Although the sword demon, who has been seriously injured for a long time, has recovered a little, it is almost impossible to survive in this terrible sound wave. Even the sword devil and Xia Jue had little chance to overcome this kind of erosion in their heyday!

"Xia Jue, although his strength is before the two gods, his strength is rare now. It's OK to take you today, but it's easy for the sword devil to say. If there is really no way, the teacher can only choose to abandon the army and stay in command, and then have the opportunity to be a sword demon! Revenge

The words of candle leave make Xia Jue cool. During his time with the sword devil, he has regarded the sword devil as his good friend and brother, but today's situation is too difficult.

Without candlelight, they would all die here today.

Xia Jue didn't answer Zhu Li's words. He knew that even in candlelight, there was no better way at present, and his own strength was still too weak, no wonder.

"Don't lose heart, the teacher's next step will be the strongest one that can be used at present. This is also one of the famous moves of the teacher

The candle closed his eyes, and the dust in his body soon came out. Finally, the thin dust began to liquefy. In Xia Jue's dumbfounded, the dust turned into a few drops of clear liquid.

It's yuan Xian!

For a moment, the clear liquid was separated by the candle and pumped out. I saw the purple candle flame around me like chicken blood. The original blue flame suddenly flourished, and the virtual shadow of lotus appeared in the flame.

"What a familiar feeling. This is the last straw." After condensing all the immortal dust in the body into Xianyuan, Zhuli has no endurance after this move.

"Get out!" Although candlelight's face was a little pale, he still stretched out his hand towards the rolling magic sound, and the purple candlelight rushed directly to the rolling magic sound.

The intense burning purple candle flame condenses rapidly, and countless purple candle flames rush into the rolling magic sound like moths. Although most of the violet candlelight is melted by the magic sound, after all, most of the violet candlelight condenses successfully. A bright violet stands like a rock in the waves in the magic sound. "Gather, green lotus scatter, lotus blossom, green candle extinguish!"

The original solid green lotus is like a flame on a candle, which is extinguished with a single stroke. But just after Qinglian was out, an invisible force enveloped the whole audience.

The candle burst out from his eyes with a light never seen before. At this time, he also burst out the breath of appearing in the peak.

"It's called. The withering degree of a lotus flower!"

The area covered by invisible force solidifies instantly, and then withers as petals wither. Whether it's magic sound or other energy, even the magic face in the sky will wither directly.

"No way! How can there be such a terrible power The strong man watched in disbelief the terrible move of the candle. At this time, he knew the situation in Xia Jue's body. He only knew that the young man he was playing with was only 17 years old now. He just missed the virtual world!

"This boy must be killed today! No, the trouble is endless

The invisible power didn't stop after the demonic voice withered with the demonic face. Instead, it went to find the strong man. The destructive power of terror, no matter what the target, is treated equally.

"The phantom of the spirit of heaven!" In the face of this invisible force, even the strong are invisible. If you are directly hit by this invisible force, the strong man is not absolutely sure to resist.

A huge shadow appeared in front of the powerful people. The invisible force directly broke through the shadow of the spirit of heaven. The shadow of the spirit of heaven withered without holding on for a second.

"This kind of power, how can appear in a boy who preaches virtual environment!"

As soon as Jin Zhuang Nan's hand is closed, the real yuan in his body rolls, and a thousand ghosts erupt on him. Even the ghost will wither instantly, but because of the huge number, the speed of this invisible force is a little slower.

"Ghosts eat souls!"

Thousands of ghosts burst out strong light, trying to completely block the invisible power with their huge number. But candlelight can't be just this power from the last blow.

You know, candlelit said it was one of his famous moves. Although Xia Jue couldn't exert his real power due to his self-cultivation, his power was enough to pose a great threat to the strong in the virtual environment with the blessing of some people in the original Constitution!

"Well! I really think I can go to heaven! " A man with strong clothes also has a temper. He can't stand being forced to this point by a boy who advocates virtual conditions.

The real yuan completely burst out in the body, only to see the powerful man fell heavily on the ground, countless tombstones burst out, the air above the sky soared, and a ferocious face reappeared.

"The ghost goes to the devil!"

Countless tombstones burst out a strong light, followed by a burst of one after another, the shock of terror makes Xia Jue unstable.

In this terrible shock, even the invisible power has been dispersed, candle from the final move finally stopped.

"Alas." although he had long expected that it would be impossible to get rid of the strong man with this move, he still had some expectations in his heart. If a strong man has a big battle with his own strength when practicing virtual environment, he will hopefully leave a deep lesson for the other party.However, strong men have long been wary of many means of candlelight, and will destroy this invisible power, regardless of the large-scale consumption of RMB.

"Xia Jue, so far, we can only." Candle from the words have not finished, sudden change.

I don't know when a woman has been standing between Jin zhuanggen and Xia Jue. The faint smell of that woman makes Jin zhuanggen dare not act rashly.

"Oh, it's too noisy. Was it found in the main city? " Candle from the heart sank down, he felt each other revealed the breath. Candle from know, this person's strength is at least a drop of blood!

Even Zhuli, the opponent of this kind of strength, has no choice at this time, he can only let fate decide.

"People who live at God's gate can retire."

The woman's cold voice made Jin Zhuang Nan, Zhu Li and Xia Jue cold. Jin Zhuang Nan didn't expect that he would tell them to go away as soon as they came out. It was just hitting them in the face. "The elder and the younger are the guardians of the Protoss. At the moment, they are carrying out the orders of the patriarch, to catch the boy, and hope that the adults can see in the face of the patriarch. "

Before the power man finished, the woman stared at the power man. The seemingly powerful power man was directly ejected blood by a look.

"Well! Yin has no interest! You want to give this seat face, you don't deserve it! Since you are determined to stay, I will help you today! " The woman held out two fingers and a petal appeared on her finger.

Then, the woman shot the petals at the strong man, just a petal directly cut off a strong man's arm!

"Oh? I'm good at hiding! " A woman's brow wrinkled, the previous petals, but fell on the heart of the strong man. If it wasn't for the last minute, the strong man would have been a corpse.

The woman stretched out two fingers and a petal appeared again.

"Damn it, Huaqing! Don't think that when you come to Tiannan, the mainland is as unscrupulous as it is in Tianbei! " Seeing Huaqing ready to attack again, the strong man couldn't stand it. He pulled Yin Wudao in a hurry and wanted to leave.

"Do you want to go now? It's late! "

Hua Qing took the petals without hesitation. Just when the petals were about to hit the strong man, a shadow of dark magic appeared and resisted the petals.

"Ha ha, huaqingzong, the Lord has not seen you for a long time."

After the shadow, an old man appeared. Although the old man looks old, his faint breath is suffocating.

"Oh? God sent an elder to the gate? Do you really think a big elder can deal with me? " Huaqing did not feel afraid because of the old man's appearance, but took a few more petals.

"Huaqingzong, Lord, you have gone too far."

All of a sudden, the shadow of the road, want to corrode the petals. Although petals ferocious, broke through countless layers of shadow, but finally was resisted.

"Elder, my subordinates have retreated first. It doesn't matter if the young master's injury, but the subordinates who have been delayed for a long time are worried that something will happen. " During the Zhuang and Han Dynasties, the old people arched their way.

"Stand aside and be careful on the way." The old man waved the strong man to step down, and then turned his eyes to Hua Qing and Xia Jue

this woman named Hua Qing is not an ordinary person. She is Huazong, the master of Xiaozong in China, and her strength has reached the peak of blood.

As the elder of the protoss, the old man has reached the late stage of blood dripping. Although he is not as good as Huaqing, there is no problem in protecting himself.

"Dry bone, your God is a little too much. In order to deal with a young generation who died in the imaginary world, even law enforcement officers have to be shot. Such shameless people as you are rare in this magnificent continent. " Hua Qing's words hit the nail on the head, which made the skeleton look ugly.

Kugu knows that Huaqing, as the owner of Xiaozong and Huazong, will not be attacked. For a young man who has just passed the virtual environment, it is not cost-effective to offend God's gate. Therefore, if Xia Jue had nothing to do with the master, he would not believe it even if he was killed.

"Huaqing, patriarch, today's business is my fault in shenzongmen, so let's call it a day!"

Shenzongmen seldom accept soft on weekdays, and today they seldom admit advice in front of Huaqing. Although kugu thinks Huaqing's power can defeat him, it is impossible to keep him here.

"Oh, I don't think you look like an apology! Kugu seems to think Huaqing can't help you. very nice. It seems that there is one elder missing from shenzongmen today! " Feel the bone, the implication, Huaqing is also moved to really angry.

Originally, Huaqing didn't want to offend shenzongmen to death. After all, it's also the peak of blood, and it's the peak of old blood. It's better to settle the matter without conflict.

But from the attitude of withered bones, Hua Qing only felt the other party's recklessness and arrogance. Although Hua Qing just broke through to the peak of blood drop recently, it is really a step, and there is still a gap compared with the later cultivators of blood drop.

And kugu is not afraid of Huaqing, that is because not long ago, Huaqing's strength is similar to him. Even if he breaks through to the peak of blood, he doesn't think Huaqing's strength will improve qualitatively in this short time."Close your eyes!"

Huaqing holding it in one hand, countless petals shot to the bone. If the dead bone is not prepared, it will be directly sieved.

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