Chapter 94 problem solving

Chapter 94 problem solving

"what did you say?" Chen Heng wondered if he had heard the wrong thing.

"Mr. Chen, our group has been sealed up by the building." Women say it again.

"What's the matter? Did you call my in laws? " Chen Heng stood up with an excited look.

"Yes, but not for the time being."

"No way." Chen Heng didn't believe it. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

On one side, Ren Lin, who was powerless, heard the news with some color in his eyes.


The bald man made five or six calls back and forth, but they didn't get through.

"Dad, what's going on?" Chen Hao began to lie in bed.

"Don't fight. No one can save your Chen family this time." This time it's Ren Zu's turn to ridicule.

"Hum, don't be complacent. Our Chen family is deeply rooted. It's not you who can move when you say you can." Chen hengleng snorted.

"Breaking news, breaking news. It is reported that Ma Gang, the leader of the city, has been interviewed and investigated by relevant departments for serious violations of law and discipline."

At this time, the local news station broadcast the news.

"What, it's impossible."

The father and son of Chen are all coming out of the TV.

"Ding Ling Ling."

Ren Lin's phone rings.

As soon as he saw that it was the vice president of the group, he quickly picked it up.

"Mr. Ren, good news, great news."

"Say it."

"Several big leaders came to apologize in person, saying that it was an order from Ma Gang and had nothing to do with them. Now our group and its subordinate restaurants have been unsealed."

"What?" Hear a few big leaders come to apologize in person, Ren Lin's face is incredible.

Put down the phone, Ren Lin suddenly stood up and grabbed Ren Zu: "ah Zu, what's the matter?"

"Dad, I've long said that I don't have to be afraid of his Chen family, but it's just a city leader who can be a backer. It's not good to shine shoes for Mr. Xia." Ren Zu said triumphantly.

"Mr. Xia, who is Mr. Xia?" Ren Lin said excitedly.

How can Ren Lin not be excited.

This is the end of the mountain and the end of the river. There's no way out. There's another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

They thought they were going to die this time.

I didn't expect a big reversal.

Their family seems to be intact, but the Chen family has a big fall.

"Mr. Xia is my boss." Ren Zu said with a proud face.

"Brother Ren, this is a misunderstanding. We don't want to pay for it. We don't want anything."

Chen Heng made a lot of phone calls, used a lot of relations in many ways, but after he failed, he had to admit his life.

And he also had to admit his fate, otherwise the place waiting for their Chen family would be doomed.

"Hum, don't drive you out of Zhonghai's house until it's too late." Ren Zu embraces them with both hands and looks down at them.

"Ah Zu, we've known each other for a long time. Didn't you have a good time with ah Hao before? It's your Uncle Chen. I'm confused. Let's forget it. Let's take 200 million as the compensation this time. What do you think?"

Chen Heng has no way, can only humble said.

"Yes, ah Zu, think about our happy days before. This time it's my Chen family. Please let our Chen family go."

If their Chen family is driven out of Zhonghai, the former glory and wealth will no longer exist, so Chen Hao is constantly begging for mercy.

"Well, Dad, let's go." Ren Zu didn't want to pay any attention to the father and son. They deserved it.

"Ah Zu, ah Zu."

Chen Heng quickly chased out, but Ren Lin didn't pay any attention. Until they got in the car and left, Chen Heng was unable to sit on the ground.

After getting on the bus, Ren Lin couldn't help it.

"Ah Zu, tell me honestly, who is Mr. Xia?"

No wonder Ren Lin is so shocked.

Ma Gang is one of the top five leaders in Zhonghai City, and this Mr. Xia won him in a word. That Mr. Xia's background can be said to be sky high.

"Dad, don't ask. All you know is that Mr. Xia is a terrible man. Do you know the Wang family who made a lot of noise in China Sea some time ago?"

"Wang family, I know. In the early days, they were going to marry the Su family who was engaged in cement business. At that time, the Su family's nose was almost up to the sky. Unfortunately, later, for no reason, the Wang family collapsed overnight." Ren Lin sighs.

"The Wang family, which provoked Mr. Xia, was destroyed overnight." Ren Zu said lightly."What Ren Zu's eyes were wide open.

It's more shocking than seeing Ma just fall on TV.

In the final analysis, Ma Gang is just a leader of Zhonghai city. Although he can call the wind and the rain in Zhonghai, he is nothing when he goes out to Zhonghai.

But the Wangs are different.

That's a big family in Kyoto.

They say a word, not to mention a small Zhonghai, even the provincial capital is going to shake, but such a big family was even settled by Mr. Xia in one night?

If he hadn't heard this from his son, he wouldn't have believed it.

"Take me to visit Mr. Xia quickly. The Ren family has helped us so much that we have to thank them." Ren Lin excitedly grabs Ren Zu's hand.

"Dad, no, Mr. Xia won't care about that."

"Why not? What do you know? It's a matter of human feelings and worldly wisdom. Although it's just a matter of lifting a finger for him, we can't be like a nobody, otherwise it's not certain that Mr. Xia will have a bad heart in the future."

In the end.

Ren Zu still can't beat his father. He takes his father to the boxing hall to thank Xia Jue.

Soon, they went to the boxing center.

Xia Jue was training gangsters when he got to the boxing hall.

"Here comes Zuge."

"Yes, why did Zuge come now?"

When the gangsters saw the dog coming, they made noises one after another.

"Mr. Xia." Renzu comes to Xiajue to say hello.

"It's settled?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Thanks to Mr. Xia. By the way, Mr. Xia, this is my father." Ren Zu pointed to Ren Lin beside him.

Ren Lin immediately stood up: "Mr. Xia, my name is Ren Lin, this time thanks to Mr. Xia to save my Ren family, my Ren family is very grateful for this life, this is my little heart, please Mr. Xia must accept it." Ren Lin passes a check to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue glanced at the amount in the checkbook.

The amount is 500 million.

But Xia Jue didn't mean to be interested.

"Take it back, Ren Zu is also my person. No one can bully him if I'm here."

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