"All right, when will you be rich?" Xia Jue said without expression.

"Well, Mr. Xia, could you please don't withdraw the money? If you withdraw the money, our bank will go bankrupt." The president of China Construction Bank said.

It's not that they don't have more than 100 billion yuan in such a big bank.

However, if more than 100 billion yuan is taken away, it will cause a series of chain reactions, and then the people will follow suit to withdraw money, then it will really be bankrupt.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, we Tianshang bank also implore you not to withdraw the money. Please give us a way to live."

"Mr. Xia, it is our yuanxia bank that has done something wrong. We are willing to cancel all the debt interest of your company. Don't you think so?"

After hearing this, Su's real estate management and others were extremely shocked.

How much are Xia Jue's cards.

It's incredible that a bank can go bankrupt if it's taken out.

"No, three presidents, what do you think of my Su's real estate as, our kind of enterprises that don't pay their debts? How much money do you owe? Just take it from your card and take out the rest. " Xia Jue knocked the table back and forth with his fingertips.

The three presidents look very ugly.

They know that it was yesterday that angered Xia Jue, and then Xia Jue retaliated.

But where did they expect Xia Jue to have saved so much money in their business.

"Mr. Xia, it's this bastard who misinformed me. Yesterday I meant to ask if your company still needs a loan. It's this bastard who made his own decision." The president of China Construction Bank has no choice but to launch the scapegoat of manager in exchange for Xia Jue's depression.

"Yes, that's what I mean. It's the bastard who got me wrong." The president of Tianshang bank also put the pot on the manager.

"That's right. It's all due to this bastard's nonsense. That's not what I mean at all." The president of yuanxia bank naturally put the manager at the top of the gun.

When the three managers heard that their president had pushed them out, they were both frustrated and helpless.

Su's real estate management and others feel very relieved to see this scene.

Think of the domineering look they had yesterday, and the repentant look they have now, it's really a day of East and west of the river.

Seeing things, Xia Jue turns to Su Yihan.

After spending so long with Xia Jue, Su Yihan naturally knows what Xia Jue means.

"Well, three governors, what do you really mean?" Su Yihan asked the three governors.

The three presidents were relieved to know that Su's real estate was finally willing to help them.

"What we want them to convey is that in order to express our bank's support for Su's real estate, yuanxia bank is willing to provide interest free support for Su's real estate for three, oh no, five years."

"Yes, China Construction Bank is the same. We are willing to provide interest free support for Su's real estate for five years."

"We Tianshang bank are the same."

"Oh, that's true. It's really a misunderstanding. I've said for a long time that we Su's real estate have such a good relationship with your bank. How could your bank fall into trouble?" Su Yihan smiles.

"Yes, Mr. Su, this is really a misunderstanding. Anyway, China Construction Bank supports your Su's real estate."

"Yes, Mr. Su, that Shangnan real estate is just a clown. I can't turn over any storm. I will cut off their loan after I go back."


half an hour later, after paying some price, the three presidents who came out of Su's real estate wiped their sweat.

I've finally passed.

It's dangerous.

"You son of a bitch, pack up and get out of here as soon as you get back." The president of China Construction Bank said to the manager.

Now that he has paid such a high price, even if he is the president, he can't bear it. Therefore, he needs to find a newspaper with a black pot. Of course, the most suitable person is the bank manager who is in charge of this incident.

The manager also has a hard time.

He did everything according to the president's words, but now he has come to such an end.


after Xia Jue solved the problem, Xia Jue took ah Gou and other people to the boxing hall to start a new day of training.

Today's boxing hall is very cold, only Luther is sitting on the bar.

Good morning, Mr. Xia

As soon as Xia Jue and others entered the martial arts center, Lu Deli even began to say hello.

The reason why the martial arts school is so cold today is that Wen Jing specially explained it.

Because Wenjing said that from today on, the martial arts center will only serve Xia Jue, and no one else will be allowed to enter.

"Isn't Ren Zu coming yet?" Xia Jue said to the dog.

In the past, he would come to train with them on time every day. Why didn't he come suddenly today? This made Xia Jue a little puzzled.Did you play last night?

"Mr. Xia, I'll call him right now." Ah, the dog is about to call him.

However, after playing for a long time, it has been shown that the line is busy, but it has not been got through, which makes the dog quite helpless.

"Leave him alone and start today's training." Xia Jue spoke.


at the same time.

In a senior ward of the first people's Hospital of China shipping.

"Ren Lin, your son is so powerful that he dares to break my son's leg." Beside the bed, a bald man Ren looked at Ren Zu and others who came to visit.

"You son of a bitch, come and apologize to Chen Hao." Ren Lin glares at Ren Zu.

"He deserves to apologize." Ren Zu didn't want to come, but his father forced him to come.

"You rebellious son..." Ren Lin points to Ren Zu.

"Well, Ren Lin, I'll tell you, if you don't give me an explanation for this one day, then your Ren family's catering business in Zhonghai can't go on one day." The bald man dropped his hard words.

"Brother Chen, it's not necessary for us to be so serious." "I took out a check from Wulin to make amends to your son." Ren Lin passes it to the bald man.

"Do you think we Chen family are beggars? Is that all sincerity? If that's the case, get out of here. " The balding man was ungrateful.

"You..." Ren Lin was a little angry: "in brother Chen's opinion, how can this matter be solved?"

"Give 50% of the shares of your group to our Chen family. Let's just have a drink." Bald man light said.

"I don't think you're awake." Before Ren Lin spoke, Ren Zu began to mock.

"Brother Chen, the group is the foundation of my Ren family. Do you think it is possible for our Ren family to give up their foundation?"

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