However, using this secret method also has great side effects. The people who use it will never be too close to life. The strength of the people who use the secret method and the people who bear it can not be too much different.

After receiving the training of three blood dripping practitioners, Zhou Tiancheng's training reached the late stage of blood dripping. Although there is still a level to the peak of huaqingxue, Zhou Tiancheng? Who is the person who can fight against the blood environment in the pure spirit environment? If it comes true on Sunday, in the later stage of the blood environment, his strength can keep up with the peak of the blood environment to cultivate immortals!

Hua Qing realizes that things are getting tricky. If she had directly solved the problems of those immortals at the beginning, things would not have developed to such a degree.

However, it's too late to say anything now. Zhou Tiancheng is now in the late stage of bleeding. Even if Hua Qing wants to get rid of it, it's not easy. "Now, it's time to delay." Hua Qing frowned slightly and shook her head helplessly.

Even if Huaqing has a spirit sword and glass, Zhou Tiancheng also has these external forces no less than her! Not to mention the powerful strength of purple Gang Nu Lei, Zhou Tiancheng's fighting power is amazing.

"Nine days of thunder!"

Zhou Tiancheng banged his hands together, and nine purple thunder burst out of the air. Thunder as thick as a bucket fell from the sky and pointed straight to Huaqing station.

Zhou Tiancheng this is a large-scale attack, even if Hua Qing wants to escape is impossible. After Zhou Tiancheng reached the late stage of blood drop cultivation, the moves he used were enough for Huaqing! Cause fatal damage

"open it for me!"

Hua Qing's glass print on her forehead burst out a strong light, and then Hua Qing took the sword of spirit needle and directly split Zhou Tiancheng purple into two pieces!

"Ha ha, Lord Huaqing, don't underestimate me before, Zhou Tiancheng? I'll show you what I can do now! " Lei Guang appears in Zhou Tiancheng's hand, and then his body turns into lightning and rushes to Huaqing

"the other side, the flowers are blooming!"

A flower on the other side blooms directly above Zhou Tiancheng. The next second, Zhou Tiancheng's achievement is directly divided into two parts.

"No!" Huaqing sword didn't feel the feeling of being cut into entity, that is to say, Zhou Tiancheng, who was cut into two sections before, was fake!

Lightning came down from the sky and black walls burst out of the ground around Zhou. Together with Leiyin, Huaqing finally finds Zhou Tiancheng standing in the thunder.

"Huaqing! Let's see the real power of ray There is a trace of fanaticism in Zhou Tiancheng's eyes. He loves this power. The repair in the later period of blood dripping made him reach the peak of his strength.

So, he decided to use his best move to commemorate the battle.

In the sky, purple lightning kept beating, wandering in the sky like a snake. Zhou Tiancheng was suspended in mid air, sending out thunder lights, which seemed to communicate with lightning.

"Damn thunder, go to hell with you!" Xia Jue, who had been waiting for a long time, finally began to work.

Xia Jue doesn't think he's right. Zhou Tiancheng's face is hard. The colorful Huiling root is fixed on the fire attribute. He sees purple thunder all over the sky with blue flames.

"Xia Jue!"

Zhou Tiancheng and Fen Tianming found Xia Jue at the same time, but Zhou Tiancheng, who is in the middle of Xu Li, has no choice but to win Xia Jue. With Xia Jue's inheritance and Cultivation in the virtual world, he can't be threatened at all.

But burning dawn is different. When Huo Tianming saw Xia Jue, the inflammation of the green emperor immediately surged out. Under the burning of green wood mixed with inflammation, a huge blue fireball was thrown at Xia Jue

"your opponent, it's me!"

Xia Jue starts, and the sword devil will not be idle. The sword demon has been demonized for a long time. The blue wrapped sword will split into a blue fireball, and then the sword demon will lock and burn Tianming, "kill seven of the molos - kill the sword - God!"

Sword demon's sword was condensed three Zhang, and then directly erased in burning morning's eyes.

The sword demon who preaches virtual conditions even kills the existence of blood conditions. A small burning dawn can't be the opponent of the sword demon. When the sword demon came, he didn't even say hello. He just used his own killing tactics.

The burning morning was directly wiped out by the sword demon in this way, and the remaining three people who lost their repair due to bleeding soon followed the burning morning.


When Zhou Tiancheng saw that his people were slaughtered by sword demons, the killing intention in his eyes almost became the essence. Under the stimulation of the sword demon, the fierce purple lightning in the sky finally gathered together to form a palm like lightning.


The fierce thunder almost penetrated Xia Jue's skin, and he could not bear the discomfort. A blue flame was beating in Xia Jue's eyes.

"Violet candle fireworks secret - thousand candle shadow!"


Blue flame mixed with thunder finally surfaced, purple candle flame burning slowly on purple Hill thunder. The angry light of the purple lapis lazuli, which was originally beating, was as still as water and motionless in the air.

This is the thousand candle shadow! Good effect!

Xia Jue took a look at the burning flame, then Hua Qing, a little surprised, cried: "don't shoot! Although he is under my control, there are only a few seconds left at most! "Hear Xia Jue's voice, flower fine this just reaction come over. I see Huaqing holding the sword of the spirit needle, and the glass seal on her forehead is more impressive. Then a charming peony bloomed behind him.

"The peony is dead, the ghost is also romantic!"

Sword out, will break the soul!

Huaqing's sword directly splits Zhou Tiancheng into two parts, and blood splashes out from the air. Zhou Tiancheng, who was fierce before, is killed by Huaqing

in the last second when Zhou Tiancheng's consciousness dissipates, a purple lightning rushes into the clouds, and then a sigh rings.

"I'm not reconciled."

Who would have thought that Xia Jue could control the cultivation of Zhou Tiancheng, who had reached the late stage of his blood state, relying on his own cultivation, and no one would believe him when he said it.

If Zhou Tiancheng wants to guard against Xia Jue, even if he releases him a little earlier, this will not happen.

Zhou Tiancheng's two bodies fell to the ground, and Hua Qing and Xia Jue were relieved. But they didn't notice that purple thunder, which should have melted away, was making trouble at this time.

"No! This guy released his purple thunder before he died and activated his last move! " When Zhou Tiancheng died earlier, Hua Qing didn't know what purple lightning was used for.

In the later stage of the bloodbath, zilei was still extremely fierce. Compared with Huaqing's strongest attack, this attack could not be overemphasized

the purple hand of thunder fell from the sky like Wuzhishan, and the rolling power of thunder made Xiajue feel the unprecedented breath of death. Compared with Xia Jue's panic, Huaqing was much calmer at this time.

See flower fine so calm, summer Jue also let oneself slowly calm down. After all, there was a real drop of blood standing beside him. Although Zhou Tiancheng was stronger before his death, he was a pure immortal in essence.

The petals suddenly coalesced in the sky. These petals are not common petals used before Huaqing. They are all wrapped in pink, giving people a very sweet taste.

"Guardian of fragrance!"

Tens of thousands of petals will resist the thunder giant palm. No matter how violent the purple thunder distorts the body, it will not help.

"Close the door!"

Hua ling'er suddenly closed her hand. The petals that had been floating in the sky suddenly wrapped thunder's hand, and then the pink lights came out. The purple thunder's hand finally melted away, leaving only a group of purple lightning that was still beating.

"What a windfall." Hua Qing came forward with the lightning in his hand. After feeling the fierce thunder inside, he put it away.

"Was that purple Gang Nu Lei just now?" Xia Jue asked some strange questions. Although the intensity of the purple thunder could not reach the level of violet candle flame according to the separation of candles, it burst out in Zhou Tiancheng's hands with extremely terrible power.

"Hey, the price of Zigang nulei in the black market can reach tens of millions, which can be regarded as making up for the loss of Huazong. Pick up Huaqing Zigang nulei and look at Xia Jue curiously

" how can you be here? "

Before, if Xia Jue and the sword demon didn't make a sudden move, maybe Hua Qing was still fighting with Zhou Tiancheng. It was not that Hua Qing was not Zhou Tiancheng's opponent, but that the best way to deal with Zhou Tiancheng in that state was to consume his energy and wait for the secret method to be completed.

Hua Qing has been ambushed for several days, so he can only fight in this way to save his real money. However, Xia Jue seems to have direct control over Zhou Tiancheng, so Hua Qing will not miss such a good opportunity. So when Zhou Tiancheng couldn't defend himself, Hua Qing solved it with her sword.

"If I remember correctly, the one you used just now is the one used to trap me!"

When Xia Jue saw Hua Qing for the first time, Hua Qing thought Hua Qing was hostile to him. After all his efforts, he trapped Hua Qing with thousands of candles and ran away.

However, Hua Qing was a blood dropper at the peak of cultivating immortals, while Xia Jue only trapped Hua Qing for a few hours with thousands of candles at the last moment.

However, these breaths seem to take very little time, but in fact, when fighting, the breath time is enough to determine a person's life and death.

"I remember your action coming from your blue flame. Where is this strange flame coming from? " Hua Qing asked curiously. After all, this kind of thing that can forcibly control the enemy's fire is unheard of by her.

Xia Jue did not answer Hua Qing's words. His response to Hua Qing is just a smiling face.

"Huaqing, patriarch, I'm here to give you a gift." Xia Jue naturally won't let Huaqing continue to make a fuss about the purple candle flame, and quickly throw out her olive branch to distract Huaqing's attention

Huaqing doesn't know Xia Jue's careful thinking, but since Xiajue doesn't want to say the source of the violet candle flame, she can't ask more, so she's very happy Follow the steps given by Xia Jue

"Oh? Are you going to give me a present? I'd like to see what's good about you, the boy who has passed on the world of imagination! " Hua Qing's words are full of fun.

When she came to Tiannan, Hua Qing also heard a lot of rumors from Xia Jue, such as the champion of arena purgatory mode, the most popular person of Nancheng Convention and so on. However, the most popular news recently is that it belongs to the Xia Qing society.In fact, Hua Qing went to Longling pavilion to find Yun Haolei this time in order to enter the first place of Xia Qing. As for Huaqing Xiajue, it is said that there are two xiaqingxianhui sites, which are just the means used by the protoss to frame Xiajue. "I have two xiaqingxianhui sites!"

Hua Qing is startled by Xia Jue's words. There are two treasures in Xia Jue's hands.

You know, the Tianxu old man on the head of the ethereal sword sect spent 120 million xuanjing to get two pieces of Xia Qing fairy ruins!

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill and steal?" Hua Qing deliberately asked, deliberately let himself closer to Xia Jue. A fragrance poured into Xia Jue's head and made him dizzy.

"Me. Me. Me."

Although Xia Jue is not a fish without any experience, he is still hard to extricate himself and even embarrassed by Hua Qing's deliberate charm.

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