"Well, this sister-in-law's character is really hard to digest."

Yunkai town auction website.

At this time, already full of people, countless practitioners gathered around early, waiting for the emergence of Xia Jue and Hua Qing. Many immortals seem to be watching, but in fact they have not achieved much.

The admission quota of Xia Qing fairy market is not an ordinary thing. Under such temptation, countless possibilities will emerge. At this time, the auction site seems calm, but in fact, there is a surge of undercurrent.

Hua Qing's figure suddenly suspended in the air, and then the cultivation of the peak of blood was completely released without reservation. The original noisy venue was silent, and everyone turned their eyes to Huaqing.

As we all know, Huaqing's blood condition at its peak has been repaired, but hearing and vision are totally different things. When Hua Qing really broke out in the peak cultivation of Di Xue, ordinary Di Xue Wu people felt a fever in their body, not to mention those ordinary little ten Wu people. "Nonsense, I don't say much. There are three admission places in xiaqingxian City, but they can only be sold one by one. The starting price of each place is 10 million! The price increase should not be less than one million each time! Start now

Even if there is no prologue, Hua Qing is so simple and rude. However, the venue is still very popular, even if it does not warm up the admission quota auction of the summer green fairy market.

After the first auction, Xia Jue was late.

I learned from the staff that the admission quota of the first summer fairy market reached a high price of 20 million. Hearing the news, Xia Jue's eyes lit up. Before he and the sword demon were killed in the arena, they only got 10 million xuanjing. Now they got 20 million xuanjing in the first auction. The contrast is too big.

The second round of auctions is also in full swing. The fairies at the venue kept showing the highest price they could accept. Many of the immortals in the blood don't have their own strength. They are weaker than others, compared with those who are rich.

Finally, the second round of auction ended.

The result of the second round of auction was beyond everyone's expectation. A man who mended an immortal through a hole directly won the second place at the price of 30 million yuan. Although his cultivation only broke the empty state, he had more xuanjing.

When Meizizi was waiting for the quota in the name of Xiuxian, Huaqing made a shocking sound in the air.

"Second round doesn't count, auction again! Under the new rules, practice under virtual conditions can not participate in the bidding

Hua Qing's words shocked everyone in the venue, and they were not allowed to participate in the bidding in the virtual environment, which clearly showed their contempt for each other's strength.

The face of the cave mender was suddenly hot, and the original elation turned into great ridicule at this time. The laughter of the people around him seemed to slap him in the face.

"Asshole! You are all going to die The immortal who broke the hole didn't walk by himself, just waved, and then a immortal who lost blood rushed into the meeting hall.

"First blood?"

Huaqing eyes flash a trace of disdain, turned over is a pink petals.

"Door god, if you want quota, be aboveboard. It's a shame to entrust someone to bid for such a thing! "

At the beginning of the blood state, the cultivator wanted to avoid Huaqing's petals, but the petals seemed to stare at him. No matter how he dodged, he was stabbed. Then the petals burst in the body, and in the early stage of the blood drop, the immortals spit out a mouthful of blood, and then withdraw from the crowd.

At the beginning of this drop of blood, after the warrior left, a group of people suddenly came out of the crowd, their faces were full of scars, and a thick murderous gas slowly emanated from him.

Originally sleepy sword demon suddenly opened his eyes, staring at scar face. "I didn't want to expose the target. Since you Huaqing is determined to die, don't blame my shenzongmen for being rude!"

The strong murderous atmosphere swept the whole venue, and the temperature of the venue dropped suddenly.

Scar face evil star's cultivation has reached the late stage of blood dripping. This cultivation, combined with strong murderous Qi, is enough to frighten the immortal practitioners below No.5 Middle School.

In the meeting hall, all the people who cultivate immortals in No.5 Middle School couldn't move. Even Xia Jue and the sword devil felt difficult to breathe at this time. It must be said that the strength of the people sent by shenzongmen this time is really not simple.

Huaqing is still suspended in the air, staring down at the scarred face, his hatred for shenzongmen is deeper.

There is no doubt that shenzongmen chose this time to start working, because she wanted Xiajue to hold the auction with her. When the other side's cultivation reached the late stage of bleeding, she had a little difficulty in getting rid of the other side.

It is even possible that the last battle against skeletons will break out again. Once that battle breaks out, there will be countless casualties in the field, and the reputation of Hua Qing and Xia Jue will collapse completely.

If you can hold an auction but you can't suppress it, I'm afraid it will make people laugh and be generous. Xiajue is very good, but Huaqing is different.

Huaqing, as the master of Huazong and Xiaozong, is very serious when she is with Xiajue. After all, her words and deeds represent Huazong. Huazong is not an ordinary clan, but a person who fought side by side in the heyday of the mainland!Once there is such a reputation problem, even if she is the owner of Huaqing, Huazong and Xiaozong, she will have to make great efforts to recover Huazong's image after returning home, and there will certainly be some punishment.

"Huaqing, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Today, as long as you give us the last two places, we will not only let bygones be bygones, but also give you 30 million xuanjing. " Scar face showed a vicious smile, his eyes in Huaqing proud chest back and forth.

Shenzong gate now pinches Huaqing's life gate. They calculate that Huaqing won't do it easily, otherwise the auction site will be destroyed and Huazong will lose its reputation in the past.

Besides, even Hua Qing really wants to move. Even if he loses, it's OK to leave. At that time, even if shenzongmen can't get those two places, Huaqing and Xiajue can only rot in their hands.

It's not worth the effort. Hua Qing and Xia Jue have no spare time to hold another auction. Even if there is, the infamous auction held by them will hardly be overcrowded today.

"I have to say, yunhaolei, you are too unpredictable." Hua Qing's face is helpless, but her eyes are full of curiosity. She also wanted to know what the beads left by Yun Haolei were for. Xia Jue saw Hua Qing's expression and naturally understood it. Suddenly in the heart of the worship of cloud Haolei more than a point, if not for cloud Haolei had expected, Huaqing at this time also don't know how to do.

Huaqing throws yunhaolei's beads directly into the sky. The golden beads suddenly turn into gold. The dazzling golden beads are suspended in the air like a small sun.

"What is that?"

Scar face strongly held back the dazzling golden light, vigorously opened his eyes, and then was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The golden light soon dissipated, the golden beads disappeared, but an unexpected scene appeared in the sky.

A golden dragon is hovering in the air, and its golden eyes are now staring at scar's face.

The appearance of Jinlong shocked almost everyone present. Everyone knew what Jinlong represented and symbolized in Fenghua.

In the whole Fenghua mainland, the only leader of the Longling cabinet who has established power on the remains of yunhaolei, the strongest dragon people in Fenghua mainland, is represented by Jinlong. When Jinlong comes out, he symbolizes yunhaolei. In Jinlong's face, although it is only an energy body, even if the scarred face is in the later stage of blood dripping, it also feels that it comes from this Jinlong's strong breath of death

a Huaqing may not be able to solve him, but with this Jinlong, it's not necessary.

besides, scar face evil star still doesn't want to die, so it's definitely not worth giving his name to others for bluff.

Golden Dragon appears, even if you can't finish the task, go back and push everything to Yun Haolei, you have nothing to say. After all, even if it's hidden, it won't be an opponent of yunhaolei, let alone talk about him.

"Huaqing, you are malicious! Let's go

Although I have figured it out in my heart, it's too humiliating to do it in reality. Scar put in a cruel word, then took his own people away.

After scar face evil star left, everyone in the meeting hall swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at the golden dragon with some fear. Inevitably, there was a trace of fear.

Although there are rumors that Hua Qing, the owner of Zonghua Xiaozong, has some ambiguous relationship with yunhaolei, the owner of Longling, these rumors are rumors after all, and few people would believe them before.

However, after today, no one in the meeting hall will not believe that Hua Qing has nothing to do with Yun Haolei. Otherwise, how can Jin long, the symbol of Longling hall, fall into her hands?

At the beginning, Yun Haolei was an easy dragon, the strongest among the major forces, and later became famous in the first World War! What impressed you most at that time was Yun Haolei's golden dragon,

Golden Dragon was just a copy of Yun Haolei. It not only has the same strength, but also can agglomerate again after being destroyed. It's more plug-in than plug-in.

No one dares to go to Jinlong to test the water. No matter what the result is, even if the Jinlong is fake, they don't have the courage to provoke the face of Yun Haolei, the first person in the mainland. In this way, after Huaqing sacrificed Jinlong, the people living in the God's family fled, and the auction continued.

Three places are sold at a high price of 67 million yuan. Each place you buy is a drop of blood to cultivate immortals. One drop of blood to cultivate immortals reaches the middle of a drop of blood!

This is really beyond Hua Qing's expectation, because most of these loose repairs are stuck in the early years of the blood environment, which can be said to have completely lost the hope of further progress. It's really hard for a monk to reach the middle stage of blood state.

After the auction, Hua Qing was called by the three drops of blood. After getting to know each other, the three also promised to do their best to ensure the safety of Xia Jue in Xia Qingxian club.

Of course, in return, Huaqing will give them the title of honorary elder on behalf of Huazong. These three blood dripping practitioners are all scattered practitioners who are unwilling to condescend. Huaqing also sees this, which not only allows them to continue to travel freely outside, but also allows them to come to Huazong for resources when they need to. As a price, these three people only need to help when Huazong is destroyed.Huazong is facing an extreme disaster? It's a joke. Huazong is the leader of Tianbei area in Fenghua mainland. Except for Longling Pavilion, the power that can destroy them really doesn't exist. Moreover, Yun Haolei has an extraordinary relationship with Huazong and Xiaozong masters in front of them. This kind of thing is just out of the question.

If you want resources, you can get them. If you pat your ass, you can go. You don't want them to do anything else. There are really few such good things, so these seemingly delivered cakes will naturally be accepted by the three drops of blood practitioners.

In fact, the seemingly blood losing business of Huazong almost made Huaqing laugh. Although these three blood dripping practitioners will not consume less resources in the future, they will have three more blood dripping conditions in Huazong.

blood dripping is the highest level that elegance and the mainland can achieve. Although one of the three people thought that the other two were pre bleeding, it didn't hurt.

The reason why Shenzong often offends Huazong is that although Huazong is the most powerful, the two patriarchs are the peak of dixue, but there are only a few other dixue immortals. This time, Hua Qing recruited three bloody warriors, which will make Hua Zong's strength strengthen again!

Both sides are satisfied with the win-win business. After introducing each other's names to Xia Jue, Hua Qing goes to prepare for the friars' meeting.

In the early days of the world of dripping blood, two immortals were called Tianqing and minglan respectively. Tianqing is a male immortal and minglan is a female immortal. In the middle of the blood realm, there is a male cultivator named dingchi, who is also the master of huilinggen and has the attribute of alien wind. "These two days, the three elders will have a rest here in Yunkai town. Early the day after tomorrow, we will go to the main city of Tiannan, Beicheng, to attend the friars' meeting. The friars' conference also hopes that the three will do their best to help each other. " Hua Qing said to the three new elders.

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