Xia Jue candle leaves the body, will Xia Jue from this, really have no way. The previous separation of candles can be regarded as the spirit of the ruler. Although it is no longer in the ruler, it still has some control over the ruler

I saw a golden light flash across the surface of the ruler, and then the golden light integrated into Xia Jue's body. As soon as the golden light enters the body, he goes straight to Xia Jue's soul. Then Xia Jue finally rushes out of his muddle.

"Oh? Boys are a little interesting. They have a lot of babies! " Huaqing felt the strangeness of Tianchi. She naturally knew that Tianchi was an old acquaintance of yunhaolei

when yunhaolei and hanhaoyun crossed the mainland, although she was just a little girl who had just entered the world of blood dripping, she was still deeply impressed by this Tianchi

"Lord, Huaqing, I don't like you. I'm a preacher. How can I resist you. " Xia Jue stepped back before and after his death. If Huaqing really wanted to do it before, I'm afraid he didn't even know how to die.

"Ha ha ha!" Hua Qing smiles so much that Xia Jue's frightened expression really makes her smile.

Zonghua is known as Huazong not only because his practice and moves are related to flowers, but also because Zonghua people have strong charm.

However, when the strength is as strong as Huaqing and people, you don't have to worry about using the charm moves. Often, the verve moves come from Zonghua's disciples in Xiao Jing. With the enchantment move, it can often distract the opponent's attention and eventually cause a fatal attack.

"Yes, I will grant your request. Xia Jue, don't call me Lord Huaqing so politely in the future. I have a good relationship with your uncle. Please call me Hua Qing! Sister Hua Qing looks at Xia Jue with a smile. The two shallow dimples on the corner of her mouth make Xia Jue clean.

"I didn't say anything. Why do you agree?" Xia Jue is very confused. Hua Qing seems to know what he wants to say. He has already answered before asking each other.

In this respect, Xia Jue is a bit dull. As a small patriarch born in the flowers, Hua Qing has experienced countless lives. When Xia Jue spoke, she understood why Xia Jue was looking for her. "You came to me just to let me protect you, Anson. Anyway, I went to yunhaolei and asked him for the quota. Since you have it here, I'll take it. But you have three seats left. What do you want to do? "

Hua Qing's words make Xia Jue Leng for a while. Before that, he actually wanted to say that Hua Qing should bring her own disciples and powerful clan power, but he just joined the war. Hua Zong's disciple was killed by Zhou Tiancheng, so Hua Qing was alone and could only occupy Xia Jue's quota.

"Well, there are three more places. Six days before the friars' meeting. Where can I find help? " Xia Jue frowned and didn't know who to look for.

Originally, Hua Qing must be more than one person, but now no one can think of such a thing. It's a pity to waste such a good place.

In this elegant continent, Xia Jue only knew a few people. Forget yunhaolei. After all, Yun Haolei has his own nine places, but if there is no way, it can only give these three places to Yun Haolei


Xia Jue suddenly thought of slapping his thigh. He almost forgot this very important problem.

"Huaqing, sister, what is Xia qingxianhui? Why are so many people crazy about it?" Xia Jue asked a question that he had always kept in mind. He is not from Fenghua mainland, and he is not very clear about the remains of Fenghua mainland.

Hua Qing took a look at Xia Jue, thought for a while, and then said, "Xia Qing immortal market only comes once every 10000 years, no one knows what it is. However, when Xia Qing fairy market came last time, people got a lot of treasure from it. Even if it was put on the top, it would be sold out. What is the best pill and the best weapon? In Xiaqing fairy market, there is nothing you can't think of, only what you can't see! "

Hua Qing's explanation is very vague. In fact, she is not very clear about the Xia Qing fairy market, or the weather beaten mainlanders do not know much about the Xia Qing fairy market. The reason why people are fascinated by it is mostly because of legend. After all, the immortals of that era have long disappeared, and many things can not be proved.

"To get back to the point, you can't do anything about your quota. Sister, I have a lot to do. I also know a lot of mainland and Tiannan people, but they can only be regarded as ordinary friendship. It's a pity to give them this place. " Hua Qing showed a sly smile on her face, which made Xia Jue shudder.

"It's a loss to send it directly, but it's another matter to auction it." Hua Qing mumbles to himself. Xia Jue, who is next to him, wakes up soon after Hua Qing and suddenly realizes this.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that! "

It's definitely a very good idea to auction the quota. But this is before, give Xia Jue 100 courage, he also dare not.

But now it's different. Here is Huaqing, the fierce Town stadium, the peak of a drop of blood. Even if someone is cruel, they don't have that strength. Xia Jue and Hua Qing hit it off. It's a good idea to hold a quota auction for Xia qingxianhui. However, Xia Jue and Hua Qing also discussed this issue. If the other party's character is not good, they would rather sell it at a low price than give it to the evil clan forces such as Shenshi clan.

After discussing with Xia Jue for some time, Hua Qing decided to choose a small town to hold an auction.Xia Jue and Hua Qing decided to hold the auction in a medium-sized city called Yunkai town

the reason why they chose to hold the auction in the town was through layer upon layer analysis.

First of all, if you choose to auction in the main city newspaper, you need to pay a lot of xuanjing and go through a lot of procedures. In the main urban area, the auction is undoubtedly reported to make the auction safer, but now Xia Jue has Huaqing, the bodyguard, few people dare to wait for it in the middle of the auction.

Secondly, although reporting on the auction in the main city makes the news more popular and the goal more obvious, it is related to the admission quota of Xia Qing fairy market. Even if Xia Jue does not publicize himself, there will be a lot of publicity. Through only one news channel, Xia Jue is confident that the news will spread to the whole continent and Tiannan at least.

Finally, one of the most important reasons for choosing report auctions in towns is that there are not so many rules. All the rules are made by Xia Jue himself. He can do whatever he wants. This is the most important point. Yunkai town is near Xicheng District, the main city in Tiannan. After the auction, it's too late to attend the monks' meeting.

The auction of Xia Qing's first place is more popular than Xia Jue imagined. In just three days, strong people from all over the mainland came to Xiajue town.

According to Xia Jue, at least ten strong people were attracted by the auction. I'm afraid these figures account for one third of the mainland's people who cultivate immortals by dripping blood!

There are more gods in xiaoshijing, and many people come to the auction with a busy attitude. Even if they don't get places, it's good to learn. After all, Xiuxian has a long life. It's always harmless to see more when you are alive.

Longling Pavilion.

Prison bull peak.

"What? Do you think Xiao Zong, Hua Zong and Xia Jue's boss have submitted for the auction of Xia Qingxian Hui's quota

At the top of the hall, Yun Haolei, who had just passed the customs, hardly screamed when he heard the news from the servant. I'm afraid no one can think of such things except Hua Qing and Xia Jue.

Even the ethereal sword sect spent a lot of money to get two pieces in order to get a place in the Xia Qingxian market. They both took them out and sold them directly.

Yun Haolei waved his hand and motioned his servant to leave.

Yun Haolei walks to the top of niufeng alone and overlooks the whole Longling Pavilion. He can't help but see a picture of Steve Hua Qing following him when he was traveling with Han Haoyun. When I was young, it was really beautiful. "

The beauty of the past is deeply hidden in Yun Haolei's heart. He knows Huaqing is serious about himself, but why should he accept the love of others?

However, Yun Haolei suddenly thought of Hua Qing's radical temperament, and his face sank.

"That's all. You'd better go and have a look. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be really troublesome. This little girl, after so many years, has made no progress at all

Just after that, Yun Haolei disappeared in niufeng prison.

Yunkai town.

originally an ordinary town, it was really full of people at this time.

The mayor of Yunkai town is just the peak strength of the broken state, but this time, most of the strength of people from xiaqingxian market is on it. The rare experts in the past can be seen everywhere in Yunkai town now.

Yunkai town is only a medium-sized town with a small area. When the hotel is full, many immortals can only choose to stay in the remote mountains for one night.

Some people who had been cultivating immortals were very dissatisfied with this and were still crying to make trouble for the organizers. However, in Huaqing, they showed their self-cultivation and directly drove away the practitioners, but no one dared to complain any more.

"Give me the people inside, I'm a drop of blood Xiuxian, you're just an elf, what qualifications to stay in a hotel!"

A drop of blood Xiuxian because it's late. As a result, it didn't even have a place to live. Results with spirit scan, found a pure spirit Xiuxian actually live in a box, immediately went to the door to make trouble.

Things like this can be seen everywhere in Yunkai town today. It is not only a place to live, but also a place to eat. It turned out to be a small town with holes to dominate. There is no virtual environment that can't speak out at this time.

Xia Jue, who is in charge of all this, can't close his mouth at this time. He saw what happened in town. It's really funny that many immortals are beaten.

Hua Qing also restored her nature. She and Xia Jue put down the patriarch's airs together and pretended to be forced everywhere like a little girl. If anyone dares to speak ill of her or Xia Jue, it will be a blow.

With her blood as the peak, Huaqing doesn't even pay attention to the cultivation of immortals.

The night passed quickly. The next day, when Xia Jue and Hua Qing went to the auction house to report the auction, a figure stood in front of them.

"Who!" Huaqing takes the lead, the petals shoot out, and the Taoist is about to become a sieve.


A faint sound of the Dragon suddenly sounded, Huaqing petals were crushed directly. That figure also revealed his true colors.

"Cloud thunder?"


Two voices suddenly rang out, Xia Jue and Hua Qing's face is also hot.Xia Jue blushes because it is really inappropriate for him to auction Xia Qing Xianhui, while Hua Qing blushes for other reasons. "You two. Well, what can I say about you?" Yun Haolei has nothing to do with the two people in front of him. One is his brother's child, the other is the woman who loves her most. No matter which one, he has nothing to do.

"Huaqing, if you say you're making trouble, why are you still with your children. You are now studying for the peak of blood. You are the head of the family. You don't know how to change your character! " Yunhaolei first looks at Huaqing, with a trace of doting but helpless tone.

"Well, if not, how can you come out and find me?" Huaqing turns to leave yunhaolei, pretending to be a little woman.

If others see Hua Qing like this, I'm afraid his chin will fall down in surprise.

It's incredible that the flower at the top of the drop lives in Xiaozong

for Huaqing, Yun Haolei is totally helpless. Ignoring Hua Qing's coquetry, Yun Haolei turns his eyes on Xia Jue

"you've become famous in less than half a year. Even if God dares to provoke the door, he will not consider the consequences at all? "

There is a trace of discontent on Yun Haolei's face. Although many of the things Xia Jue has done in the past six months have been right, they are all rash. A lot of times, but for luck, he would have died.

Yun Haolei regards Xia Jue as his son. Although Yun Haolei didn't appear in the past six months, if he didn't command all the heroes in the world, Huazong and ethereal sword sect would not help Xia Jue. Without their help, Xia Jue would not be here today.

"You must be careful when you hold the auction. Although Huaqing cultivates her peak blood, I know her strength. Once you meet someone who's really good, you can't control it. " Yun Haolei looks at Hua Qing badly, then the Golden Dragon shadow flashes behind him, and a golden bead falls into Xia Jue's hands

"at the beginning of the auction, throw the bead into the sky. I still have to go ahead. I'll see you at the friars' meeting. "

The words didn't stop. Yunhaolei had already left. Only Xia Jue with a shocked face and Hua Qing with a small mouth were left.

"Damn yunhaolei, he left a broken bead. He really thought he was invincible. Ma'am, I'm also a strong man at the peak of my blood. I don't know how to boast. " Hua Qing swears to take the bead away from Xia Jue and put it in his hand for a while.

There is an obvious dragon pattern on the golden bead, and a little dragon is running around in the bead. Although this bead has no ability to fluctuate, Xia Jue can clearly feel its extraordinary.

"Sister Hua Qing, do you know what this bead is? It looks amazing Xia Jue naturally would not know what this bead was, but Xia Jue subconsciously thought that what Yun Haolei gave was absolutely not a commodity.

"It's just a rotten pearl. You really think he's in yunhaolei! " Is it so generous? Hua Qing stares at Xia Jue, who is over deified by Yun Haolei, and then goes to the auction house lightly.

Xia Jue grinned bitterly and shriveled his mouth, and followed closely.

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