It has to be said that this Sunday is very talented, even Xia Jue feels a little crisis. However, when a genius meets a genius, there will always be a bad ending. Xia Jue naturally doesn't want to be that bad ending.

Nancheng three little have to say that there is still gold content. Even if it is the weakest burning dawn, its power is only weaker than before. And the white man he killed, if not for the candle, Xia Jue would not be his opponent.

Xia Jue was once deeply impressed by the heterogeneous huoqinghuangyan possessed by burning dawn. The control degree of burning dawn over heterogeneous fire is incomparable.

Let alone the white robed man, he is huilinggen, a mutant with the attribute of ice. He has the power of purple ice, and even the flame of purple candle. To a certain extent, he can't completely resist it.

Zhou Tiancheng, as the leader of Nancheng sanshao, if he doesn't have some real skills, it's meaningless. As for the heterogeneous attribute, Zhou Tiancheng's family is the holder of the heterogeneous Huiling root with the variant attribute of Lei, so Zhou Tiancheng undoubtedly has the heterogeneous Huiling root with the attribute of Lei.

In Zhou Tiancheng's position, there is also a strong heterogeneous ore. Although there are not many foreign mines, there are one or two mines with the powerful power of the Zhou family. And the Zhou family has been inheriting for so many years, there must be one or two powerful alien mines, otherwise, why do they want to go south? For the base to think of this, Xia Jue's face suddenly a little ugly. Huaqing helps him, he naturally wants to help Huaqing, but the strength of the other party is too strong, in this group of people, in addition to the burning dawn, Xia Jue has no confidence to deal with anyone.

From the result of scanning the candle away from the immortal consciousness, the weakest one in this group is burning dawn. Burning dawn is to see the burning house sect increase experience and long vision.

In addition to three drops of blood, Zhou Tiancheng had four strong men and pure spirits who practiced in the virtual world and immortals at his peak.

Therefore, this kind of strength is really impossible in today's summer.

"Silly boy, although the opponent's strength is strong, Huaqing is the peak in a drop of blood, which is the strongest one in Fenghua mainland. With these strong men, even if the three practitioners in the blood world work together, they can't help her. "

Candlelight from again with fairy sense carefully scan again, this time candlelight from even the other party's specific repair are found.

"Cut, early but two drops of blood, a drop of blood in the middle, such strength, Huaqing a person can get rid of. The only trouble is Zhou Tiancheng. Although Zhou Tiancheng's cultivation is the peak of his soul, his real combat power is probably comparable to his blood. If we fight at that time, this person will be a variable! "

As the first person in Nancheng, Zhou Tiancheng has no ability to climb stairs. I'm afraid no one will believe what he said, so even if he is just the peak strength of pure spiritual environment, even the initial drop of blood is not necessarily his opponent.

Huazong naturally will not know Zhou Tiancheng's strength, so if both sides fight, Zhou Tiancheng is likely to become a very important point!

"It's not a solution yet, but since the other side is here, it shows that the intelligence is accurate, which is just good news." Xia Jue comforted himself, and then he left the place. If he stays too long, there will be trouble getting those people's attention.

After Xia Jue left, those who were hidden in the dark were also induced to open their eyes.

"Made in heaven? Are you sure that boy is Xia Jue? Is that right? Why is he here? " Said a slightly hoarse voice.

Zhou Tiancheng was wearing a blue robe, and his eyes showed a trace of coldness. "Uncle Cheng, I'm 100% sure that boy is. If you don't believe me, you can ask burning dawn. He has played with Xia Jue and knows his breath very well

He nodded at dawn, and a blue flame rose from his palm.

"I'm absolutely sure that the boy is Xia Jue. If Xia Jue doesn't leave Wushan town tonight, the heterogeneous fire in his body will be mine!" Burning dawn's words are mixed with a trace of anger towards Xia Jue. After all, being defeated by Xia Jue has become his heart disease. If this heart disease is not removed, his future cultivation will not be closer!

"Not to mention, the most important target tonight is the woman Hua Qing. If dihuaqing is willing to hand over some real ambergris pills, we will let her go. If she thinks her strength can be one against three, let her suffer! " One of them said coldly, and then these people were quiet again.

A few hours later, it was about two o'clock in the morning. I saw a red figure in the sky. All these figures are at the gate of Wushan town

"finally, we can go to Longling Pavilion tomorrow." The first man is Hua Qing. At this time, Hua Qing's face is mixed with a trace of fatigue. Even she can't bear the war these days.

Huaqing was followed by more than a dozen people, all of whom were followers of Huazong who came to Tiannan this time. Although these people didn't look hurt, their faces were full of fatigue.

Hua Qing was so angry that she swept Wushan town for a moment, then shook her head, and a trace of helplessness appeared on her face.

"A few Wushan towns, if people want Zhenlong and saliva Dan to come out and take them. Don't play the game of hidingHua Qing's words just finished, Zhou Tiancheng took the lead and said, "I want to know if Miss Hua Qing still remembers me?"

Qiao Mei frowned slightly. She didn't expect that the group headed by Zhou Tiancheng, who had reached the peak of spiritual essence, was not the people who had reached the middle stage of cultivating immortals. It can be seen that Zhou Tiancheng's status in the Zhou family, even those who had cultivated immortals in the blood, was better than that.

"Zhou, the so-called South City, master, how can this little woman not know? The previous appointment in Nancheng was also a big sin. " Hua Qing had never put on airs in the South City Convention before. After all, it's the best policy not to fight with each other now.

"Ha ha, I'm joking. Nancheng sanshao is just a pseudonym, and its reputation is still much worse than Huaqing, Huazong and Xiaozong. "Zhou Tiancheng gave a ha ha, and then his eyes became cold again.

"Back to business, I'm at a critical moment to break through the blood drop. If Miss Hua Qing can sell me a real dragon saliva pill, I will pay 10 million xuanjing in exchange. Of course, Miss Hua Qing also has a choice to refuse, but this choice does not seem very good at present. "

Zhou Tiancheng's words have already forced Hua Qing to death. It doesn't make any difference to snatch one day's level pills. It's already cost 60 million to buy them. This doesn't count the other materials for refining pills and the handling charges for refining the king of pills.

Before and after this, Huaqing also spent 1.2 billion xuanjing to refine more than ten real dragon saliva pills and one of the ten million xuanjing wanted by Zhoutian Chengcai, which is no different from robbing.

"If the ordinary army has no problem, if the real dragon saliva pill is given to Zhou Tiancheng, then the Zhou family will really give birth to a wizard. Twenty year old blood drops have not appeared for many years

In fact, if other forces were here, Hua Qing might forget it. After all, if the other party only asks for a real ambergris pill, even if it loses, it won't be worth much money. It's better than doing it.

But the other party is Zhou Tiancheng's home in Zhou, so Huaqing needs to think it over. Zhou Tiancheng stepped into the blood drop with half his foot. If he gets the real ambroxol, it can be said that he can really enter the blood drop almost 100%.

At that time, Zhou Tiancheng will become the most talented cultivator of immortals on the mainland for a hundred years. It's only 20 years now, and this achievement is even better than Huazong's

"two drops of blood in the early stage, and one drop of blood in the middle stage. These strengths are not enough." Hua Qing directly ignores all other people in the case of dripping blood. Even if it is stronger than Zhou Tiancheng, it is just the peak of pure spirit. In Hua Qing's eyes, it is not

"there are only four virtual environments for practice and one pure spiritual environment. It's not a problem at all!" Hua Qing's eyes burst into a wisp of shadow, and the strength of the other party is not enough in her eyes, so there is no need to be too afraid.

"Choose the leaves and fly the flowers!"

Hua Qing waves her hand, and the petals fall like raindrops on Zhou Tiancheng's house. The sharp petals directly cut the wall, making the hut full of holes. "Does Miss Hua Qing seem to find it difficult?" A ray of lightning burst out in Zhou Tiancheng's eyes, and then jingling's peak state burst out without reservation.

"If you cultivate in this spirit realm, go back to practice for a few years and then come out again!" Hua Qing, with one hand, directly beat back the high spirited Zhou Tiancheng. There are still not enough better men than Zhou Tiancheng and Hua Qing.


Spitting out a mouthful of turbid blood, Zhou Tiancheng's eyes were full of killing, "worthy of a drop of blood at the peak, uncle Cheng! Do it

On the other side of Zhou Tiancheng, the three bloody Warriors also looked at each other and rushed out together. Three practitioners of immortality in the environment of dripping blood attack Huaqing from different positions and block Huaqing

"in the later stage, they don't even have a drop of blood, and they still want to fight with my mother?" Huaqing disdained to see the three drops of blood in the full attack, Zhou petals flying, directly the three drops of blood in Xiuxian attack into powder.

When the three bloodletting practitioners saw that the scattered attack was easy to be resisted by Hua Qing, they concentrated on the attack and attacked Hua Qing with triple attack.

"It's too noisy!" Hua Qing was about to fight back, but he didn't realize that a purple thunder had fallen from the sky!

"Purple thunder?" Hua Qing wanted to ignore this thunder, but found that the strength of this high posture thunder was even stronger than the joint attack of three blood dripping practitioners!

"Seal move?" For a moment, Huaqing understood the origin of this purple thunder.

Previously, Hua Qing thought that this Gaozi nulei was Zhou Tiancheng's own, but from the energy contained above, if it didn't reach the late stage of blood dripping, it was impossible to use such a powerful lightning.

In the Zhou family, only the specialty of the Zhou family reached the late stage of blood drop. There's no doubt that the reason why Dao sander appears here must be that every family of Zhou sealed their own thunder and gave it to Zhou Tiancheng

but this sealed thunder is a disposable product and can only be used once. After this time, the thunder will dissipate.

"It's broken!"

In the face of this kind of strength to reach the late blood drop, Huaqing dare not be careless. Lingpin sword is directly in hand. This purple ridge female thunder is directly divided into two parts.


Hua Qing hums a dull, a sword splits to purple just angry thunder, she has no time to manage another attack, can only harden the scalp to bear directly.Although his cultivation has reached the peak of blood dripping, Huaqing is still injured in the face of the joint attack of three blood dripping practitioners.

There is no doubt that the attack before Zhou Tiancheng was a sneak attack. If this is a fair attack, Hua Qing is absolutely sure to take the next step. In other words, Zhou Tiancheng's behavior makes Hua Qing completely angry.

"You think you're strong!"

Attacked by a young player, Hua Qing is like being beaten in the face. At this time, Huaqing has not taken care of so much. There was a pattern on the forehead, and the glaze seal was completely untied.

"No! This woman is crazy! Uncle Cheng, come on When Zhou Tiancheng saw Huaqing's action, he naturally knew what had happened. Huazong's secret method of Huayin is very famous in Fenghua mainland, while Xiaozong's secret method of Huayin is among the best. It turns out that Huaqing, the peak of blood drop, has used the secret method of Huayin. It's not something they can fight now!

The strength of Huaqing printed with colored glaze soars. I don't know how many steps have been taken. At this time, Hua Qing felt full of strength.


Hua Qing angrily wields her sword. A monk can't dodge in the early stage of bleeding, but avoids the key, and his arm is cut off directly.

"Damn it, uncle! Well, no! " When Zhou Tiancheng was angry in Huaqing, he used the opportunity of chaos to kill all the brothers of Huazong Huaqing. Naturally, he would not make them feel better. Zhou Tiancheng, in addition to burning for a whole morning, couldn't escape, was also killed by Huaqing.

"Nothing! Heaven made it! Come here The blood state in the middle of the cultivation of immortals suddenly yelled, and then Zhou Tiancheng rushed to the edge of the blood state in the middle of the three cultivation of immortals.

"Thor!" Three drops of blood Xiuxian spit out a mouthful of blood, and then three drops of blood Xiuxian directly lying on the ground.

A ray of thunder came down from the sky and directed at Zhou Tiancheng

Hua Qing's fierce sword Qi burst out of the air, and he was about to tear these three drops of blood into pieces. However, Zhou Tiancheng was turned around and Lei Guangshan appeared in front of them.

"It's broken!" Zhou Tiancheng blows out, but the sword Qi directly breaks Hua Qing

at this time, Hua Qing doesn't notice what's wrong with Zhou Tiancheng. Before, three blood drop practitioners tried their best to pass it to Raytheon. After using it, they collapsed to the ground. Then Zhou Tiancheng became very excited, like eating chicken blood.

Hua Qing suddenly realized that there is a secret method in the Zhou family that can graft one's self-cultivation onto another person, but this secret method can only last for a few hours. After the secret method, the people who use it can resume their cultivation. During this period, they are all ordinary people.

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