I don't know how to die! "

The patriarch of God's sect suddenly looks at Xia Jue. His eyes are full of killing intention.

"What is the sect of God? Why haven't I heard of it? Ow! It's like a demon family practicing human life, isn't it? Since you can't afford it, go home and give it to me! " Xia Jue didn't pay attention to the threat of the little master of Shenzong. For him, there was one more enemy and one less.

And God's sect, he will eradicate it sooner or later. After all, this inhumane sect is just a shame.

"My God? How arrogant the boy is

All the people at the meeting were stupid. Xia Jue pretended not to know God's sect first, then called God's sect the devil's family, and finally told God's sect to leave here, which was not very exciting.

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