All in all, he can be sure of one thing.

Xia Jue is not a member here.

I don't know who brought him in or how.

But in that case, he had nothing to fear.

"You have to give me an account of it!" The greasy haired man took out one cigarette after another, and then his subordinates came to light it for him.

"I don't know what you want to say?"

Before Xia Jue spoke, a voice came from behind.

"Here comes Ren Shao."

"Yes, Ren Shao is here. Get out of the way."

The crowd got out of the way one after another, and Ren Zu came over with a cigar in his mouth.

"Ren Shao." The man with shiny hair has to say hello to Ren zulai.

"This is Mr. Xia. I don't know what kind of statement Hong Jingyi wants?"

Ren Zu recently changed his usual style. During this period, he went to the boxing school to train. How did he live this kind of nightlife.

Maybe these days are too boring.

Ren Zu suddenly wanted to come here for a drink today. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Xia Jue blocked here, so he rushed to see who was so short-sighted that he dared to offend Xia Jue.

"I dare not."

Manager Hong has been a good manager for so long.

It seems that the man is ready to offend his ancestors.

"Since this is Ren Shao's friend, let's forget about it. Let's break up." Manager Hong spoke out.


As soon as manager Hong finished, he was slapped.

The crowd around the scene to see all solidified, do not understand what Ren Zu means.

"Ren Shao, what do you mean?" Manager Hong covered his face.

"My Ren Zu is under Mr. Xia, and he is not qualified to be his friend." Ren Zu said to Manager Hong.

Hearing this, people's minds couldn't turn around.

Is the well-known rich and young in China not worthy to be friends of ugly men?

Only worthy to be his man?

What is the origin of this ugly young man?

Lin Yao beside Xia Jue was even more frightened.

Lin Zhen was so respectful to the ugly man in front of him. Now Ren Zu is proud to be his subordinate. Who is the ugly man?

Lin Yao's beautiful eyes kept spinning back and forth on Xia Jue.

"Who are you, who dare to stop Mr. Xia in front of me?" Ren Zu looks at seven or eight bodyguards who surround Xia Jue.

Seven or eight bodyguards were a little at a loss and turned to look at Chen Hao.

Ren Zu followed the line of sight of the bodyguards, and immediately gave a cold hum.

"Chen Hao, are you tired of living?" Ren Zu asked directly.

Chen Hao is No.1 in the second generation circle of Zhonghai. How can Ren Zu make him shameless in public.

"Ren Zu, he did it to me first. According to you, I can't fight back?" Ren Zu's response is not to be outdone.

"Sorry, I can't. clean up the rubbish for me. Don't let it affect Mr. Xia's mood." Ren Zufen told the bodyguards behind him.

The bodyguards had to make Chen Hao's bodyguards go away with a grim smile.

"Ren Shao, give me face and stop making trouble. It's very difficult for me to do that." Manager Hong is very embarrassed to say.

"Get the hell out of you. I'll give you face. You can count the number and let your boss tell me."

Hearing this, manager Hong's face was very dark.

"Bang bang."

The residence is in a mess.

Ren Zu brought more than a dozen bodyguards, but the other side had only seven or eight, so he was quickly cleaned up.

"Go back first, Mr. Xia, and leave it to me." Ren Zu came to Xia Jue and said respectfully.

Xia Jue didn't say much. He nodded and left.

"Hello, that... Mr. Xia..." Lin Yao chased Xia Jue all the way out.

Xia Jue stopped, then turned to look at him with cold eyes.

Lin Yao was startled by Xia Jue's eyes, and suddenly she didn't dare to say it.

Xia Jue turned and sat in master Zhou's car and left.

Looking at Xia Jue who left, Lin Yao bit her lip, very unwilling.

Back at the villa, it was late at night.

It seems that Xia Yijue has never left.

Xia Jue crept into the bed and let the queen fall asleep.

The next morning.

Xia Jue gets up with a black eye and follows Su Yihan to the company.

"Mr. Su and Mr. Xia, the presidents of the three banks are here. They are sitting in the waiting room now." Once in the company, Wu Yiyi can't wait to say."Here comes the governor of the bank? What's going on? " Su Yihan is a little strange.

"I don't know, but they are very excited to see you."

"Ask them to come to the conference room, and ask the management of the company to come too." Since the other party is here to collect debts, it's natural for the management to think of ways to deal with it.

"Yes." Wu Yiyi turned and left.

Not long after Xia Jue and Su Yihan came to the meeting room, a group of management personnel of the company also came in, and then three middle-aged people also came in, followed by the three bank managers of yesterday.

"Three presidents, our company's capital flow is insufficient now. If you have to recover the interest, our company can assign several pieces of land to you, but it must be according to the same level in the market. Our Su's real estate is not a fat sheep, and not everyone can be slaughtered at will." Su Yihan was the first to do so.

This is also a plan that she came up with after careful thinking last night.

Although the transfer of land to these banks will weaken the prestige of Su's real estate in the real estate industry, at present, the company is short of funds, and this is the only way.

"No, Mr. Su, you misunderstood. We are not here to collect debts."

The three presidents said in a hurry.

"What are you here for?" Su Yihan is a little confused.

"Xia... Mr. Xia." The president of China Construction Bank looks at Xia Jue.

"That's right. Have I withdrawn all the money I have in your CCB?" Xia Jue asked.

This made the president of China Construction Bank stand up: "Mr. Xia, our bank doesn't have so much money for the time being."

After the president of China Construction Bank finished, the presidents of yuanxia bank and Tianshang bank also stood up.

"Mr. Xia, we Tianshang bank don't have so much money for the time being."

"Mr. Xia, our yuanxia bank doesn't have so much money for the time being."

This made Su's real estate managers startled.

Even the presidents of the three major banks came to say that they didn't have so much money. How much money did Xia Jue's cards have?

They originally thought that Xia Jue had just played this trick to delay for some time, but now it seems that it is greatly beyond their expectation.

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