Kugu also knows that Huaqing moves like the back of his hand. As an opponent in the same realm before, kuggu will naturally thoroughly understand Hua Qing's style and skills, so kuggu has countless ways to deal with Hua Qing's move

kuggu, after all, is also a drop of blood in the later cultivation of immortals. Compared with the previous strength, men naturally have a big gap. I saw the withered bone take out a long flag from the storage ring, and then beat it fiercely. The heavy shadow surrounded me tightly.

Poop, poop, poop.

Thousands of petals twined on many magical shadows. Although the petals are very sharp, they cannot be completely penetrated in the thick shadow. When they enter about half of the phantom, they stop completely.

Hey, hey, I said, our strength is almost the same, there's no need to play any more. My dear Huazong? "Lord" is in the shadow, and the withered face emerges from the shadow, facing Huaqing with a very ugly smile

Huaqing doesn't think that the withered face is an overconfident old villain. Instead, he opened his mouth gently and a word floated out of his mouth.


Although Hua Qing read this explosive word very calmly, it still fell like thunder in the dead bone's ear.

Huaqing closed month is not the first time to learn, but although he did not understand the explosive word in the end how, he vaguely guessed.

Boom! Before the withered bones finished thinking, the petals that should have been sealed by the double shadow suddenly burst into a strong light, and then with a huge explosion, the double shadow was blown into powder and smashed directly.

Originally at this time, tens of thousands of demons all over the body were blown to pieces, even the withered clothes were blown to pieces. With the bark like bone and skin, there is no difference between the bone and the beggars on the roadside.

"Bastard Hua Qing! You blew up tens of thousands of my souls! Do you know how much time I'm going to waste in training? "

Hua Qing with a gentle explosive words directly exploded tens of thousands of his soul, the rest of the soul is also fragmented, at any time may be separated.

You can only win one soul by killing one person. You have to kill ten thousand people if you want to get ten thousand souls. In recent years, it has become more and more difficult for God to occupy the gate. Almost everyone is ready for them, and it's not as easy to get a soul as it used to be.

But in this case, Hua Qing actually wiped out most of his soul in one breath, which is as heartbreaking as cutting flesh for the dead bones

"gate of God, this kind of battle is stronger than its own strength, forcibly seizing the other party's soul garbage gate, it's time to be cleared from this continent! Today, let me take the place of tianxingdao

A move will be most of the soul of the dead bone are blown up, Huaqing did not stop, the peak of a drop of blood was repaired into a full-scale outbreak. A long sword appears in Hua Qing's hand

"Hua Qing! You have to think clearly what you just said! If you think you spend time with two drops of blood, you think you are invincible, then you underestimate my God's family! The power of the patriarch is beyond your imagination Withered face became ferocious, and Hua Qing's words not only stimulated him, but also angered him.

The bark like face of the withered bone became more ferocious, and the whole face was covered with wrinkles. I saw that the withered body gradually darkened, then became blurred, condensed into the highest air cavity, like a demon shadow with horns.

"Gaga, Huaqing, don't think I'm a soft persimmon. Even if you reach the peak of blood dripping, I'll leave a deep impression on you today!"

The shadow of the horn exudes a strong evil spirit, which makes Xia Jue feel sick in the distance. The smell is like a pungent smell.

"This God's family really doesn't know how many ordinary people have been slaughtered. From this magical shadow, the name is kugu. At least it killed 100000 people. Otherwise, it could be so angry. "

When Huaqing appears, Zhuli returns the right to use his body to Xiajue. So the candle can't smell at this time, but based on his years of experience, he can make it clear.

"It seems that your lower level really needs to be straightened out. This kind of sect, which regards human life like a weed, really should not exist in this continent. " Even Zhuli was moved by what kugu had done. One hundred thousand people is not a small number. This elder alone killed hundreds of thousands of people. Therefore, the clan, the God clan leader, does not know how many tens of thousands of people were killed. million? Or thousands?

Xia Jue now knows that when he was a child, he always liked to run around when he was naughty. Some adults say that if a child is not obedient, the ghost will devour his soul.

And in the town, I will hear some rumors from time to time, saying that the town is like being drained of the soul, there is no damage on the appearance, but people are dead.

At that time, Xia Jue sniffed at these things. He thinks it's just adults trying to scare them. But now it seems that these words can not be said to be completely wrong, and behind them, I am afraid there is God's sect! My shadow!

"Damn it Xia Jue looked angrily at the corner of the shadow in the distance. In his heart, he had already cursed the bastards of shenzongmen.

Even their ordinary villages and towns can have such rumors, enough to see how crazy the sect God has been in recent years. Most of the strange disappearances of some small towns are also related to them.After clenching his fist, Xia Jue goes to the sword devil and sits cross legged with him to heal. At this time, Xia Jue had secretly made up his mind. In the future, as long as he has the strength to meet the disciples of Shenzong sect, he will be merciless and kill them if he has the ability!

In the sky, the shadow of the horn covers the sky, and the shape is worse than the ghost formed by the heroes before. And the disgusting smell of the shadow of the horn is totally unmatched by the ghost of that day.

"It's disgusting. I don't know how there are such scum in zongmen mainland!" In the face of this disgusting ghost, Hua Qing has no fear, but as a woman, she is naturally resistant to this disgusting thing.

The shadow of the horn covered the sky, completely blocked the whole sky. Whether it's Huaqing, Xiajue or Jianmo, it's very dark here, and the moonlight can't shine at all.

"Gaga, Huaqing, I didn't expect that the power of my shenzongmen is beyond your imagination. It's just that you can't handle my soul, not to mention the Lord. You think you can be invincible with two peaks of blood? You're wrong! You two together, you'll never die

The shadow of the sheep horn makes a duck like sound in the sky, and the rolling magic sound makes Xia Jue feel uncomfortable. The other side just said a few words, let Xia Jue have this kind of feeling. If he really starts, Xia Jue will be killed directly by the other party!

This so-called soul demon Huaqing has never seen a skeleton use. He used to fight with skeletons, but the other side just perfunctorily. Today, since skeletons have used moves of this level, it shows that the other side is also thinking. "How naive! My cultivation has reached the peak of blood dripping. If you break through, it may be very difficult for this bullshit monster, but now it's totally different! " Hua Qing closes her eyes, and his whole body is controlled by it. Zhenyuan flows out and merges with the environment.

When we get to the place where blood is dripping, we can echo with the environment and rely on the power of nature. Hua Qing at this time is to make full use of this point, will be around all the forces can use up.

The pink light began to emerge. I saw Hua Qing's sword. I don't know when, it is full of many decorative patterns, the whole body is full of very sharp shock waves.

"In a moment, the flowers bloom!"

Hua Qing wields her sword and divides countless demons into two parts. The sword Qi full of petals rushes forward like the magic Qi in no man's land, and soon comes to the so-called ten thousand soul demon body


Ten thousand souls demon body is not afraid of this fist directly hitting the sharp sword Qi, but the overwhelming sword Qi is directly dispersed by this fist. However, the spirit of the demon body, not without any damage, in its fist, is also cut out a big hole by the sword Qi.

Although the hole has been mended again under the evil spirit, it can be seen from here that the magic body is not invulnerable.

"It's really the strength of the blood peak. It's just a shockwave that can hurt my body. It's really hard. " The voice of the skeleton comes from the magic body of the soul. Between its words, Xia Jue can also feel the surprise of the skeleton. It seems that Hua Qing's strength is somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Master, what do you think of the strength of this skeleton? What's the odds of Huaqing? " Although Xia Jue doesn't know whether Huaqing is good or bad, he still hopes that Huaqing can win the victory at least compared with shenzongmen.

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