"The smallpox is falling!"

Hua Qing points to the sword and sees that the whole body is full of Hua Yu. These Hua Yu seem to be weak, but in fact they are more deadly than the sharpest weapons!

Where Huayu passes, it is invincible! The body of ten thousand souls is full of scars left by those petals. After all, the spirit is so big that almost all the flowers and rain are hit.

"Huaqing!" When kugu saw that his soul was so badly hurt, his heart was full of resentment.

The spirit of the evil body is the hard work of the whole life. If the spirit is destroyed, its power will be greatly reduced. Even the elder's position will be shaken, which is a big taboo of the demon clan!

The withered bones whose strength is declining will not only fall into the position of ordinary elders, but also those ordinary elders who have been suppressed by him before will see the opportunity coming. Of course they won't let him go, and then he may die!

Although wanhun magic body can repair itself, Huaqing's smallpox coverage is too wide, and it takes a lot of time to repair wanhun magic body

however, Huaqing launched a new attack again before she thought more about it. Absolute sword Qi soars to the sky, pointing at the spirit of the demon body, each sword Qi has the power to break the dark magic light.

"Damn crazy woman! I would not have played with her if I had known! " Until now, kugu knows that he is still running today. Although he can't fall down, it's hard to escape easily.

Huazong's secret method is the foundation of Huazong's foothold in Fenghua, and glass printing is one of the top secret methods. Hua Qing, whose strength is soaring, gives kugu an illusion that he is indifferent to the head of God's family, which is his instinctive response to danger.

"No, don't try. How do you know it's not your opponent! " The skeleton clenched its teeth, and the ten thousand souls suddenly appeared. I saw that the spirit of ten thousand spirits gathered the only evil Qi around me, and a light full of the breath of death appeared in the mouth of the spirit of ten thousand spirits! "The extinction of the world!"

"It's almost his limit," shouts bone. Even if it's quiet, it's impossible to ignore his attack.

The extinct Huaguang is directly engulfed by Huaqing's absolute shock wave, and finally surrounded by the stunned Xiajue.

A series of bright pink lights showed that the extinct Huaguang was directly split in two, and the wound was covered with a large number of petals.

Hua Qing stood there, her eyes staring at the dead bone, her magic body, her eyes full of killing.

"No!" Kugu knows Huaqing has moved her heart. If he doesn't go, I'm afraid he really wants to stay here today.

As soon as the two hands are printed, the body of the spirit devil becomes a little vain. Kugu wants to slip away before Huaqing reacts, but he is doomed to be disappointed.

At the moment when the magic body subsided, Hua Qing began to work.

At this time, Xia Jue really saw the real power of the so-called blood peak. Before that, Hua Qing can say that he has been mending, until now this is the real thing.

"The other side, the flowers are blooming!"

Hua Qing taps on the sword, and then the pattern on the sword fades gradually and returns to its original appearance. And Huaqing itself has gradually returned to its original state, and the pattern on her body has disappeared.

Hua Qing just gently points her sword, but Xia Jue doesn't see Hua Qing's other actions at all. However, since Hua Qing finished her secret method and put away her spirit sword, it means that she has finished her power range.

Soon, Xia Jue saw what Hua Qing had done before.

At this time, the spirit demon body, which had gradually faded away, gradually separated, and the huge spirit demon body finally became two sections. Then a enchanting flower suddenly blooms in the soul demon body which is divided into two parts.

"The other night, Li Mingming. Each other flowers, people also separate Hua Qing's voice does not have the slightest emotion. If it were not for Xia Jue's own eyes, he would not believe how tough Hua Qing's action is!

The volume of the soul magic body is unimaginable, but it was struck by Hua Qing's sword.

Even if he was not there, Xia Jue could imagine the despair and desolation in his heart. The magic body of all souls is a part of the skeleton. Being split by Hua Qing means that his power will be greatly weakened.

The flowers on the other side only existed for a short time and then disappeared.

With its disappearance, the other half of the soul body also disappeared.

When the flower on the other side appears, it will take half of the attacked target. But withered bone, can only watch his half soul magic body disappear in his nose, he lacks any method.

"No!" There is a strong regret at this time. If he didn't force Huaqing to act in a hurry, Huaqing would not bring him a heavy blow in a desperate way. If it wasn't for him, he would like to see how Hua Qing's strength improved to the peak of blood, and he would not imply his own soul magic body. I thought I could use my own magic body to give Hua Qing a bad impression. But Hua Qing not only taught him a lesson, but also took his other half of the magic body.

If the magic body that has lost the other half of its soul wants to condense, it either has to refine a lot of souls, or it can only be reduced by half.

However, if you reduce the size of the magic body by half, its strength will be greatly reduced. He also said that you can keep his position as the elder.However, there is no end to it. After all, he deserves it. Huaqing didn't kill him directly, which has given shenzongmen face. The white bone didn't dare to be cruel. Although he hated Huaqing in his heart at this time, he could only bite his teeth and swallow it into his stomach for fear that Huaqing would be enraged by his carelessness. He didn't even have a chance to make a comeback.

Only half of the ghost body gradually speak, skeleton deeply looking at Huaqing, and then unwilling to disappear in the sky.

Looking at the bones that had left, Xia Jue could not help but feel relieved. At this time, all the people of shenzongmen finally left.

But soon, Xia Jue's sinking heart revived.

Although Hua Qing repels the dead bone, Xia Jue can't guarantee that Hua Qing will be a good man. After all, Huaqing and I don't have an intersection, and Xiajue is not stupid enough to deal with such a good thing.

Moreover, Huaqing had a look at him before, which made Xiajue still have some heart. If the secret of Zhuli is discovered, it will cause quite a shock, which Xia Jue doesn't want to see.

"Master, what shall we do? Hua Qing is afraid that he already knows that you exist in me. What should I do now? " Xia Jue was very anxious, but he was strong enough to repel the elders of God's family. In this magnificent continent, I'm afraid only yunhaolei can resist such power.

"Face to face confrontation is absolutely impossible. The strength to deal with it has reached the top level of this low level. We must not face to face confrontation. So, at present, there is only one way, that is to act according to circumstances! With the purple candle flame - thousand candle shadow, we can control her for at least a short period of time, which should be enough time for us to escape. "

After the battle, Xia Jue's RMB exchange rate has almost rebounded. However, the candle uses Xianyuan, so it consumes too much Xianqi and takes a long time to recover. Therefore, there is no way to give Xia Jue substantial help from Zhuli, all can only rely on Xia Jue himself.

Purple candle flame - thousand candle shadow's secret method has absolutely powerful control ability. Even the heroes who practice virtual environment are trapped in it for nearly a minute before they break free from the trap.

Even if Huaqing is a drop of blood in her peak period, qianzhuying may not have no way to control her. Even if only ten seconds, it is enough for Xia Jue to escape.

Look at the sword devil, and the sword devil understands Xia Jue's idea. In the face of Huaqing's power, even if he is as stubborn as the sword demon, he will not be stupid enough to work hard.

Because even if the sword devil fought for his life, it was impossible to cross such a big cultivation level to fight with the blood drop of Xiuxian peak. Before, in the arena, the man in black who can kill blood is not only his rival, but also has cultivated or controlled a similar level with him. Otherwise, the sword demon has no chance to kill him.

Hua Qing goes to Xia Jue step by step. Xia Jue's palms are sweating. After all, this is the Archbishop of Huazong. It's too early for them to face such an opponent with their current strength.

"Do it! Surprise her! No, it's too late for her to prepare! " Zhu Li reminds Xia Jue of "good!" Xia Jue no longer hesitated, the real yuan in his body burst out, the colorful Huiling root at the top rotated at a high speed, and finally settled on the Huiling root of fire attribute.

"The secret of purple candle fireworks! Thousand candle shadow

The road fire broke out, surrounded Huaqing. As early as in the war between Huaqing and kugu, Zhuli entered the underground with a trace of Zhenyuan mixed with fire attribute, in order to be surprised at this time! Xia Jue's sudden riot in Huaqing was really unexpected. She really didn't expect that a boy who just publicized virtual conditions still had the idea of starting in front of the peak of her blood conditions.

However, when she sneered at the idea of cutting off the fire directly, she was stunned.

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