Purple candle flame is worthy of the existence of the top ten of the heterogeneous fire list. Through the heavy shadow of these purple candle flames, even the sunlit flower at the peak of bleeding, its area is still like time. No matter how hard you try, you can't make your fingers move a little!

"Good boy! Even left a hand for the old lady Hua ling'er didn't expect that Xia Jue would influence her style, and the thousand candle shadow completely surrounded her.

"Good! This is Huaqing. She didn't expect you to do it. She's under your control. She's not prepared. Even if her strength is at the peak, it will take at least 20 seconds to break through the thousand candle shadow space! With the sword demon! Get out of here According to the induction of thousand candle shadow space, the candle leaves quickly calculate the limit that thousand candle shadow can adhere to.

"Sword demon, go!" After listening to the words of Zhu Li, Xia Jue quickly takes the sword demon away. These two people, Zhenyuan, were completely released without reservation, just to make themselves fly faster.

Along the way, Xia Jue and sword demon have not forgotten to clear their flight route, otherwise, once they catch up with these traces, everything will be in vain.

After flying for nearly an hour, Xia Jue and sword demon Zhenyuan consumed a little. From coming out to now, this is the first time Xia Jue has exhausted Zhenyuan by flying. It was like climbing several mountains with physical strength. He was so tired that he had no strength at all.

"It should be safe to fly so long."

Xia Jue and the sword devil fell on the ground and gasped for breath. They were too tired at this time. During the one hour flight, they not only had to fly with all their strength, but also clean up the traces left by the flight. Two hours of high concentration, even the iron man, I can't stand it.

In the process of flying, Zhuli finally fell into a deep sleep. He consumed all his strength and became Xianyuan to fight against him. Otherwise, he and the sword devil would have solved it long ago.

Moreover, according to the words of Zhu Li, as long as he does not admit the situation in his body, he can do nothing. In addition, at this time he fell asleep, even if Huaqing wanted to know his body, he could not find anything strange.

Scanning the surroundings with mental strength, Xia Jue didn't find anyone's trace. The big stone hanging in his heart finally fell down.

Although Xiaozong's main flower Huaqing saved his life, the other party's purpose was not clear, and he didn't know her at all. Therefore, in order to prevent the other side's bad ideas, Xia Jue can only choose this way. Unfortunately, when the stone in Xia Jue's heart was put down, a petal slowly fell from the air. Xia Jue subconsciously held the petals in his hand. Suddenly, Xia Jue's whole body was propped up.

He knows that Hua Qing is coming!

Unconsciously, Xia Jue's back has been soaked with sweat. Obviously, in the process, Xiajue and Jianmo both handled their flight routes to ensure that they would not be found. Just now he looked around and found no trace of Hua Qing, but now she appeared.

Sure enough, Xia Jue suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the back of his car. When he turned his head, he saw Huaqing looking at him happily. Although Hua Qing has a smile on her face, she is cool in Xia Jue's heart.

"This is a dead man."

Although Hua Qing just stood there, in the hearts of Xia Jue and sword demon, Wei Ran was like a mountain. At the moment of Huaqing's appearance, Xia Jue quickly came up with all the questions Huaqing might ask in order to avoid making any mistakes again.

"Why don't you two run away?" Hua Qing finally spoke. Although there was no obvious intention in his words, it was still heavy in Xia Jue's ears.

"I don't know when Miss Hua Qing is looking for our brother, but we are just practitioners who preach the imaginary world. You can't have anything noticeable on you, can you?" Xia Jue asked tentatively, and the ruler had been quietly collected in the influence.

However, Hua Qing seems to know Xia Jue very well. He doesn't want to interrupt Xia Jue's small movements. At the age of 17, he has a rich and colorful huilinggen and a special lineage

"by the way, there is also an artifact - a measuring ruler, and an unknown strange flame." Hua Qing then said, and then looked at Xia Jue thoughtfully, with a malicious smile on her face.

"Gulu." Xia Jue swallowed his saliva in fear, and the other side knew his news like the back of his hand, which really surprised him.

No, it's terrible.

To know his news so clearly is enough to show that the other side is completely for themselves, not only know his age, but also clearly know how many cards he has.

One side of the sword demon is also staring at Huaqing, the strength of the other side before let him have no other ideas. The sword demon is also surprised that he knows so much about Xia Jue, because even he doesn't know much about Xia Jue than Hua Qing.

the sword demon will quietly cover up the hidden sword on the corpse, so as not to be found by Hua Qing, but he didn't expect that this move just appeared. Hua Qing turns her head and looks at him.

"Both of you are monsters. I forgot Xia Jue. The colorful huilinggen has never appeared in the mainland, but it's the first time I've heard about this sword on you." Hua Qing smiles at the sword demon, and then points a finger to Hua Qing, which directly makes the sword in the sword demon out of control.When Xia Jue saw it, he thought Hua Qing was going to take the sword from the sword demon. All of a sudden, the blood of the demon clan broke out, and the purple candlelight resurfaced.

"Sword demon! We had a fight with her Xia Jue had a big drink. Since they all hit the door, even if they lost, they had to fight hard. Death without regret.

the sword demon nodded, and the demons, murderous and swords of the body erupted unreservedly. These three kinds of breath almost became the essence, and even the clothes of Hua Qing were cut by it.

"You two boys are enough!" Seeing his clothes cut, Hua Qing's eyes flashed a trace of anger.

The peak power of that drop of blood burst out directly, and Xia Jue and sword demon are now directly controlled by this air pressure. They can't even move their fingers.

In such a close distance, Hua Qing's peak strength, full-scale outbreak of bloody battle, let Xia Jue and sword demon can not have any idea, can only let Hua Qing do as a child.

"Your blue flame is so funny." Huaqing is holding a purple candle flame in her hand. Huaqing is very interested in this purple flame.

Before that, Xia Jue also trapped Hua Qing with 33.354 million candle shadows by means of the secret fire method of purple candle flame, so Hua Qing was also curious about this kind of purple candle flame.

"By the way, there seems to be something strange about you!" Hua Qing suddenly thought that when he was looking at Xia Jue, he found something strange in Xia Jue, but he saw Hua Qing pointing at Xia Jue. Xia Jue immediately felt that everything in his body was out of control and fell into Hua Qing's eyes without reservation.

"Well?" Hua Qing frowned. She did find something else in Xiajue, but it was not what she wanted to see.

Under Hua Qing's careful search, Hua Qing finally finds out the chaotic atmosphere hidden in the depths of Xia Jue. The appearance of the chaotic atmosphere makes Xia Jue's blood power soar, and the blood of the demon clan is ready to move.

"What? It's interesting where you get the traces of this mess. Your body is a treasure chest of everything Although Huaqing didn't find any trace of candlelight, the trace of chaos was enough to shock Huaqing

chaos is one of the three original vitality of Fenghua mainland, and it's reasonable to say that even the peak of blood can't be attached. However, in Xia Jue, Hua Qing found a trace of chaos. Although there is only a trace of chaos, but enough shock.

In fact, Xia Jue intentionally revealed the confusion, which attracted Hua Qing's attention. In the contest between the hiding of chaotic Qi and crazy sword, if Xia Jue tries his best to hide, even Hua Qing can't find his trace.

However, Xia Jue is afraid of Huaqing's endless search for traces of candlelight, so he simply takes out a trace of mixed Qi to confuse Huaqing's sight. However, although Xia Jue is ready to let Hua Qing take away the traces of chaos, Hua Qing's practice makes Xia Jue confused

he finds that Hua Qing is in chaos and doesn't take it away, but Hua Qing just plays curiously and returns it to Xia Jue. It's wrong to say Huaqing doesn't move. The more useful the power of chaos is to the cultivation of immortals, it is impossible for Huaqing to neglect this.

Xia Jue looked at Hua Qing curiously, but saw the smile on Hua Qing's face.

"Do you two think I mean badly? What a silly boy! I'm here to give you a baby! "

Hua Qing's words, no matter in Xia Jue or sword demon, are cold.

A drop of blood in the peak of the existence, even ran to give them two baby, this said out, don't say no one believe, also can say is bragging!

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