
After the explosion, Yin Wudao also showed a slightly embarrassed figure. Although with the help of senlo's death spirit, Yin Wudao didn't suffer too fatal damage, he still suffered some internal injuries.

"No way. How can you break through my death? How can you?" Yin Wudao couldn't believe that the purple candle flame suppressed by him would cause such a strong explosion instantly, which caught him off guard.

"Ha ha, senlo is dead, but he is not pure. The reason why it will be swallowed by you is that the previous lingxuan is not strong enough. If you and I have the same strength, you can't even swallow it! " Candle from the eyes swept to the body of Yin no way, Yin no way instantly lit a blue flame.

"How can it be!" Yin Wudao doesn't see how the candle leaves to shoot, the candle flame of green lotus burns directly on him.

"Green lotus!"


A blue lotus rose in mid air, while the green lotus, using the burning law, retreated from power to candle, which was incomparable before.

As long as Zhuli can control the area, Zhuli can easily light Qinglian's candle in any area, and the power of Qinglian using legal power will be greatly improved.

After the blue flame dissipates, the Yin has no way to appear again.

"Oh?" Candle from some surprised looking at Yin no way. Although hot candle from did not expect Qinglian previous retreat will let Yin Wudao, Yin Wudao safe appearance let him a little surprised.

Although Yin Wudao seems to be safe and sound, if you look carefully, you will find that his face is quite pale, and the originally rich moriran death also appears a little thin at this time.

"Consumed a lot of moriran dead Qi to resist Qinglian's retreat? Ha ha, it's really embarrassing. How can moriran die with you to resist my next action? " Candle from high raised a hand, Qinglian candle flame constantly condensed to the sky, a small sun like fireball formed.

The burning regular candle leaves, condenses the flame the speed, cannot compare with Xia Jue, only calculates the time, the fireball has already reached the limit which Xia Jue can achieve.

Because of the limitation of Xiajue's planting, even if the candle has the burning rule, it can't exceed the limitation of Xiajue's planting. But even so, the blue sun also makes the Yin Wudao feel great pressure.

The forest was dead, and the air was surging. Although Yin Wudao is based on Xia Jue, what Zhuli has, whether it is dust, burning rules or fighting experience, is incomparable to Yin Wudao. Although at this time moriran dead gas has condensed a solid barrier in front of him, but the heart of Yin Wudao is still very uneasy.

Before that, Zhuli directly lit the flame of Qinglian candle on him, which shocked him very much. He has never seen such a situation and can attack him without any action.

"Never mind! I don't believe you, a boy who preaches virtual conditions, can be stronger! " Yin Wudao doesn't know that although Xia Jue looks like Xia Jue at this time, it is actually the man in the legend of two gods who controls the body. However, Yin Wudao actually found some problems of Xia Jue, but he didn't have time to think so much.

"No blood sacrifice to Senluo!"


Yin Wudao spits out a big mouthful of Xie Jing, and then sits on the ground. Xie Jing was swallowed up by Senluo's death. Although some feeble moribund dead spirit suddenly flourished, it not only recovered to the level of Yin Wu Dao and heyday, but also continued to grow. "Death seal of senlo!"

Yin Wudao sits on the ground, stomps his feet and pushes them out with one hand. Senlo's dead breath quickly condenses into a handprint and flies towards Xia Jue

although the handprint looks small, the intensity of senlo's dead breath condenses in it has reached a level that can't be underestimated after several times of compression.

"There are some ways!"

Although the so-called senro death is not pure death in the eyes of candlelight, it can be placed on the lower plane.

"It seems that the strength of the young strong is not weak."

Before, Zhu Li thought that Xia Jue's strength was almost invincible at the same level. Even if he was higher than a country, he had the ability to fight in the first World War. However, through the various meetings during this period, if Zhu Li had not fired, Xia Jue would have been killed long ago.

Although Xiajue has many plug-ins, which are comparable to Uber, it is often very difficult for Xiajue to specialize in one kind of ability in the face of competitors who are higher than his own level and because of insufficient development.

"It seems that I need to teach him a good lesson later."

Yin Wudao's fingerprints are extremely powerful, but candlelight still gently throws the fireball to the sky. The power of purple candle flame is the most obvious in Zhuli. Although senlo's dead spirit is fierce, it is still not enough to see the combustion law of purple candle flame.

Moriran's death seal is blended with the blue fireball, constantly corroding the purple candle flame, and finally corroding a channel, directly through the fireball, pointing to Xiajue!

"This boy's target is Xia Jue God!"

The candle leaves the pupil to shrink, he didn't expect that the Yin has no way to be able to use this kind of way that both lose. The death seal of senro didn't consume much after passing through the cyan fireball, but the corresponding cyan fireball didn't consume much.A trace of malice flashed in Yin Wudao's eyes. The reason why he dared to do so was that this strong man had broken through the shackles of thousands of ghosts.

Solid soul mirage in the Yin no way, even in front of purple candle flame how domineering, three school realm even if it is candle from also can't set off any waves.

It's hard for Xiajue to practice virtual environment now. Although candlelight has various means, Xia Jue's real strength is there.


Morin's death seal directly passed through Xia Jue's body, but strangely, the part penetrated by Morin's death seal turned into a flame, and after Morin's death seal was penetrated, it recovered its flesh and blood.

"Damn it."

Candlelight still overestimates thousands of candlesticks. The strength gap between the other side and Xia Jue is too big. Thousands of candlesticks have been reduced by the other side for about ten seconds. And this short ten seconds, enough to disrupt the candle from the plan.

At the moment, the strong man who practiced virtual environment stood in front of him, and let Zhuli have the ability to cross the sky. At this time, he can't get rid of yin and no way under the other side's eyes.

The shadow of heaven's soul blocks Yin Wudao behind him. The man who had seen the strange flame intensity of Yin Wudao before also saw it. However, he also noticed that Zhuli put his eyes behind the flame of Yin Wudao. "As long as he doesn't see, there's nothing. There's no way. You can hide." The strong man turned back to tell Yin Wudao, and then he urged the ghost shadow to take Xia Jue.

At this time, facing Xia Jue, the man in strong clothes has a very strange feeling. He felt that although Xiajue looked like Xiajue at this time, his feeling was different from that of Xiajue before.

The candle was far away from the secret lighting method previously used - thousands of candle shadows, which made him feel dying. The strength of the other side is just empty, but it can control him for nearly a minute. Had it not been for the men's final burst of strength, Yin Wu Dao would have fallen long ago.

The shadow of heaven's soul firmly locks Xia Jue's body. Then the man's body shakes and a big hand shoots directly at Xia Jue's body!


The huge palm of the shadow of the heavenly soul broke Xia Jue out of proportion, but strangely, there was no flesh on the ground, only the beating blue flame.

"What's the matter?" The strong man frowned. He had already locked on Xia Jue before. Xia Jue could not escape from him under such a big cultivation.

In other words, in the previous palm, he completely captured Xia Jue, but this palm didn't hit the entity at all.

Previously, Xiajue station was full of burning purple candle flames. Through the palm of the shadow of the spirit of heaven, these purple candle flames are condensed together and become Xia Jue's body.

"No way!"

Whether he is a strong man or Yin Wudao, or Xia Jue himself, he is shocked by the skill of Zhuli.

Xia Jue's body was actually photographed by the shadow of the spirit of heaven before, but the candle turned Xia Jue's body into a purple candle flame. Although it was still crushed by the hand of the shadow of the spirit of heaven, the condensed entity was not damaged at all.

Xia Jue can see his body clearly. Before that, Zhuli apparently used the power of the law of combustion to turn himself into a flame. Although the flames can disperse, they can reunite.

"It's too overbearing, master's burning rule is too terrible!" Xia Jue regarded it as a shock. As long as we make good use of this burning rule, there is almost no entity to fight with people. You only need to turn yourself into a flame at the most critical time to avoid fatal injury.

Candle away from nature realizes Xia Jue's inner shock, but now he has no time to explain so much. The strength of the other side completely exceeds that of Xia Jue. In the current situation, it's almost impossible to beat the other side. The only chance to survive is to escape.

"If I had known that the strong man was trapped, I would have retreated directly. It's a big problem. " Zhuli analyzes the opponent's strength and the moves he can use. If he had not wanted to kill Yin Wudao before, he would not be in such a difficult situation now. Zhu Li takes a look at the sword demon. Although the sword demon is seriously injured, it is not without the power of the first World War. If it is time to cooperate with the sword demon, it is not without the chance to kill the strong man.


Candlelight is about to say something, when the strong man actually saw through the idea of candlelight, the ghost burst into full swing, the power of the virtual environment was completely released without reservation.

"The devil's voice!"

The ghost's body suddenly broke free, and then a ferocious face appeared in the sky, and the ground turned black instantly.

Magic face and big mouth, harsh sound waves sweep the earth. Where the sound wave passes, the trees and the land become powder!

"No difference attack! The real goal of this strong man is to be a good man. "

The man in thick clothes can find his idea, and nature knows the real purpose of the man in thick clothes. Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is in Pei palace! The real purpose of this strong man is sword demon!

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